3:11pm Jul 9 2012
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Connor, hearing his name from outside his room, quickly changed the channel from the Titanic back to UFC fighting. He would never be caught watching chick flicks; his life would be over, along with his man card. He had the sound turned up loud and grimaced.
Suddenly, everything seemed so... Odd. He opened the door to see Iza standing there, all wrapped up. "Iza, are you okay?" He asked her, voice concerned. From another room, he could barely hear Calim muttering to himself. The vampire's eyes grew wide as he turned back to Iza.
"Where's Louis? Is he okay? What's going on? Did Calim hurt him? I'll kill the son of a bi-" Connor cut himself off, shaking from anger. He listened around the house, trying to find Louis. Nothing. No freaking out, no shouting, no cleaning, no anything.
Connor walked into the living room and stared at Calim with a ferocious glare.
"What did you do to him?" He eventually snarled at the poor werebeast. He didn't care that he was blaming himself already, that he was in pain for hurting someone he knew. Hell, Calim was lucky that Connor hadn't tried to beat his brains out already. Stupid, over protective vampire...
[[ .... Connor is going to miss Louis. ;-; ]]

3:42pm Jul 9 2012
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Posts: 379
Iza parted her lips and was about to answer when Connor pushed past her, and she rolled her eyes as he stormed towards Calim. "Boys!" she sighed to herself, rushing after him and appearing at the door just as Connor started interrogating Calim; at least, that was what it looked like. She took a step forward and reached up to put a hand on Connor's shoulder, trying her best to calm him down. "Connor, it's alright. Louis will be fine. It wasn't Calim's fault, or Louis', or mine, and definitely not yours. Don't you dare start blaming yourself, okay?" Iza spoke gently, but whether it would have any effect she didn't know. Slowly she backed away, sinking down into another armchair. "We're all tired, it's been a long day. Louis will be fine, as will we all. We just need sleep, right?" she asked, half wanting someone to agree with her just to convince her. She ran a hand through her hair, only just remembering the knots in it. I really should brush it. What will Louis think if -- Iza cut herself off as she remembered the accident, then shook her head. Why did she always have to think negatively?
3:58pm Jul 9 2012
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Connor jumped at Iza's soft touch. He had been so trained on Calim that he hadn't even heard her come up. He was loosing his touch; a very bad thing for a vampire. He listened to her, every word, staying silent for the time being. His blank eyes followed the girl to her seat.
"Don't blame myself?" Connor finally repeated, his voice soft. "Not my fault? Of course, it's my fault! If anyone here could have protected Louis' from Calim in his form, it would be me! I could have protected him, but I didn't. I was in my own fantasy land, not watching out for my friends. So, you can't just sit there and tell me it's not my fault!" His voice began soft, but by the end, he was shouting at his roommate.
Connor ran his fingers through his hair once, letting out a deep breath.
"I need to see him. I need to feed.... I... I have to get out of here. I have to get out of here..."
[[ Jeez, Conner... Why don't you just freak out some more? ]]
4:18pm Jul 9 2012
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Posts: 379
Iza jumped to her feet, abandoning the safety of her warm blankets and stepping right up to Connor. She knew she would be no match for him, but still she tried her best to pin his arms to his sides and looked him in the eyes. "Connor, listen to me. This is NOT your fault. I could easily say the same thing, but we've got to stay calm for all of our sakes, and for Louis' sake. So don't blame yourself. Do you understand?" She was panting a little by the time she finished speaking. She wasn't shouting, yet somehow the amount of force she was trying to put into the words tired her out. A wave of sleepiness washed over her, and she swayed a little where she stood; she needed sleep, but all she wanted to do was check that Louis was okay and make sure Connor calmed down. Calim looked okay from where she stood, and she blinked at him in what she thought was a warm way as she shuffled back to her seat.
7:55pm Jul 9 2012
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Posts: 11,785
Calim flinched when he was asked what hemd done, the poor thing shrinking as far as he could as he looked over with wide, terrified, tear-filled eyes. "I-I.... I don't know...." he whimpered, starting to shake again before he shot outside the house to just curl up out there. he was afrraid of himself, even more so than he had been before.
He buried his face into his knees, fighting with the rush of emotions he felt. He finally just broke down again, his fingers gripping his short brown hair. He'd almost killed one of his friends, one of the few people who tried to understand what and who he was.
"I'm so sorry...." he whispered thrrough his small break down, soon overcome with just...a fit of sobs. He'd never acted anywhere near like this before...never even cried while he sat on this house...yet here he was, huddled up in a little ball outsside, sobbing. How could he bring himself to even go back inside after what hemd done....?
7:57pm Jul 9 2012
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Posts: 11,785
((Calim's not going to trust himself touching anyone for a while. ;c))
10:37pm Jul 9 2012
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Posts: 1,786
[[ Poor Calim. :c
It's not like Connor is making it easier on him either. xD
Anywho, I'll be posting in a moment~ ]]
10:55pm Jul 9 2012
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Posts: 11,785
((Connor's just making it worse on poor Calim. </3))
11:07pm Jul 9 2012
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[[ Yeah, Connor's an ass. >>
I love him though. xD ]]
Connor stared blankly at Iza, once again. He hated the fact that she was right. He took her words, though he didn't believe them. She couldn't have prevented this; she could barely walk and talk without having to stop to catch her breath. He shook his head at the thought. It was his fault; he knew it too.
Connor sighed and walked next to Iza. He placed his hand in the middle of her back, attempting to help her back to her seat. When they reached it, he nodded once her way and made his way outside. From the corner of his eye, he saw Calim curled into a ball, crying his eyes out. Connor walked to the werebear and placed his hand on the man's shoulder. He couldn't stay mad at the crying man; he was as much as fault as he was.
With a slight squeeze of Calim's shoulder, Connor then walked off. He was going to the hospital. Maybe. He needed to feed too; he had to everyday, much like a human has to eat everyday. He just needed to clear his head.

11:18pm Jul 9 2012
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Posts: 11,785
((the visiting hours are over at the hospital. XD Calim got shoved out.))
Calim jumped when he felt a hand on his shoulder, the werebear pausing to look up to watch Connor walking away. He lifted a hand to wipe at his eyes, though he remained huddled up, not wanting to go back inside. He couldn't trust himself any more...he couldn't allow himself back in there. What if he were to hurt someone again?
He shook his head, burying his face back down into his knees. He wanted to go see Louis again, to tell him how sorry he was, but he knew he'd get turned away. He still couldn't believe he'd forgotten what the day was...HOW could he have forgotten?! This wasn't anyone's fault but his own...he should have known what day it was, what phase of the moon it was!
He shuddered again, whimpering softly. He just...couldn't believe it... He could have killed him! If he had died it would have been all his fault....and nothing could change it! It was all because of him...no matter what anybody else said... He just...
"I'm so sorry..."

2:10am Jul 10 2012
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Posts: 379
Iza curled her legs under her, resting her head against the back of the chair. Connor had most likely gone by now, but she could still here Calim crying from outside. There was so many things she wanted to do; visit Louis, comfort Calim in some way, finally have something to eat, clean up the broken glass... but she knew that most of all she needed sleep. Visiting hours in the hospital would be a long way past over, and Iza wasn't sure how to approach Calim anyway. Sleep, then food, then Louis, then the glass, she decided mentally, rising to her feet. She pulled the duvet with her, making her way towards the front door. She peered around the door frame, sighing when she saw Calim curled up like that. "Calim?" She called softly. "I'm going up to bed. Is there anything you need?" She had no idea if he was even listening to her, but she would have felt bad had she not said anything to him.
[[Yay for short posts.]]
3:24pm Jul 10 2012
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Posts: 1,786
[[ Oh, Trust me. Connor knows. xD He's a persistent little bastard. ]]
Connor stalked down the street, walking to the hospital. It was late, and no visitors would be allowed, but he would think of something. Use his charm, if there was any left. He couldn't believe what was happening. No matter what Iza had said, the man felt guilty. He... He didn't even want to think about it.
It took some time, but Connor eventually made it to the hospital. He went up to the nurses station and asked where Louis was. They told him visiting hours were over, something he already knew.
"It's okay, he's my brother." The nurse looked at his skeptically, since they looked nothing alike. "Step brother, ma'am."
With a sigh, the nurse led him to Louis' room. She eyed him, Connor could feel it, but he wasn't looking at her. He was looking at Louis, on the bed. He could almost feel his heart break from the sight. His poor roommate!
"You have twenty minutes, 'step brother'."
Connor thanked the nurse without looking at her. He approached the bed and pulled a chair next to it. He plopped himself on the chair, exhausted. The vampire put both of his elbows on the bed, grabbing Louis' limp hand in both his hands. He put it to his forehead and sighed. The tears slowly dripped down his face as he did so. It was the first time the vampire had cried in decades.
"Oh, Louis," Connor said, knowing that the boy couldn't hear him. But he hoped, just hoped, that he could. That he could hear him, but just couldn't respond. "I'm so sorry I wasn't there to protect you." He paused; his voice had caught on the last word. "I was the only one who could... but I didn't. I'm so sorry, man."
A soft knock at the door pulled Connor from his trance. He turned to see the nurse staring at him curiously. She pointed to her plain wrist, indicated that he time was up. Connor nodded once and turned back to Louis. He quickly wiped his eyes of the tears. How embarrassing.
Connor had a sudden urge to do something, since Louis was in a coma and the nurse was his only witness. The vampire leaned down and gently kissed Louis on his forehead before turning to leave. He gave a sheepish grin to the lady at the door before passing. How embarrassing. Again.
Connor took a deep breath and instantly regretted it. The hospital smelled of a combination of human odor, antiseptic, and blood. So, so much blood. Not a good thing for a hungry vampire. His stomach clenched at the thought of feeding. He quickened his pace, needing to get out of the hospital as soon as possible.
[[ Lalala... Random post. Blah blah blah.
-Is bored- ]]

9:12pm Jul 12 2012
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Posts: 1,786
[[ Wow. Just realized how long that post was. o.o ]]
8:02pm Jul 15 2012
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Posts: 1,786
[[ .... When is Rika bringing in the guy with the sassy-pants hip sway? |D ]]
1:44am Jul 16 2012
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Posts: 11,785
((XD Depends on if he'll get a warm welcome~))
5:58am Jul 16 2012
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Posts: 379
[[...Are we waiting on me? e_______e]]
6:33am Jul 16 2012
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Posts: 11,785
((I dunno. XD
Should I go ahead and skip to the next morning? ouo))
6:43am Jul 16 2012
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Posts: 379
[[I guess so ewe]]
7:09am Jul 16 2012 (last edited on 7:10am Jul 16 2012)
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Posts: 11,785
The next morning, Calim only trudged into the house long enough to take a shower and grab food to take with him to give to Sherbet, who had been left with Louis at the hospital where he lay in the coma that he, Calim, had put him in. He shoved his hands into his pockets as he walked, shoulders slumped and eyes downcast, wet hair clinging to his cheeks. and the look in his eyes telling that he hadn't gotten a bit of sleep.
When he reached the hospital, he entered as the same person who had visited the day before and took his place at Louis's side, gently grasping his hand as Sherbet chewed on a small piece of bamboo that Calim got for him. The pink panda let out a soft, sad little noise before he snuggled up closer to the unconscious man laying on the bed.
The werebear slumped forward, both hands wrapped around one of Louis's as he brought it up closer to his face, fresh tears trailing down to drip onto the pristine white sheets. "Louis..." he murmured softly, letting out a soft whimper before he shook his head and broke down once more, shaking lightly from both the stress he was under and the sobs that escaped him as he whispered broken apologies repeatedly to a man who could not hear them.
He hadn't meant o...he hadn't known what he was doing! He had been changed...and nobody was supposed to come near him after he'd changed...
He clenched his teeth after he uttered those words, squeezing Louis's hand a little tighter. Once Louis was okay...he was going to leave...so he didn't put anyone else in danger. He very well could have killed him...but that's not the important thing of the matter... He'd managed to forget he was going to shift that night...and after undergoing that much pain would anyone really be in their right minds?
But that wasn't...the point.
The point was that Louis was laying right in front of him in a coma...
And it was all his fault.
Melinkan groaned softly at the amount of commotion going on. He'd only just returned the previous night, confused at to why Calim was curled up in a ball outside. He'd just shrugged it off and gone to bed at that point, but now he was forced awake once more. He shook his head and let out a soft "Tsk" as he went to shower, unable to stand the feeling of being grimy and dirty.
Once he was out with his hair dry and neatly brushed, as well as one of his usual...rather flamboyant outfits covering him, he set out to look around, his hips swaying as he moved.
"Just what happened here? It looks like a wild animal was in here," he stated with a grimace as he approached Calim's room and peeked inside. He shuddered and quickly backed out to head down the stairs to prepare himself some tea, shaking his head as he moved.
"This is absolutely ridiculous. I will simply have to tell Calim he must keep his room in a better state. It's positively horrid in there," he stated, then realized something wasn't right.
"Wait. Where's Louis?"

6:34pm Jul 16 2012
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Posts: 1,786
"A wild animal? More like our crazy-ass roommate." Connor muttered to himself as he eavesdropped on Melinkan's comment, though not on purpose... Stupid, vampiric hearing. He sighed at himself then shook his head. There he was, being an ass again to a man who hadn't done anything wrong. Poor Calim.
Connor flicked on the Tv, settling on the news. His face dropped when he saw what was on.
Psychotic Man wanted for attacking five people. Two found dead from blood loss. 3 with severe injuries, now hospitalized. With a fairly distorted picture of his face sketched below. Great, he'd have to wear a hat for a while now.
"Well, Kelly, it looks like we have a vampire on the loose!"
"Ah-ha-ha-ha! Jim, you should have pursued comedy instead of newscasting!"
Connor gagged at their ridiculous comments. Quickly turning off the TV, the vampire bolted into the kitchen. He found the Cheese Puffs and started pounding them like Free-Shot-Friday at the bar, members only. Why had he freaked out last night?
Oh. That's right.
"Louis is in a coma!" Connor called back to Melinkan. His voice cracked on the last word. With a quick cough, Connor cleared his throat. He would not be acting like such a girl at a time like this. He had to remember...
Oh. That's right.
The vampire, after leaving the hospital, had the sudden realization that Louis might never wake up from the coma. He might die, any day now. That's the exact moment he went crazy. Anything after that, a blur.
Man. Why is the house such a mess? Oh yeah, Louis isn't here. The dishes need to be done... Who's turn was it? Oh yeah, Louis'. The living room needed to be vacuumed. Louis! Oh wait, he isn't here.
Connor really needed to get it together. He was really losing it. He needed to do something, or someone. Either things helped him through emotional turmoil. Wait... He needed to clean first. What if Louis came home and saw this mess? He'd go straight back to the hospital from a heart attack! With that, Connor put down the Cheese Puffs and started doing the dishes, humming loudly to himself to block all thoughts he might begin to have.
[[ Connor's losing it, man. He's losing it real bad. o3o ]]
