3:25am Jul 17 2012 (last edited on 3:26am Jul 17 2012)
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Posts: 379
Iza stretched in her bed. Her head felt clearer and she smiled to herself, turning her gaze towards the light flooding through the window that she never bothered to cover. She stood up and wandered over to it, her eyes flitting about the garden. The smile faded from her face in a flash as she saw the glass littering the garden, splattered with blood. Louis' blood. She ran a hand over her face, leaning against the wall for support as a dry sob came out. Her eyes began to sting and a single hot tear rolled down her cheek before she rubbed the moisture from her eyes and took a deep breath. "Stop that, Iza. We can't have you breaking down now, can we?" She muttered, brushing the creases from her dark blue pajamas and fixing her hair as best she could. Taking another breath she made her way towards the door, stretching her legs further as she walked. She slowly padded into the kitchen, glancing at the TV blaring away to itself. She looked around for the watcher, and started when she saw Connor doing the dishes. "Isn't it Louis' turn t-- Nevermind," she added swiftly, with a shake of her head. "Fancy some breakfast, or have you already eaten?"
[Mind=blank .___.]
5:15am Jul 17 2012
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((Calim's already lost it. ouo;
He's a wee bit traumatized from nearly killing his friend. ;c))
Melinkan jumped at the coma comment, his eyes widening slightly as he moved to where Connor was, looking confused. "Whoa. wait. Why is he in a coma? What did I miss while I was gone?" he asked, going from calm and a little bit...flowery to suddenly afraid and upset. "Connor, is that why Calim's room is a mess too? What happened? Are they both hurt?" he demanded, leaning in closer before he pulled back, hands clutching at his shirt as he started to walk around.
"Oh god while I was out having fun everything went to hell didn't it?" he asked, immediately going straight to panic before he shook his head. "No, no no no, keep it together don't let it get you started or you'll never calm back down Mel," he murmured before he went to go tie his hair back.
"I'm going to go clean up the mess made by whatever the hell I missed yesterday," he stated, heading off to Calim's room first, trying to hide the fact that even he was shaking. If he'd been here, could this have been prevented...? Tears stung at his soft violet eyes once he reached Calim's room and sunk down to his knees, wiping his eyes as guilt clawed at him, sinking its teeth into him and yanking him down.
He vowed then to never leave the house like that again. Unless it was for something extremely important that he leave, he was going to stay right here and help! He couldn't stand the thought of having possibly been able to do something...
He tried to shrug it off and focus on sweeping and cleaning everything that was out of place in Calim's room until he looked outside and saw all the blood and the glass. He covered his mouth and looked behind him at the deep claw marks on the floor. "No...he didn't..." he muttered as he sank to his knees once more, shaking a little more intensely at this point. "He couldn't have..."
He closed him eyes, piecing together what had happened. "Did...did Calim really do this....?" he whispered as he stood up, leaning against the wall. "But..." He closed his eyes and covered his mouth once more, shaking his head. Did Calim really not have any control when he changed...? hat made him a danger to everyone in the house, especially after this incident.
"Calim...if you knew you had no control...why did you live here....?" he asked, shivering as he slid down the wall. "You turn into a bear for God's sake...why would you live with a bunch of other people knowing that if you changed here...you'd kill them?" he growled through his tears before he slammed his fist against the wall, the impact showing he was stronger than he looked. "How could you be so SELFISH?!" he hissed. "You know if you can't control it...you need to be alone... you're a danger, Calim... You're a dangerous kind of werebeast....and you know better....so why didn't you leave?"
((Lolol I need to wake up at 6 AM more often.))

11:14am Jul 18 2012 (last edited on 11:35am Jul 18 2012)
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Posts: 331
The room suddenly filled with loud noises. Louis' head was killing him. Like he hasn't woken up for ages. He slowly opened his eyes, trying to sit up, but feeling dizziness."G..guys?" He said with a lump in the throat, taking a sip of warm water. "Ew"
He sat on the bed listening to the nurses who were scattered around his bed
-Gasp- "He woke up" On of the nurses leaned over him making him feel quite uncomfortable. He slowly pushed her away with a grimace on his face. "Call, call my friends, I need them." He flopped back on the bed, looking at the nurse with a sad look on his face. His blue eyes watered up.
"Are you ok?" The nurse stuttered. "Ah, I'm fine, erm something must have gotten in my eyes." He quickly wiped his face. "Now go on, call them over" Louis suddenly shuttered, turning over and staring into Calims face. "Calim?!" He looked into his tear soaked eyes. "I'm sorry."
Sheeran away
11:15am Jul 18 2012
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Posts: 331
[[Gais, I'll be back in 2 days, just flopped into this internet caffee here :3]]
Sheeran away
11:44am Jul 18 2012
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Posts: 11,785
Calim looked up when Louis woke up, his red eyes growing wide. He leaned in closer, tearing up even more. "D-don't you dare apologize..." he murmured, lifting a hand to rub at his eyes as Sherbet crawled up to snuggle closer to Louis. "I-it's my fault you're here!" he murmured, leaning forward and hiding his face once more.
He whimpered after a moment and gripped his hand a little tighter. "I put you in here, Louis...you have...no need to apologize to a monster," he whispered, lifting his head again after a moment. "I...I don't know if...if I should stay at the house after this... I could...I could have killed you!" he murmured before he shook his head and wiped at his eyes again. "I...I just...n-needed to know you'd be okay before I could leave.." he murmured softly, shaking lightly again.
11:51am Jul 18 2012
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Posts: 331
"WHAT. What are you even talking about" The heart monitor started to beep faster as Louis' head rested against the wall. His grip on Calims hand slowly got weaker as his eyes fluttered, showing flashes of blue and white. His head dropped on his shoulder.
The nurse ran into the room staring into Calim. "I think you should go now. Looks like you've given him quite a scare. He'll ba all right, he just needs to rest no. After all, he just woke up from a coma."
She shuned him and pushed his towards the door.
[[Tiny post omg i suck]]
Sheeran away
12:02pm Jul 18 2012
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Posts: 11,785
Calim jolted when the other's grip got weaker, his eyes growing wide. "Louis? Louis!" he cried, his heart racing again. "Louis answer me!" he cried again before he just kind of slumped outside the room, his head in his hands and fresh tears rolling fast down his cheeks. He just couldn't seem to do anything properly now. He curled up and simply let himself sob once more, shivering. All he'd done the past couple things is ruin everything...and nearly kill Louis...
2:26pm Jul 18 2012
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Posts: 1,786
[[ omg. Just come back, post then leave why don't you! D:
.... And I still have to post. xD One moment~ ]]
5:48am Jul 19 2012
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Calim sat outside that room sobbing for a good while before he got the guts to simply wander back into the room and lift Sherbet into his arms, wavering for a moment before he leaned down to press his forehead to Louis's, his tears rolling down and lightly falling to the other's cheek. "Louis, I'm so sorry I did this to you..." he said softly, his hair hiding his face as his tears still dripped down. He felt like he'd lost part of himself in hurting Louis like this...
6:04am Jul 19 2012
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Posts: 331
Louis' eyelids slowly opened while he rested his weary head on the pillow. He didn't say a word but gazed into Calim's eyes with a sad look on his face. He knew it wasn't Calim's fault, he knew he couldn't control what he did when he transformed. His grip on Calim's hand hardened, as he stroked the other lads hair.
Louis' mouth opened as he was just about to say something. He grabbed a cup filled with warm minty liquid. The tea made him think of all the mornings they spent in the house.
"Calim.. It's.. it's not your fault. I shouldn't be so clingy.. and I probably shouldn't..erm.. I think it would be the best..eh" Louis looked down as he stroked the back of his head "If I got out of your way.. You guys can handle this without me. And I don't want to sound rude. You know I love you guys, but this has been really terrifying and I don't want it to happen again. I hope you understand."
His eyes teared up as Louis stroked Calim's hand. "I'm so sorry. I really am"
Sheeran away
6:17am Jul 19 2012
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Posts: 11,785
Calim jolted when he felt the other's fingers brush over his hair, the werebear lifting his head and shaking it a moment later. "Louis, we need you whether you believe it or not," he told him, moving to sit down again. "All of us, even me and Connor.... Without you there, it's just not the same... I'm the reason you're in here, so I should be the one to go if anyone leaves," he told him, wrapping both of his hands around Louis's one. "Don't leave them just because of me..." he told him, red eyes focused onto the other. "They miss you, and they're still trying to figure out what to do without you there... You're what's kept us together, Louis...you're the center of the little family we have at the house..."
7:08am Jul 19 2012
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Posts: 331
"Oh don't do this to me" Louis sobbed as he clung to the lads torso. "You're making me all...bleh" He grinned and wiped his face on Calim's shirt
"You're right. I have to get out of here as soon as posible. I bet the house is a mess." He puffed his cheeks and squeezed his eyes. "You should go, you know. I bet they're all dying to hear what's going on here. Plus, I'm a mess. I really need a haircut, right?" Louis grabbed a lock of his perfectly fine hair. "Look at it. It's disgusting"
Sheeran away
7:30am Jul 19 2012
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Posts: 11,785
Calim moved to wrap his arms around Louis after setting Sherbet back down, the embrace gentle, as if he was afraid he would shatter him if he hugged him too tightly. "Louis, you've never looked like a mess," he stated gently. He nuzzled his face into the other's shoulder, hugging him just a little tighter. "You look perfect all the time..."
((Herp. ouo))
8:30am Jul 19 2012 (last edited on 8:32am Jul 19 2012)
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Posts: 331
"Oh shut up you nancy" Louis pushed Calim away as his pale cheeks turned into a sweet pink shade."Anyways, could you bring me some chicken when you come back, these nurses are feeding me this warm salted water which they cal soup. It's probably not even good for my health. " He flipped his hair, still struggling to keep it straight. He had problems when it came to keeping it straight (total pun intended) His mouth widened forming a big green and revealing his messed up teeth.
Sheeran away
8:50am Jul 19 2012
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Posts: 11,785
((Messed up teeth from...Calim? ;o -shot-))
Calim blinked at the comment, then allowed himself a soft chuckle as he lifted his hand to rub at his eyes. "I'll do my best. I'm surprised they haven't stopped me at the door for making you flip out the way you had," he said softly, trying his best to make light conversation. He had noticed the teeth, but he didn't feel the need to point it out at that moment...not to ruin it.
8:54am Jul 19 2012
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Posts: 331
((He always had messed up teeth psh. *points at character bio*))
Sheeran away
9:02am Jul 19 2012
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((-lazy- 8D))
3:09pm Jul 19 2012
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Posts: 1,786
[[ ... I should probably post. ;-; -Is lazy too- |D ]]
9:20pm Jul 19 2012
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Posts: 1,786
Connor turned to face Iza. Yes, it was Louis' turn. But Mr. Expect-the-worse-hope-for-the-best man here figured that Louis was never coming back. So, dishes were going to be his duty from now on. Well, Louis' turn. When it wasn't his or Louis', screw that. He hated cleaning!
"Breakfast sounds amazing, Iza," Connor finally said, letting one of his old time flashy grins slow up on his face again. "What do you want? Pancakes? Sausage? Bacon? Eggs? Scrambled, over easy or fried? How about some hash-browns? You know what, I'll just make some breakfast for everyone... Just make it all."
Suddenly, Connor heard a thump. A loud one, at that. It came from Calim's room. What the heck? ... Oh, that's right. Mel was in there. 'Cleaning up', so he said. It sounded like he just bashed through the wall. Maybe he wanted to help with the breakfast, instead?
Grabbing his special apron, plus one other, Connor walked to Calim's room. He slipped on his apron, the one that said "Kiss the Cook", and wore it proudly.
"Hey, Mel?" Connor said, a crooked grin playing on his lips. "Would you mind not bashing the crap out of Calim's room and help me with breakfast?" He held out the navy and sky blue apron to the man, shaking it a bit as if a dare.

2:15am Jul 20 2012 (last edited on 2:19am Jul 20 2012)
Normal User 
Posts: 331
I feel like introducing a new character. Maybe Louis' cousin or something. :3
Sheeran away