Name: Silver (Silverpaw, Silverwhisp)
Age: 10 Moons
Gender: She-cat
Rank: Apprentice when in Clan, Rogue for now.
Personality: Quiet, but not shy. She's not afraid to get into another cat's face and tell them off. She prefers to stay out of the picture, and most of the time has a stubborn, care-free attitude. She is known to take atvantage of other cat's.
History: Non Clan-born.
Mate: None -yet-
Crush: Open~
Kits: None -yet-
Kin: Goldpaw, doesn't know, though.
Name: Goldpaw
Age: 10 Moons
Gender: She-cat
Rank: Apprentice
Personality: Goldpaw is bouncy, and always energized. She always has a smile on her face, no matter what. She loves to make other's laugh, she's the exact opposite of her sister, Silver. Rp the rest out. :3
History: Clan-Born, father was a rogue who her mother fell in love with. Goldpaw decided to stay with the Clan, but her parents took her sister, Silver, away to be a rogue.
Crush: Open~
Kits: None -yet-
Kin: (Mother)-Frostwing (Father)-Jess (Sister)-Silver
Name: Survivor (Wildpaw, Wildheart)
Age: 11 Moons
Gender: Tom
Rank: Apprentice when in Clan, Rogue for right now.
Personality: May I rp this one out? :3
History: Non Clan-born, but parents were, he has Clan blood in him.
Mate: Open~
Crush: Open~
Kits: None -yet-
Kin: None that he knows of.