5:04pm May 17 2010
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((who wants to start??))
5:08pm May 17 2010
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((The pictures aren't working for me. D: Do you guys see pictures in my bios? D:))
5:09pm May 17 2010
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Posts: 5,512
((rika- i did :D))
5:10pm May 17 2010
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Posts: 11,785
((Okay. .u. This computer is weird. xD))
5:11pm May 17 2010
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Posts: 2,927
((I might take a while. xD I have some stuff to do... o-o C*censored*s. Psh. xD))
5:12pm May 17 2010
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Posts: 5,512
(('sall good kink ^_^))
5:17pm May 17 2010
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Posts: 3,002
Dawn was hungry, the sun was rising from the slopes and hills, this was a new day to add to the time she hadn't eaten. Four days. She was starving, the pain of the hunger ate her to peices. But she had to keep going, had to find shelter. Maybe I could dig up a hole, and sleep. Like the wolves. She suggested in her mind. Kismt rolled in the dirt, and sniffed. She grunted as she got up, her limbs feelin sore. "My leg.." She complained as she limped away. She got own and stretched her body completely. Once her muscles burnd she stopped. "Thats better." She smiled and walked on. Dusk saw th sun, but ignored it. He had a bad night, and needed rest. He layed down in his bed of leaves covered by his canopy of trees. He snorted, and drifted off.
Why the cloud, Sunny?
5:17pm May 17 2010
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Posts: 2,046
((I can't see the pics. o.o I gotta go, don't flood me out please. xD))
You gotta get lost if you want to get found...
5:19pm May 17 2010
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Posts: 3,002
(( Oh, okay Daisy))
Why the cloud, Sunny?
5:35pm May 17 2010
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Posts: 5,512
Tripp padded across the street of the small town he called home. His nose was to the ground and his ears were perked up to their full hight. He stopped when he reached the back door of a small pizaria and barked twice. His tail began to wag when the door open, "Hey there boy!" A tall human boomes, a smile on his face, "you ready for breakfast?" he padded Tripps head and went back inside, coming back out with a slice of pizza, "here you go boy, come back tonight and you can have another slice." The man laughed heartily and scratched Tripp's ears, "just dont get caught by a dog cather!" he smiled and walked back inside. Tripp licked his lips and yawned, stretching his stiff muscles. __ Krash dozed peacefull in the shade of a tall sycamore tree. ((she has owners, but pretty much has free reign of anything she wants)) She watched her owners leaving for the day. The man, Jack smiled at her and set down her bowl of food and refilled her water. Krash wagged her tail, even though she had no taste for the food they gave her, and never ate it. Instead, she scavenged for her own food. as soon as her masters drove off in their cars, a large Malamute padded around the corner, "Good morning Saeth." Krash barked happily. The other dog just nodded and went over to her food bowl. "How come you never eat this stuff?" he asked, licking his lips after he devoured the bowl of food. "Because it never suited my taste." Krash said with a shrug, closing her eyes and drifting back to sleep. Saeth bolted from the yard as the human next door opened their door. __ ((will post as Trixi momentarily XD))

5:40pm May 17 2010
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Posts: 5,512
Trixi padded out of the door after her humans. She wagged her tailand leapt about in circles, "No Trixi!" A young girl, Dana snapped, "you have to stay here. We have school." Trixi disliked Danas voice, she always nagged. A large man walked out the door, and kicked Trixi, who stood in his way, "dumb, useless dog! Dana! why do you even keep that thing?" he sneered. Dana shrugged, "why do you care dad? Its not like you ever feed her." Trixi whined and slunk behind the garage, belly to the ground. Dana and Dad fought a lot, ever since Mom died and Mitch moved out.
5:42pm May 17 2010 (last edited on 5:43pm May 17 2010)
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Scarlet yawned widely, her red eyes gleaming. She was skinny, but liked how she lived. Scarlet padded into an alleyway, the little dog she called Patch following. She whipped a trash can with her tail, knocking it over. Sniffing around, the great big dog clamped her jaws on a slice of cold ham. and cut it in half with her claw, half for herself, Half for patch, and then gulped it down greedily. she licked her lips and pricked her ears, hearing Another dog whining and a girl and male fighting. She curiously stepped out of the alleyway and hid in a bush. "Hello?" She barked, hoping the dog in the house would hear her.
You gotta get lost if you want to get found...
5:46pm May 17 2010
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Posts: 5,512
Trixi shook her head fiercly to the other dog, "don't come closer, dad doesnt like it when strays show up here. He says he already has to feed one mutt." she shuddered, "and next one he sees hes gonna shoot." She lay down and rested her heado n her paws, blue eyes filled with worry.
5:48pm May 17 2010
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Posts: 2,927
Name: Daemon Age: Young adult Gender: Male Breed: Siberian Husky Crush: o-o Looks: other?: His best friend is Kylie 
~ Name: Kylie Age: Young adult Gender: Female Breed: Siberian Husky Crush: Nah Looks: other?: Uhm... Not much here. 
6:12pm May 17 2010
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Posts: 2,046
Scarlet stared over at the dog, shook her head and emerged from the bushes. She stood as tall as the father and growled at him lowly. Her tail was stiff and her red eyes glared at him as she bared her short, but sharp, fangs. ((Fail. Dx))
You gotta get lost if you want to get found...
6:16pm May 17 2010
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Posts: 11,785
Buddy padded through the alleys, licking his luzzle before moving to knock over a trash-can and dig inside, eating whatever was edible. He sneezed and backed out a few moments later, rubbing his nose with a paw before his soft, fuzzy, floppy brown ears perked at the sound of yelling. He moved towards the human voices, as-sociating humans with food and affection due to his original home with a young girl named Brittany, who had named him and loved him since he was a puppy. He'd had enough of it, though, and had run away. Now he was beginning to wish he hadn't... Sheeba trotted through the streets, her ears perked as she looked aorund, searching for food and, hopefully, someone to talk to.
6:17pm May 17 2010
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Posts: 5,512
Dad glanced at the dog in shock, "what the hell?" he sked, "get out of here mutt!" he said gruffly, stomping to the garage, "Dana, I have to go to work and I suggest you get your tail to school." he yelled.
6:20pm May 17 2010
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Posts: 5,512
Saeth slipped through the alleyways, then finaly into the streets, running into another dog, he yelped in suprise, then began to seftly growl, "who are you?" he asked the other dog.(Sheeba) Trixi watched Scarlet in shock, "just leave him alone! you are better off that way! Otherwise he will call the dog catcher, and it was hard enough to sneak Saeth out!" she whined.
6:20pm May 17 2010
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Posts: 5,512
((g2g yall ;D peace!!))
6:21pm May 17 2010
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Posts: 11,785
((Big dog. owo Buddy was pretty big.... He was my height when he was up on two paws. ;u; And um. He has big teeth. Sharp, too. >w> I still loved him, though...even though he'd snarled at me multiple times. ;n;))