6:22pm May 17 2010
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Posts: 11,785
Sheeba blinked, backing up, looking rather startled. After a moment she growled right back, ears flattened. "My name is Sheeba," she stated, brown eyes focused on the male.
6:32pm May 17 2010
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Posts: 2,927
((Am I accepted? xD Oh.... I'll post in a minute. :P))
8:34pm May 17 2010
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Posts: 2,046
Sacrlet snarled and snapped at the dad viciously. "Come on." She mumbled between growls. "Run." She whispered before running and bowling into the girl, tackling her to the ground. "Run!" She yelled again at Trixi.
You gotta get lost if you want to get found...
9:01pm May 17 2010
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Posts: 5,512
Trixi whined low in her throat, her girl, Dad jumped back to her feet and into her car, "I can't!" Trixi barked. The dad yelled and stomped into the house for his gun, Trixi bolted after Scarlet, her legs unused to the exercise, but the husky in her kept her running, and she fell into a steady rytm, quickly cathing up to Scarlet, "I'm Trixi by the way." She said as she ran alongside the big dog, not even panting. __ Saeth blinked, his silver-blue eyes calming down, "sorry, er, I'm Saeth, you just scared me a little." he admitted shyly.
1:20am May 18 2010
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Posts: 2,046
Scarlet was bolting as fast as she could, but realised that it was too fast for the huskey. She slowed a bit and cringed as she heard gunshots in the distance. "I'm Scarlet." She replied, her scarred tail wagging slightly.
You gotta get lost if you want to get found...
3:28am May 18 2010
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Posts: 1,117
OoC: Join? Name: Zallion Age: Young adult Gender: Male Breed: Husky Crush: Trixi Looks:  other?: None ~ Name: Akari Age: Young adult Gender: Female Breed: German Shepherd Crush: OPEN Looks:  other?: None
3:30pm May 18 2010
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((sure wolf ^_^)) Trixi yelped at the sound of gunshots and tucked her tail, "I hate guns." she growled.
3:43pm May 18 2010
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Posts: 3,002
Dawn saw a nearby neighborhood. Many dogs were froming over there, and attracting the humans. "Hmmm..." She grunted and took off, slowly at first, then she grew faster as she went. She stopped abruptly infront of the dogs, and looked at them. She noticed the man with the gun, then and took off. "C'mon!" She called back, not wanting to leave them behind.
Why the cloud, Sunny?
7:33pm May 18 2010
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((*waits for daisy* thats who I want to post, no offense nono XD))
7:41pm May 18 2010
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Posts: 2,046
((Sorry, had lots of homework.)) Scarlet ended up gripping Trixi's scruff and running whilst carrying her. She skidded to a halt once in the forest and panted, dropping Trixi and dropping to the ground, huffing. "Are you okay?"
You gotta get lost if you want to get found...
7:45pm May 18 2010
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Posts: 5,512
Trixi nodded, "yeah, thanks." she blinked a few times, "wow." she stared in awe at Scarlet, "you are really big!" she said with a laugh.((shes small for a husky, but is really pretty ;D *hint hint to anyone with a male charra XD*))
7:51pm May 18 2010
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Scarlet huffed and stood up to her full height. She looked nervous and tried to crouch to Trixi's level, but it was uncomfortable. Patch came running out of the trees and stared in Awe at Trixi. He plopped onto his side, tired. 'Am I dead, that that dog is an angel....?' She wondered to himself and stared at her. ((*WinkWink*))
You gotta get lost if you want to get found...
7:53pm May 18 2010
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Trixi chucked at Scarlets attempt to be her small size. Then she noticed patch, "ummm, Thanks, but I'm no angel, I'm Trixi, who are you?" she asked. She knew she was small for a husky, but this dog was smaller than her. SHe hadnt met many small dogs, and it was a strange feeling.
8:11pm May 18 2010
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Posts: 2,046
((He THOUGHT it. XD Tis okay.)) Patch stood bolt upright and smiled. "Patch, Senorita." He replied softly and wagged his stubby tail. Scarlet looked down at him and rolled her eyes, chuckling.
You gotta get lost if you want to get found...
8:13pm May 18 2010
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Trixi giggled, "nice to meet you." she said. Trixi sat on her haunches and wrapped her tail around her paws, "so what do I do now? I lived with Dad and Dana my whole life." she whined.
8:21pm May 18 2010 (last edited on 8:21pm May 18 2010)
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Posts: 2,046
Scarlet chuckled again. "Follow your instinct. you can stay with me in my alleyway in the city, and i'll show you to hunt." She replied. she put her head down and aloowed Patch to climb onto her. Once he was on, she turned to head to her home.
You gotta get lost if you want to get found...
8:23pm May 18 2010
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Trixi jumped up and wagged her tail, "sounds like a plan."She smiled, "and a good one at that." She looked around, "so do oyu like, know any other dogs?" she asked, tilting her head.
8:24pm May 18 2010
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Posts: 2,046
Scarlet shook her head. "In the wild, you have to run off anynoe that comes near you. They all try to steal your food, and will fight to the death if they must." She replied.
You gotta get lost if you want to get found...
8:27pm May 18 2010
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Posts: 5,512
Trixi shuddered, "so if you dont have any other friends, why did you trust me?" she asked. She shrugged, "for all you know, I could be a vicious killing maching." she said, laughing darkly.
8:31pm May 18 2010
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Posts: 2,046
"Well, judging by how pathetic you whined at that twowalker, I was pretty dure you weren't." Scarlet laughed, but Patch nipped her ear. "Hey!" She barked at him angrily.
You gotta get lost if you want to get found...