Ooc:// Awww. Really? No one wants to join? *Sigh* Well here are my four.

Name: Supriya
Age: Young Adult
Gender: Female
Breed: Tan Husky
Personality: Supriya is a very high spirited husky. She loves to have fun. She is also a very smart dog. She will do anything her owners ask of her and will not leave much wiggle room for those who disobey her or her master. She can get pretty vicous when need be, but other than that she is a very sweet female. She is very trusting towards the ones she knows and her sled mates.
Crush: Open
Mate: None
Offspring: None
History: Supriya was found when she was a mere puppy. She was raised by a single indian father. She was meant to be a gift for his little girl, but after the girl pa.ssed away from a deadly disease she was retrained to become a sled dog. He tried to make her leader, but she wasn't quick enough. From his traditions her face is painted to verify she is his dog. Some dogs have collars and some have microchips but Supriya has war paint. Her owner's wish is for her to become one of the sled dogs for hte medicine route, but it all dpeends on what rank she finishes with.

Name: Risk
Age: Young Adult
Gender: Male
Breed: Husky
Personality: Risk is a very hyper dog. He tends to get in trouble a lot. He is not the brightest dog in the pack but he still conceders himself a pup. He loves to have fun which involves chasing mice around his master's home and random stray cats. His signature mark is the checkered collar around his neck and one flopped down ear.
Crush: Open
Mate: None
Offspring: None
History: He is still young so there isn't much history here besides he was adopted from a kennel.

Name: Hatsu
Age: Adult
Gender: Male
Breed: Husky
Personality: Hatsu is very strict and can be extremly rude. He can have fun but when it comes down to his duty as a sled dog he will not fail his owners or his team. he is a leader and likes to be thought as one. If osmeone messes up he won't hesitate to let them know that. He is very big on order and discipline.
Crush: Open
Mate: None
Offspring: He thinks of Risk as his son. His very stupid and annoying son.
History: No one really knows nor do they dare to ask him.

Name: Duma
Age: Adult
Gender: Female
Breed: Cumberland Sheepdog
Personality: Duma is sweet and kind. She looks over all the other dogs within the town. She conceders all of them her children and wants the best for them. She has been leader of countless races and pack missions, but seeing she is getting older she is not as agile anymore. She's become frail and it is gettin easier for her to become injured or sick. Her job is to teach some of the other dogs to become good sled dogs.
Crush: open
Mate: None
Offspring: She conceders all to be her children.
History: She does not speak of it, but she does tell stories from the past because they have good morals within them.