10:30pm Oct 2 2010 (last edited on 11:29pm Oct 2 2010)
Normal User 
Posts: 224
I really felt like having a pokemon roleplay. So yeahhh... Here we go :D Rules: - Up to 3 characters per member, exceptions MIGHT be made
- I would rather we just roleplay the trainers + their pokemon, and not just the pokemon, but you may join as pokemon if you wish :P
- Please be somewhat literate. Proper grammar and all that nice stuff
- I only want the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th generation pokemon. None of the newer ones that are coming out please.
- No legendaries please, unless approved by me. I WILL approve of some, but there are just a few I don't want
- You may have more than 6 pokemon, but they are in your PC and can be swapped for others. Please do not list them all. Only the ones you will be using most and keep this to a reasonable amount. Like 10 or so
This is basically like the storyline of pokemon. You can start out however you want, but for now no one will be a champion or whatever, but a few people will be allowed to be a gym leader or a gym leader's kid. ~*BIOS*~ Name: Age: Gender: Appearance: Pokemon: Personnality: Other: Badges/expierence with pokemon: CHARACTERS: Humans: Aisha (me) Sara (saraluvspets) Elleote (Happykitty) Kiana (saraluvspets) POKEMON: Jetlight - Shiny Ninetales (Fullmoon) Owner= Pfil - Flygon (Fullmoon) Owner=Sara Zelli - Furret (Fullmoon) Owner=Aisha Flower - Bayleef (Happykitty) Owner=Elleote AISHA'S POKEMON: Blaze (charizard), Ebony (houndoom), Eruption (flareon), Kyuubi (ninetales), Zelli (furret, RPed by Fullmoon) SARA'S POKEMON: Kairo (houndoom), Pfil (flygon, RPed by Fullmoon) ELLEOTE'S POKEMON: Gras.s Blade (bulbasaur), Fisety (torchick), Flower (Bayleef), Squirt (Blastoise) LIZA/SMOKE'S POKEMON Flareon, Jolteon, Umbreon, Piony (ampharos), Jetlight (nintales) KIANA'S POKEMON: Chezz (charizard), Lish (milotic)
Current goal: Indigo Ivik
10:32pm Oct 2 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 6,296
((Join as one trainer, and four pokemon, three some other trainers pokemon, the one his?))
10:37pm Oct 2 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 224
((Sure :D))
Current goal: Indigo Ivik
10:42pm Oct 2 2010 (last edited on 6:12pm Oct 3 2010)
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Posts: 2,648
~*BIOS*~ Name:Elleote Gender: Appearance: Pokemon:Bulbasaur:Gra.ss blade(M),Torchick:Fisety(F),Ninetails,Blaze:Ninetils(F),Bayleef:Flower(F),Blastose:Squirt(M)...will catch more in this RP. Personnality:He is calm and caring and also very sweet but he does'nt show it in a normal way Other: Badges/expierence with pokemon:8 bages from sinnoh and 4 from hoen and won the Wallace cup twice Age:17
10:42pm Oct 2 2010
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Posts: 6,296
Name:Jetlight Age:Young adult
Gender:Femme Appearance:  Pokemon:Shiny Ninetails
Personnality:Unknown to me so far.
Other:Nope Badges/expierence with pokemon:She IS a pokemon!
10:44pm Oct 2 2010
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Posts: 224
Name: Aisha Age: 14 Gender: Female Appearance: Average height with sandy blonde hair, medium length, and dark blue-ish purple eyes. She has a scar above her right eye, though she won't say where it came from. Pokemon: Blaze the Charizard (M) Ebony the Houndoom (F) Eruption the Flareon (M) Kyuubi the Ninetales (M) Personnality: A competitive girl who loves to battle. She has a fiery personnality, a little like Misty's. She is not one you would want to get on the bad side of. Aisha does have a kind and caring side, though it doesn't show often. Aisha is not very loud, but is quiet, even though she may not seem it. She is intelligent. Other: She loves to travel and be away from home. Pokemon are her life and she loves to learn anything about them. She is the daughter of the fire gym leader, Blaine. Badges/expierence with pokemon: She has gained 5 of the Kanto badges, and hopes to obtain all the rest. Then she will move on to Johto, Hoenn, and Sinnoh, and then to the Elite Four of all of the regions.
Current goal: Indigo Ivik
10:46pm Oct 2 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 224
((How do you have 12 badges from Sinnoh? I thought there were 8 in each region?))
Current goal: Indigo Ivik
10:48pm Oct 2 2010 (last edited on 10:52pm Oct 2 2010)
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Posts: 6,296
Name:Pfil Age:Teen Gender:Male Appearance:  Pokemon:Flygon Personnality:Not figured out
Other:Could she be owned by Sara? Badges/expierence with pokemon:Is a poke.
10:49pm Oct 2 2010 (last edited on 10:59pm Oct 2 2010)
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Posts: 2,668
Name: Sara Age: 13 Gender: female Appearance: http://i1006.photobucket.com/albums/af188/Arkana_s/Anime%20Girls/2262321.jpg Pokemon: Kairo the male houndoom. Pfil the male flygon. Personnality: She is sweet and caring. Her competetive side comes out during battles. Her p*censored*ion is rescuing pokemon. Rp the rest out... Other: She wishes to become a pokemon breeder. Badges/expierence with pokemon: She doesn't have any badges and really isn't that interested in them. To her, they're just another thing that she'll lose. She is very good in first aid and carries around a messenger back with what seems like an endless supply of healing items.
What the Hello Kitty!
Holy Shiitake Mushrooms!
-Ah, the many gurbled words of Sara...
-Oh, join this rp... http://www.rescreatu.com/forum/cat/games/rp/we-were-meant-to-be-but-i-just-can-039-t-do-it-/~page/1/
10:50pm Oct 2 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 2,668
((happy, you forgot age on your bio...))
What the Hello Kitty!
Holy Shiitake Mushrooms!
-Ah, the many gurbled words of Sara...
-Oh, join this rp... http://www.rescreatu.com/forum/cat/games/rp/we-were-meant-to-be-but-i-just-can-039-t-do-it-/~page/1/
10:51pm Oct 2 2010
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Posts: 6,296
Name:Zelli Age:Adult Gender:Femme Appearance:  Pokemon:Is apokemon
Personnality:Not figured out yet
Other:Could she be owned by Aisha?
Badges/expierence with pokemon:Is a pokemon.
10:53pm Oct 2 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 2,668
((Pfil can be owned by Sara.))
What the Hello Kitty!
Holy Shiitake Mushrooms!
-Ah, the many gurbled words of Sara...
-Oh, join this rp... http://www.rescreatu.com/forum/cat/games/rp/we-were-meant-to-be-but-i-just-can-039-t-do-it-/~page/1/
10:57pm Oct 2 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 224
((Yes, Aisha can have Zelli))
Current goal: Indigo Ivik
11:03pm Oct 2 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 2,648
(I changed it thanks for telling me I was going to put what I put now I just fogot or something)
11:10pm Oct 2 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 2,648
~*BIOS*~ Name:Flower Age:13 and half Gender:Female Appearance: Pokemon:Is a Bayleef Personnality:Loving and caring Other:Is Pokemon Badges/expierence with pokemon:???
11:10pm Oct 2 2010
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Posts: 2,668
Name: Kiana Age: 16 Gender: female Appearance: http://i305.photobucket.com/albums/nn226/luciananami_pink/Anime%20Girls/Cute_Girl.jpg Pokemon: Lish the female Milotic. Chezz the male Charizard. Personnality: She is somewhat bossy and is a hopeless romantic. RP the rest out... Other: She is Sara's big sister. Badges/expierence with pokemon: She has all eight badges from Sinnoh and six in Johto. She travels with her sister alot.
What the Hello Kitty!
Holy Shiitake Mushrooms!
-Ah, the many gurbled words of Sara...
-Oh, join this rp... http://www.rescreatu.com/forum/cat/games/rp/we-were-meant-to-be-but-i-just-can-039-t-do-it-/~page/1/
11:10pm Oct 2 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 224
((Okay, thank you :3 If someone wants to start this off they can. I may be on and off for a little...))
Current goal: Indigo Ivik
11:10pm Oct 2 2010 (last edited on 11:26pm Oct 2 2010)
Normal User 
Posts: 6,296
Name:Liza (Hates being called that, preffers Smoke)
Age:Young adult
Gender:Femme Appearance:  Pokemon: Jetlight, the Ninetails, Piony, the Ampharos, all the Eevee evolves but Glacion, Espeon and Vaporeon. (Jolteon and Flareon don't go in pokeballs) Personnality:Unknown Other:Nope Badges/expierence with pokemon:She has a various collection of badges, and has a complete set for three regions.
11:13pm Oct 2 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 2,648
(Full You know that you cant have all Eevee evolutions and other pokemon all with you)
11:15pm Oct 2 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 6,296
((Ohh, true... *Fixes*))