11:15pm Oct 2 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 224
((Yes, Full, pelase choose the 6 in your party. As I mentioned in the first post, the rest will be in your PC. And can you please put the name and such out there?))
Current goal: Indigo Ivik
11:16pm Oct 2 2010
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Posts: 2,668
Sara and Kiana were walking through the forest, a dangerous area. Sara's loyal houndoom was walking patiently by her side. "Where are we going?" Her blue eyes looked up at her sister. "We're going to the city." They were somewhere in the sinnoh region. They were very lost. At the edge of the woods a tall skyscraper was visible. "We're in Veilstone City," Kiana said looking up at the tall skyscraper. "You can face Maylene if you want to." "No thanks, I'll just stick to training as a breeder." Sara smiled.
What the Hello Kitty!
Holy Shiitake Mushrooms!
-Ah, the many gurbled words of Sara...
-Oh, join this rp... http://www.rescreatu.com/forum/cat/games/rp/we-were-meant-to-be-but-i-just-can-039-t-do-it-/~page/1/
11:20pm Oct 2 2010
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Posts: 6,296
((I think I fixed...))
11:24pm Oct 2 2010
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Posts: 2,668
((you don't have Kiana's pokemon up...))
What the Hello Kitty!
Holy Shiitake Mushrooms!
-Ah, the many gurbled words of Sara...
-Oh, join this rp... http://www.rescreatu.com/forum/cat/games/rp/we-were-meant-to-be-but-i-just-can-039-t-do-it-/~page/1/
11:27pm Oct 2 2010
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Posts: 224
Aisha wandered with her first pokemon, Blaze, by her side. Blaze and Aisha had been together ever since Aisha had left home to start her adventure. Blaze had been a small Charmander when she first got him, and he had grown a lot. "You ready, Blaze?" She said, talking to him as he soared a little above her, stretching his wings. "We are going to go to the next gym leader! The Fushia gym is next on our list." She ran on ahead, stopping when she could see the distant outline of Fuschia.
Current goal: Indigo Ivik
11:28pm Oct 2 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 224
((Sorry, my bad xD -runs to fix-))
Current goal: Indigo Ivik
11:29pm Oct 2 2010 (last edited on 11:30pm Oct 2 2010)
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Posts: 6,296
Zelli Wrapped herself around Ashia's legs, carefull not to trip her faithfull owner, and wormed her was up to Ashia's neck, where she used her body as a scarf, and put her face in Ashia's. "Mrp?" She asked, blinking. She was Hungry! She needed fish... Her belly rumbled as to prove her point.
11:30pm Oct 2 2010
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Posts: 2,668
((Zelli belongs to Kiana? I'm confused.))
What the Hello Kitty!
Holy Shiitake Mushrooms!
-Ah, the many gurbled words of Sara...
-Oh, join this rp... http://www.rescreatu.com/forum/cat/games/rp/we-were-meant-to-be-but-i-just-can-039-t-do-it-/~page/1/
11:34pm Oct 2 2010
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Posts: 224
((Yeah? Me too? Did you mean Aisha? But if you want and Sara agrees I don't mind Zelli being Kiana's lol...)) Aisha stopped to rest for the night in the oncoming dusk. She released her other pokemon from their balls, letting them stretch and fixing up bowls of food from her pack. She set a bowl down in front of each of her lovely pokemon, watching them with pride, distractedly stroking Kyuubi's fur as he ate, thinking about the oncoming battle at the gym. After her pokemon finished eating, she set off with her pokemon to go train.
Current goal: Indigo Ivik
11:52pm Oct 2 2010
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Posts: 2,648
Elleote walked thruogh the wood with his pokemon at his side then he herd the russtling of bushes.He fallowed it to find an Eevee at a younge age sitting theire staring at him."Eevee eve eve"the little creture said as Elleote watched it.Elleote called out Flower and Flower used razor leaf, it was just enough damage for him to catch it.Then he smirked "i'll call her Glacier"he said to Flower as he rubbed her neck as a thank you.Flower smiled for she was happy that she helped her friend catch a new friend. I just got called out, with my suprise I used Razor leaf and got my friend someone else to be friends with as well.He rubbed my neck wich made me so happy and relaxed.The new Pokemon was an Eevee name Glacier he took it out healed it and watched it playfully run again but this time infront of him he took a bow out of his back pack and on her head.She tilted her head o the left an looke at Elleote then he took out a few appels out of his backpack to give to us."You're gonna hAVE a great time here kid"I said to the Eevee as it got ready to chomp on her applel.
11:59pm Oct 2 2010
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Posts: 2,668
Kiana heard somebody behind them. She then saw a boy, about her age catch an eevee. "Hey, maybe we can make some friends here," Kiana said nudging Sara. "Maybe we can," Sara said smiling at Kiana. Kiana pulled out a pokeball and released Chezz. "Will you fly overhead to get an idea of the city?" She rubbed Chezz's neck. "Char," Chezz nodded and then took to the sky.
What the Hello Kitty!
Holy Shiitake Mushrooms!
-Ah, the many gurbled words of Sara...
-Oh, join this rp... http://www.rescreatu.com/forum/cat/games/rp/we-were-meant-to-be-but-i-just-can-039-t-do-it-/~page/1/
12:26am Oct 3 2010
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Posts: 11,785
((Oooh. Can I join as a Riolu and a Lucario? The Riolu shall be shiny. ouo))
12:30am Oct 3 2010
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Posts: 224
Aisha was fighting off strong wild pigeotto with her pokemon for a long while until it got too dark, and the zubats came out. "I hate zubats" She muttered as she setled down to make a camp. She let all of her pokemon stay out of their balls for the night.
Current goal: Indigo Ivik
12:30am Oct 3 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 224
((Yes Rika :3))
Current goal: Indigo Ivik
12:33am Oct 3 2010
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Posts: 11,785
((Woo! I'll post my bios in a bit. P:))
12:50am Oct 3 2010
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Posts: 11,785
Name: Rulan Age: Young, but close to evolving. Gender: Male Appearance:
 Pokemon: He's a Shiny Riolu. P: Personnality: He's quite kind, but he's very distrusting of humans because they took away his mother. He's been traveling with his father, Reno, for a while now, and a bit of his father's happy-go-lucky, loyal attitude has rubbed off him, so if you can manage to get him to like you, he'll be your best friend forever. Other: He has a blue bandana around his neck that his mother gave him one day, and if you so much as touch it, he will attack. Name: Reno Age: Adult Gender: Male Appearance:
 Pokemon: He's a normal Lucairo. Personnality: He's happy-go-lucky and he's very loyal, but like his son, he's not very trusting of humans at first because they took his mate, Rulan's mother, away form them when Rulan was very young. He's still kindhearted, however, and will help out a trainer if they need it, then quickly disappear back into the trees. Other: He has three slash-like scars over his right eye and several other scars covering his body from past battles. ((There they are. P:))

12:52am Oct 3 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 224
((Yay for the new charries! -runs to put them up- I must go to bed now too, so bai gais :D You can continue the roleplaying without meh if you wish.))
Current goal: Indigo Ivik
12:38pm Oct 3 2010 (last edited on 12:39pm Oct 3 2010)
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Posts: 2,648
Elleote herd a noise he turned around a walked untill he saw two girls, one realeasing her Charzard.His pokemon fallowed as he said"hi"quitly.The Eevee jumped towards the girls and said"Eevee eve".His little Torchick fallowed jumping aswell wile Squirt walked behind and Flower looked at them all with Gra.ss Blade on her back and Blaze beside her. Elleote my master went towards a noise and I saw two girls.As Blaze looked at the Charzard she blushed."So did the little Torchick cause you any trouble wile I watched the Eevee"I asked and Blazed said"not really were fire types so we got along just fine". I just got caght and life like this is confusing but I made a friend and shes a Bayleef and also my owner nice I just ate an apple and it was tasty.He named me Glacier and we just saw some girls theire with a charzard so I went jumping happily to meet some new friends.
12:44pm Oct 3 2010 (last edited on 12:45pm Oct 3 2010)
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Posts: 2,648
Name:Glacier Age:8 Gender:Female Appearance: Pokemon:Is an Eevee Personnality:Hyper at times mostly happy and giddy Other:New owner is Elleote Badges/expierence with pokemon:???
1:08pm Oct 3 2010
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Posts: 2,668
Kiana watched quietly as Elleote approached them. She patted the eevee on the head and smiled. "Hi, I'm Kiana, and this is Sara." She pointed to her sister. "What's your name?" Sara watched as Kiana introduced them to the guy. She patted Kairo on the head. "Hound," he said closing his eyes.
What the Hello Kitty!
Holy Shiitake Mushrooms!
-Ah, the many gurbled words of Sara...
-Oh, join this rp... http://www.rescreatu.com/forum/cat/games/rp/we-were-meant-to-be-but-i-just-can-039-t-do-it-/~page/1/