Lets-[Romance Adventure]-Go

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7:47pm May 16 2011

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Posts: 5,578
"I'm Paig" she said looking at the shadows below. She turned to Ren again, "And how are we suposed to get into the sky? Fly there?" she was getting a bit annoyed with the guy whos name was aparently Ren. Paig stood up and dusted the dirt off her hands and knees. "Since we cant reach the sky what do we do? And please tell us something use full like HOW." Paig said.


7:52pm May 16 2011

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Posts: 2,158

Ren closed his eyes. "I don't know, yet! Maybe she will blurt something out to me like HOW!" Ren yelled to the sky. He said how loader so so would tell him how.

((RIKA! this is your cue! Bring Apollo in, Paige said something awesome, about flying there and apollo can fly! ALthough he does not know it, he can fall off the cliff by accident and discover it!!

Dart, no more rping until Rika comes, I don't want to kill her with reading when she comes back!)) 


7:53pm May 16 2011 (last edited on 7:54pm May 16 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 5,578
((Ok. And what do your characters look like?))


8:00pm May 16 2011

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Posts: 2,158

((Posting picture:


((I could not find the normal one I use, she has no headband)


Only he wears a blue vest and black jeans with black shoes. 


8:02pm May 16 2011

Normal User

Posts: 5,578
((Ok thanks :) ))


8:05pm May 16 2011

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Posts: 11,785
"I'm Apollo, and I don't know about you, but I'm tired of this place," he stated, dark eyes looking across the dead-looking area they had landed in. He moved his black hair out of his face and moved towards the cliff as he crossed his arms. He tilted his head before he sat on the edge, staring out at the vast area that surrounded them. "The emo kids would love it here," he mumbled, rolling his eyes and mumbling something about emos being cheap goth knockoffs.

(Sorry. On my phone because we have no Internet again. Dx)


8:08pm May 16 2011

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Posts: 5,578
((It's ok my internet isn't great either))


8:12pm May 16 2011

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Posts: 11,785
(No. I have none at all. My mom took the box since it was hers. Only internet in my house at all is phone internet until we gets ours turned back on and hooked up and whatnot.)


8:13pm May 16 2011

Normal User

Posts: 5,578
((Oh....well...thats weird kinda.))


8:14pm May 16 2011

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Posts: 11,785
(Oh, and I have to take a shower, so brb.)


8:16pm May 16 2011

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Posts: 5,578
((Ok bye))


8:20pm May 16 2011

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Posts: 11,785
(I have a Droid...so...yeah. We were getting Interngt through a phone service that my mom was paying for while she lived here. She moved out.

I live with my gramma, so I did not go with my mom, thus, I have no Internet.)


8:22pm May 16 2011

Normal User

Posts: 5,578
((Well that sucks))


7:02am May 17 2011

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Posts: 2,158

((:( It's ok Rika. Just post as best you can, when you can, if you can.))

Fiona looked at Apollo, "Welcome to death land!"

Ren peered up to the sky. "She is not speaking. But it's as if I just hear her, I hear her cries and I know, just know what we are doing her and where this place is"

Fiona glared. "Then just 'Know' how to get us out of here!" Ren put his hands on his head.

"If you pressure me, it will never come. But for now, I will trust my instincts and move as close to the sky as possible!" Ren looked around. There was a line of mountains to the left, a king mountain right in the middle of where the shadows were lurking. "THERE!" he pointed to king mountain.

"Great idea, lets kill ourselves to help a girl in the sky!!" Fiona remarked.  

"Ok... ok.. so lets try a mountain we CAN get to." Ren closed his eyes. "Anyone see a mountain we can get to easily? without being turned into shadow soup?" 


4:43pm May 17 2011 (last edited on 4:44pm May 17 2011)

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Posts: 11,785
Anime Original Guy
Name- Nicolas Mays
Gender- Male
Power- Pyrokinesis (The ability to control, not create, fire with your mind, Fire has to be present in order for you to be of any use.)
Age- 19 
Personality-Nicolas is a very sweet, kindhearted lad that often puts his foot in his mouth. He's very quick to fluster, and he's prone to stuttering when eh get nervous, which is a lot of the time. His one and only escape is into music, and he is always wearing a pair of headphones around hsi neck for this very reason. He has absolutely no sense of anger, and he is very naive and trusting. He takes everything literally, so be careful what you say to him.
Crush- Open
Other- None.


6:19pm May 17 2011

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Posts: 2,158
((Accepted. I gave Rika permission to make another character. Now we have 3 boys and 2 girls... I sense battles over the girls UNLESS! Someone makes a girl character... Stares at dart!))


6:24pm May 17 2011

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Posts: 11,785

((I think we should have battles over the guys. :U But I can't play girls and Apollo is too much of a mean guy to attract many girls, so I made sweet little Nicolas. P: I hae just balanced myself out. xD;

And I guess I could add in Elise if I had to. :U))


6:56pm May 17 2011

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Posts: 5,578
Paig looked around for any mountains but the landsacpe was flat and dry. She turned back to the group. "Well looks like into the pit of doom we go" she begons to crack her knuckles and neck. "We  might as well go out fighting" she pointed out. She waited for someone to say something like 'yeah but thats stupid' so that she could just punch them in the jaw and get it over with so that no one else would bother to get on her nervs.


6:41pm May 18 2011

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Posts: 2,158

((Dart... will you make a female character?? *bats eyelashes* We need another girl!

And rika... Bring in Nicolas??))

"Then what are we waiting for?" Fiona cried. She always jumped to start. "Over there!! There is a way down!"

"Hmm... looks like someone warmed up to that idea!" Ren whispered to Paige. Then he noticed another dude. "Whats your name, man?" 

"ERRR!" Fiona growled. "LETS GO!" She began to run toward the ramp when she realized her feet were moving faster then she could control.  "YAYAYAYAYAYA!" she called as her feet sped. "Whats going ONONONON?"


6:45pm May 18 2011

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Posts: 5,578

"Hey im just in it for the butt kicking" Paig whispered back. She turned to look at Fiona as she ran like the wind...litterally. Paig cuped her hands over he mouth so her voice could carry, "STOP!" she yelled as loud as she could.

((OK but then there would be one more girl again?))

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