7:29am May 19 2011
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((No. we have 3 boys, 2 girls, one more girl will make 3 and 3)) Fiona held her head and just stopped her legs. The force of how fast she had been running threw her off the side of the mountain. "Ayeee!" she called. with a THUD she hit the ground. While clutching her hurt leg, she shoved away the shadows who thirsted for her blood and bones. Tears streamed down her face. "Help" Ren looked at Paige, "Way'd a go! You broke a girl's leg or arm or both!" Then he started to walk toward the ramp Fiona saw. "I'm coming"
6:49pm May 19 2011
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Paig followed Ren her teeth cleanched and the voice inside her head was beging her to punch him in the face but they had other problems. She began to run to Fiona but it took her a bit to get there. She went up to Fionas side and looked at the shadows wondering if there would be any material to connect with if she punched them. She dicided to find out. She balled up her fists, "Come on ya wimps, come get me, or do you just feed on the weak!" she yelled to them. Appearently that struck a nerv with them becuase after that was a blur of shadows rushing at her. She yelled as she punched and sent one flying even though she didn't feel as if she had punched it. She smiled and bagan to take out the others sending them flying in the same direction. ((Ok then I'm making a girl right now))
6:53pm May 19 2011
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Name- Sam Gender-girl Power- she can see the futer but not when she wants to it just kind of comes to her
Age-17 Personality-Sam isn't quite a girly girl but she isn't as tough as Paige. She isn't a sport geek but she isn't all that into books either. Shes in the middle of a lot of things. She likes to be random though. She knows when to be serious but sometimes chooses not too. Crush- no one Other-nope
7:18pm May 19 2011
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((Yeah!!)) Fiona groaned. Then she looked at her leg which had scratches and bite marks all over it. Fiona, who did not like looking at blood, especially from her own body, fainted right after crying "Ahh!" Ren rushed down to Fiona's side. Her head in his arms he whispered something in spanish. "Fiona!" he bobbed her head. "Paige," he looked her in the eye. "Why'd yah... never mind. Just fight the shadow freaks, you seem to be the only one with the strength to punch them"
7:29pm May 19 2011
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"yeah so quite your yaping and get her up there" Paig said her tone harsh as she noded her head to the ground above where the shadows didn't seem to like it. "Take her to the light I don't think they will go there." Pag continued to send shadows flying with a slight smile on her face aafter a while. She was begining to get tired. She was gasping for breath and her face soaked with sweat. She had been inching her way up the ramp to where Ren and Giona were. She shadows started to retreat away from the light. Paig colapesed to the ground trying to catch her brreath. She turned to look at Ren, "Why'd I what?" she asked she was to tired to put any emotion in it. Sam was walking twords the group her hands in the front pocket of her black hoody her baggy cargo pants draging on the ground hideing her black high top convers. She sqauted down next to Fiona and Ren looking as if she were thinking. She was much smaller than the rest of the group but she didn't mind at all. She stood up a moment later and walked to the edge of the cliff and looked down at the shadows waiting for anything they could eat. She walked back over to the others her hands in her pockets still. She didnt say a word.
7:34pm May 19 2011
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Ren laid Fiona down in the sun, then rushed back to Paige. "The girl... The told me to get as high ground as possible! The ocean is rising. HE is coming, whoever HE is!" he picked Paige up in his arms and ran as fast as he could to Fiona. "Stay here with Fiona, babe." he began to run up the top of the hill where they first started, when a thought struck his head. I just called her babe. OMG do I... like her... no no no. Thats not possible I hate Paige she is so hard to deal with. But yet part of me wants to grab her and kiss her.
7:42pm May 19 2011
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Paig stood there when she herd him. She had to think a second if she herd him right. Nope , she herd him right. She turned tword him her mouth open as if she were going to say something but nothing did. She turned back to Fiona and sat down next to Fiona a bit confused. When he said that it made her a bit....gidy. She would never admit it not even on paper but she couldn't dine it. She kind of liked him. But some times she also wanted to punch him in the face. But she wanted to do that to everyone and one point or another. Sam sat down too next to Fiona and tilted her head, "What happened to her?" she asked. Her voice was almost a squeak but she couldn't help it thats how it allwats was. "Uh...she um..got attacked by those things over there" Paig pointed to where the shadows were. She was still caught up in the whole Ren thing. "Maybe she needs some help?" Sam advised "Like what?" Paig had lost her sarcastic and narsistic tone. Sam shruged.
7:58pm May 19 2011
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Ren walked back over. "L-le-ets go. Uhh..." he looked at Sam. "Your with us, I take it. I'm Ren. Thats Fiona! Heh heh!" he picked Fiona up and started walking. Apollo and Nicolas were just standing there, so they left them. "I I saw some higher land over there."he pointed at a peak that was way in the distance." when he took his hand off Fiona, she almost tumbled to the ground. "W'hat.." Fiona blinked. "SHHH! AHH!"She felt pressure on her leg. My leg!" she looked at it. "It's blee- bleeding!!" Ren stopped. "I read how to make a cast. I'll see if I can make one, I'll make you good as new, well.. not quite" He rushed over to the nearest tree and peeled bark and twigs. After tieing and scavenging for at least 10 minutes, he applied the foot cast to Fiona and supplied her with a fairly sturdy tree limb as a crutch.
8:08pm May 19 2011
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Paig followed quiet for sometime, "So we're just going to walk to the mountain help the person in the sky and get out of here?....sounds simple enough" she wasn't quite back to normal she still wasn't as sarcastic but fairly OK. She just kept walking in the front of the group trying to stay as far from Ren as possible becasue she wasnt quite sure what to make of him yet. "Yup pretty much I guess" she let Fiona lean on her as she hobbled around. She made she was steady. She took in the place they were at: pretty dry and treeless, flat for the most part. There wasn't much to see but that made it all the more interseting to her.
9:59pm May 19 2011
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(I'll reply when I can. Exhausted from my concert, then I have all kinds of crap to do to get ready for my state tests. -flop- Why is flute so tiring? x.x)
7:49am May 20 2011
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((Sure thing Rika)) Ren pulled out a small notebook and began to doodle the shadows and trees and landscape, but when he looked at what he was really doodling, it was Paige. "HUH!" he let out a sigh and shoved the notebook back into his pocket. am I... Sick? he asked himself feeling his forehead. Nope. He knew right away that this could only mean one thing, he liked Paige. He slowed his jog down to a steady walk and tried to gather all the bits and pieces. I LIKE PAIGE. he repeated in his head. But for some weird reason, he could not get it into his head. It just did not seem true.
10:24am May 20 2011
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Posts: 11,785
(So, could you two slow down a bit? So I don't have to read through give pages to catch up?)
8:48pm May 20 2011
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Sam was silent for awhile...untill she gor hungrey. "Anyone want some toaster waffles?" she asked pulling four our of her pockets. She began to eat one. "Their really good" she insisted but stoped talking. "Never mind then". She consentrated on helping Fiona walk again. Paige was quite at the front of the group just looking forward to where they were headed. She was to scared to speek afraid of what might come out. She heard Sam offer waffles and slowed down a bit to take one. She was hungey too and nothing would stop her from eating if she was hungrey. She started eating the waffle walking next to Sam.
9:25pm May 20 2011
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Posts: 11,785
((Soo...Where exactly are they so I can bring my characters back in? :U))
9:27pm May 20 2011
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((Their walking to a mountain some ways off but they didn't get that far from where they started))
9:41am May 21 2011
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((I'll slow down...)) Ren walked up to Paige and tapped her on the shoulder. "Hey, sorry about what I said before. It just.. came out!"
3:38pm May 21 2011
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Her skin tingled when Rain taped her but she kept her face expresstionless as she trned to look at him, "Uh...yeah ok sure" she said. She didn't know what else to say so she just left it at that and continued to eat her waffle.
7:46pm May 23 2011
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Ren closed his eyes. He could not believe what he was going to do. He stopped Paige in her tracks. With a hand on her shoulder he leaned her against the nearest tree. Pinning her in, he whispered "I'm sorry" in spanish and leaned in. It all happened quickly, the pinning, the whisper and now the kiss. He just leaned in and kissed her, a quick kiss. ((Rika! I'm mailing you, if you can't keep up, me and Dart will adopt your characters!!))
7:52pm May 23 2011 (last edited on 8:33pm May 23 2011)
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Paig had her hands up like she was cuaght red handed at a robery her eyes wide open. She stared at him her lips moving trying to say something after the kiss but nothing came out. All she could do was kick him in the shin, punch him in the gut and storm off. Her eyes were still wide her hands at her side just looking ahead. Sam watched, "Uh...wow?" was all she could manage. She wasn't quite sure wheather to continue walking or go see if he was OK so she just stood there.
4:47pm May 24 2011
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Posts: 11,785
((I can't help that I have to focus on my schoolwork, Wish. But school ends next Thursday for me, and then I'll have all the time in the world to do this because my boyriend's going to be working several days a week. Just be patient and give it time! These tests are a huge part of our final grade, so I can't afford to do badly on them!)) Apollo rolled his eyes at the dramatic romance-y mush that was currently going on, muttering something under his breath before he started venturing ahead of all the others,They needed to focus on getting out of there, not on some lovey-dovey crap that would just slow them down. ________________ Nicolas waited behind witht he others while Apollo went ahead, fiddling nervously with the headphones he still wore around his neck with a soft sigh. He was too shy to start up a conversation with anyone, and much too nervous to try and get people's attentions...so he was just...sort of...there.