4:04pm Jan 10 2010
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Posts: 2,518
((AWSOME!! I LOVE bats, and have since I was little. I don't know why though...))
Muffinz 0_o
4:04pm Jan 10 2010
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Posts: 993
((Sorry to intervene, but Kat, you're needed on the Atlantic Sun roleplay. :P))
school's out and I'm back for the summer~
4:13pm Jan 10 2010
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Posts: 2,931
((You just want to start Zoey? I mean, we could do it just with the two of us.))
Who needs movies, when we can just go out and live life?
4:17pm Jan 10 2010
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Posts: 2,518
((Sure! Sounds fun!))
Muffinz 0_o
4:21pm Jan 10 2010
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Posts: 2,931
((Ok. Give me a sec to start! :D))
Who needs movies, when we can just go out and live life?
4:23pm Jan 10 2010
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Posts: 2,518
((Yay!! *waits*))
Muffinz 0_o
4:42pm Jan 10 2010
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Posts: 2,931
"If its a girl, we will name it Solarus, if its a boy, Jonathan." Mrs. Emily Hanson said, gripping Mr. Bill Hanson's hand until his nuckles turned white. Then the screaming began. Finally, one of the babies came. Bill wiped off the face of the perfect, elf like beauty boy. "Its a boy. A beautiful boy." Bill said, cleaning off the baby. "And, it looks like you. Red haired, just like you." Then, the screaming came again. Afterwards, Emily p*censored*ed out. Bill cleaned off the other baby, and then was shocked. Both babies were boys, and were completely identical, but the one smelled strange....But Bill pushed that thought out of his mind. He woke his wife up. "There was a second baby. Its a boy." He siad. Emily gripped his hand, so happy. "Let's call him Jacob."
Who needs movies, when we can just go out and live life?
4:47pm Jan 10 2010
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Posts: 2,518
"Breathe Anna, breathe," said Steven, holding her hand. Anna did her best not to scream of pain, and she almost succeeded. Little shreiks escaped, but were quelled. She gripped her husbands hand, and did her best to smile at him. Finally, the baby was delivered. Steven took her over to Anna. "It's a girl," he said, smiling at her. He then p*censored*ed her to Anna, who took her. The baby opened her eyes, and looked at her mom. After a moment, she smiled up at her. "Kris," Anna said, gently rocking her. "Kristen Victoria Parkerson," she smiled at her husband. He nodded his head in agreement. "Kris," he repeated over and over, watching his wife slowly fall asleep.
Muffinz 0_o
5:14pm Jan 10 2010
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((*waits in anticipation for Kat to post another epic post*))
Muffinz 0_o
5:39pm Jan 10 2010
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Jake and John were accidents. It was not normal for a werewolf and a whitelighter to end up together, but it had happened. Luckily, it didn't seem that either of the kids had carried the gean. Jake and John were identical, totally the same. They were never parted either. They cried when they weren't around eachother. But then, about 6 months later, they both began to speak. John's first word was light. This was usual, and very cute for a whitelighter. Jake on the other hand, scared his parents. His first word was dark.
Who needs movies, when we can just go out and live life?
5:45pm Jan 10 2010
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Posts: 2,518
((XD Woah.)) Kris from the age of 3 months, could speak. SPEAK. Isn't that weird. She, however, scared her parents half to death when they found her talking not to the babysitter who now hung suspended by nothing in the kitchen, but to the space behind her. Kris only had this for an explination, "The nice man asked if I was otay. I said that the babysitter was being a meanie, and so her held her by her ears. It was funny!" Kris clapped her hands. her parents looked suspicous, but saw how the girl was okay, and thought nothing more of it.
Muffinz 0_o
5:51pm Jan 10 2010
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The first sign that Jake was different was his eyes. Instead of being a light color when they flowed like lava, his eyes were blood red. This gave his parents fears. He began to loose his looks like his brother. His hair was turning a dark brown, like his fathers, and his face was slimming down. His pointed ears widdled down to regular human ears. One day, his father came into his room to talk to him. "Son, are you ok?" He asked. "I can do things daddy. I can make people who hurt me sad. I can scare them, real bad." He said. He smiled, showing sort of sharp teeth. His father jumped. He couldn't possibly carry the gean, could he? They took Jake to be looked at, and sure enough, he was a mudblood. 1/2 werewolf, 1/2 whitelighter. He wasn't your typical werewolf though. He shifted when he got really mad. Once he couldn't find a toy, and accidently hurt his brother. His parents were very worried, but then Jake began to gain control of this. Soon, his mother's stomach was round again, carrying another baby.
Who needs movies, when we can just go out and live life?
5:57pm Jan 10 2010
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One day, when her parents got home from work, kris rushed up to them. "How was your first day of Kindergarten, sweetie?" he asked. "A girl with pretty hair came up to me, and asked me how to find her Mama. I told her that we were at school, and she asked me what school was, so I told her. Then she and I played pretend all day, but the teacher couldn't see her. Then I reached out to touch her, but my hand went right through, like this," she said, swiping her tiny hand through the air. Her parents were worried. Kris then looked to her right. "There she is again. Hello," she waved to their right, but Steven, nor Ana could see her. Her parents were freaking out.
Muffinz 0_o
6:04pm Jan 10 2010
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Soon, Lucy and Solarus were born. They were not identical, and so Bill and Emily got them tested right away. Neither one of them were part werewolf. This was a big releif. They were happy healthy babies. Solarus, did take the favorite spot for their mom right away though. She was always just so cute, and was very smart as a baby. Lucy was even smarter, but kept to herself. Jake was seperated from his sisters alot, for his parents were afriad of him hurting the newborn babies. Jake ended up spending alot of time with Bill. Bill and Jake were alot alike. Everything was good. All of the children were healthy, happy, and perfect. Jake was negelcted sometimes, but his dad was always there for him. This family, the Hansons, had the perfect life. Jake and John went to preschool, and excelled far into the world. They wanted to learn. But no one was ever ready for the day Jake saw a paino. He sat down, treating it with care. He was very young at the time. He placed it hands daintily on the keys, and music began flowing from his fingers. His parents froze in pure terror, but then the music was so beautiful, that it brought them to tears. Jake was just like his father with music too. The Hansons had the perfect life. But then, just what no one had ever excepted came. Reality came knocking on the door. The Hansons could have never been more wrong.
Who needs movies, when we can just go out and live life?
6:24pm Jan 10 2010
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Kris grew to be happy and healthy, very smart and athletic. She could play the flute by the time she was 6, along with the violin and guitar. However, her parents continued to be worried about her. She kept talking to ghosts, but quickly found out that they were dead. But they weren't different in her eyes. They were just lost, like herself.
Muffinz 0_o
6:29pm Jan 10 2010
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Solarus was sick. Very sick. She had cancer. The first clue to this was when Solarus began to get bruises on her face. No one knew what was going on, whitelighters didn't have blood, they had light, so this was odd. A doctor told them that Solarus wasn't producing enough light, and that something was growing inside her heart. She was going to die unless she could find a donor. Now, all light is different. Trying to save her, Emily insisted on everyone that was a whitelighter being tested to see if they were a match. Everyone except Jake and Bill. No one was a match. Emily, refusing to let Solarus die, became desperate. Then, she came to an idea. Why not get Jake tested?
Who needs movies, when we can just go out and live life?
6:35pm Jan 10 2010
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One night, kris fell while her mom and dad were upstairs. She started bleeding black, plauged blood, though she didn't think anything of it. She was in middle school, she could handle it. She went to the medicine cabinet in the bathroom upstairs to get a band aid. She got there, and stared. There' in the shower, her mother's body lay crumpled. She curled around where the knife was plunged deep within her stomach. She had several deep gashes in her legs and back. She just lie there. "Mommy?" she asked in her little girl voice. "Mommy?" she shook her. there was no response. "MOMMY!!" she cried, and lay next to her body.
Muffinz 0_o
6:40pm Jan 10 2010
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Jake was the perfect match for Solarus, the little bit of light he had. His parents marveled over it. They took Jake in to get some light drawn. "Please daddy! I don't wanna!" Jake screeched. Let me remind you, he was like 7 at the time. "We will go get icecream afterwards! Just one more poke!" Bill said. Emily was smiling. As long as Solarus was ok, she was happy. Jake was a mistake anyway. "NO!!!!!!" Jake screamed, crying his eyes out. "Daddy! Please!" Then the doctors put a mask full of darklight on Jake's mouth, and he was conked out. They withdrew lots of blood and light from his body. Solarus soon recovered for a while. Then she need more. She needed brian tissue. Again, Jake was to give her parts. He had become the donor child. Only his father really cared about him. Solarus hated it though. Jake was now 12. He had had up to 32 stays at a hospital to give light, blood, and tissues. Finnally, it reached its peak. Solarus needed 50% of Jake's light. Emily forced Jake to do it. Jake was in the hospital, very sick, for 30 days.
Who needs movies, when we can just go out and live life?
6:45pm Jan 10 2010
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Posts: 2,518
There was a report on the news about kris's mama. Her father had disappeared, so Kris was now at a Foster Home. Only, before that, when the body was being removed. Kris refused to leave her mother. The cameras rolled as she held her mother's hand as she was wheeled to the truck. She bended over, gave her mother a goodbye kiss, and watched the red lights of the truck dissappear. The story rolled for over a week. She made people cry. People argued that she should be placed in the care of her relatives. But, all of her relatives had a criminal record, so there she was, inside the cold, hard rooms of the orphanage.
Muffinz 0_o
6:51pm Jan 10 2010
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Posts: 2,931
Solarus felt horrible. She was causing Jake so much pain. She was 10 when Jake began trying to kill himself. "Please Jake, please!" She would say when he cut his chest. At this time, Christopher Russo was 12 too. Chris was driving his fathers car at close to 85 miles per hour around his neighborhood. Sudennly his phone rang. "You little bastard! You get you @ss home right now!" His father screamed. "WHAT? I CAN'T HEARYOU!!!! TALK TO YOU LATER!" he screamed, and sped the car up.
Who needs movies, when we can just go out and live life?