[[May I join? I'm not sure if I ask, then post my information, or ask and post my information at the same time. To SAVE time, I'll post my forms.]]
Name: NiLan
Age: 3 years
Made this image in devianARt, the lineart and colors are NOT mine. Annd NiLan has no red eyes.
History: Prefers to not speak about it.
Mate?: None/Offers?
Crush?: Offers?
Pups?: None. Not yet :d
Other: Warrior of Lightning Pack, if possible?
Name: Barbaros
Age: 3 years
If no funny/strange colors are allowed, the band on his leg will be grey.
History: N/A. Too lazy to type it up :d
Family?: Offers?
Mate?: Offers?
Crush?: Offers?
Pups?: Offers?
Other: Warrior of Snow Pack, if possible?