11:04pm Feb 2 2010
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Posts: 198
Flameseeker rose to the sunrise. Pale light was streaming in through the lichen that covered the entrance to the medicine cat den. Birdsong was starting to fill the air and some cats were starting to stir. He stood up, yawned, and gave a big stretch. Flameseeker had a nice night, nothing disturbed him; not even a message from StarClan. The tom padded to the back of the den where herbs were stored. He mumbled to himself quietly, trying not to wake his apprentice, Stormclaw. "Tansy...Chervil Root...and some Water Mint..." After taking inventory, Flameseeker walked out into the clearing. He scanned the camp and noticed that his brother, Thunderstar, had his head poked into the warrior's den. 'He must be getting together a dawn patrol.' the tom thought. Flameseeker bent his head down to lick his ruffled chest fur, then he went to Thunderstar. "Goodmorning," he said as he dipped his head in greetings. "How's my brother?" Even though Thunderstar is Clan leader, Flameseeker was never afraid to adress his brother as a normal cat.

Made by the epic Sigath of DeviantART!! :D
11:06pm Feb 2 2010
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Posts: 198
OOC:well I gotta go to sleep...I'll be on tomorrow though

Made by the epic Sigath of DeviantART!! :D
1:37am Feb 3 2010
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((Oh, okay. Then Moonpelt. xD)) The sunlight filtered through the lichen and nibbled at Stormclaw's eyes, begging him to awaken. Groaning, He slowly opened one eye, seeing the bright light of Dawn. "I wanna go back to sleep... but I promised Flameseeker I woudl gather herbs today..." He grumbled, Reluctantly getting up and stretching. He was somewhat lazy on mornings, and had to often force himself awake. Sighing, He poked his head out of the den. Seeing Flameseeker adressing his brother, Stormclaw decided to leave him be and head out. Moonpelt had been snoring away as the clan rose awake. The sunlight warmed her and tempted to keep her asleep, but she snorted and awakened herself. Mumbling to herself, She stretched and opened her golden eyes. licking where her fang used to be, She walked outside and sat under Highrock, awaiting orders for the day.
You gotta get lost if you want to get found...
8:27am Feb 3 2010 (last edited on 5:08pm Feb 3 2010)
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"Good, how are you my little brother?" He meowed with a laugh, "Collecting herbs today?" Withoutwaiting for his brothers reply he walked off. (We'll start, beginning of a new moon. Just so the Medi Cats know when to go to the Moonstone thing))
3:30pm Feb 3 2010
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((I might not know what your talking about. xD Sorry, I've only read to the third book.))
You gotta get lost if you want to get found...
10:21pm Feb 3 2010
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Posts: 198
OOC: Daisy...you need to read the others...they're amazing!! :D and the third series is probably my favorite...so far...she's making a fourth series called "Omen of the Stars" and the first book was epic!! :D I encourage you to read the books!

Made by the epic Sigath of DeviantART!! :D
11:00pm Feb 3 2010
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Posts: 1,060
ooc; Join as a rogue? ^-^
11:08pm Feb 3 2010 (last edited on 11:10pm Feb 3 2010)
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Desired Name: Fallenangel Age: 12 moons Position: Rogue, joins Breezeclan later on(?) Gender: Female Appearance: Pure black cat with two white stripes down her back that seep onto her sides, she has two white stripes running down her ears, also. And one stripe under bothe eyes. Her tail is a bit crooked, zigzaging, almost, but just slightly. She is extremely skinny, almost to the point of being emaciated, but she's perfectly fine. Personality: Fallenangel is an extremely chaotic cat. She's thinks quickly and has a quick temper, also. Usually, though, her mood is neutral but she has extreme moodswings every now and then, accompanied by little mood swings here and there. She's a bit corrupt, having been through a lot, leaving her paranoid. She has a very wild imagination and is cheery in the worst of times Family: Deceased History: When she was born, her parents were exiles, being killed later on by the very clan that had exiled them, in front of Fallenangel's eyes. She's witnessed many crimes like that also, and at a very young age. When she was just seven moons old, she killed another cat that had sneaked up on her. Mate: None Kits: None Other: None
1:16am Feb 4 2010 (last edited on 1:20am Feb 4 2010)
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((Haha, one of my friends is ahead of me in the series, so she's letting me borrow her books. 8D And the 4th book is amazing so far.)) Moonpelt followed Her leadr impatiently. "Please, I'd liek my orders for today." She snapped quietly, flicknig her tail. Her fur fell smooth on her body as her ears twitched. She licked one of her fangs, and glanced at her leader. Stormclaw yawned and slumped toward the ground, almost falling asleep again. Sighing, He padded to a bush with scarlet red berries. "We're running out of Deathberries..." He mumbled, picknig a few and desperatly trying not to bite down. Sprinting back to camp, He quickly went to the Den and dropped the berries. Spitting on the dirt to make sure, He ran back off. The smell of A Vole filled his nostrils and instantly he dropped to a crouch.
You gotta get lost if you want to get found...
11:00am Feb 4 2010 (last edited on 5:57pm Feb 4 2010)
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Posts: 198
Flameseeker looked after his brother as he padded away. 'I need to go check on Stormclaw.' he thought. The tom-cat padded back to his den. He poked his head into the lichen covered den and realized that his apprentice was no longer in his nest. 'He better be out hunting or gathering herb and not fooling around.' Flameseeker thought. After standing just inside the medicine cat den for a while, he stalked over to the fresh-kill pile. He noticed that the pile was running low, so he grabbed a small mouse to save the bigger prey for the cats who really need it. 'I should go out into the forest to look for herbs, but I don't want to leave the camp alone without a medicine cat.' Flameseeker thought. As if on que, Stormclaw padded through the thorn barrier. Flameseeker padded over to him with a skiop in his step. "Hello Stormclaw!" the tom-cat said with a smile. "Have you been collecting herbs?"

Made by the epic Sigath of DeviantART!! :D
7:05pm Feb 4 2010
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Stormcalw jumped and gave a Meow up alarm, his her fluffed up as he realized it was his Mentor. "Oh, It's you, Flameseeker... Yeah. Is that okay?" He asked, licking his fur to smooth it down, then looking back at Flameseeker.
You gotta get lost if you want to get found...
8:33pm Feb 4 2010
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12:39pm Feb 5 2010
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"Didn't mean to scare you there, Stormclaw." Flameseeker said with a little mrrow of laughter. "And yes...it'd more than okay. We have also been running low on Chervil Root, Tansy, and Water Mint." the tom paused for a second then continued talking. "We need to go collect them. Come on." Flameseeker waved his tail for his apprentice to follow.

Made by the epic Sigath of DeviantART!! :D
3:23pm Feb 5 2010
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Posts: 2,046
"But, Flameseeker, shouldn't the clan have a medicine cat here?" Stormclaw questioned, his vocie soft as he followed. His tail flicked as his fluffed fur smoothed and sat flat on his body. ((Sorry for shortness. Dx))
You gotta get lost if you want to get found...
10:05pm Feb 5 2010
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Posts: 198
Flameseeker stopped in his tracks, and turned to face his apprentice. "Good point, Stormclaw." he meowed. "But we won't be gone for long, so don't worry." The tom paused for a moment the continued. "I know where there's a large grouping of the herbs that we need." Flameseeker tunred and padded out of the thorn barrier. Once outside he waited for his apprentice to follow.

Made by the epic Sigath of DeviantART!! :D
11:20pm Feb 5 2010
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He nodded and followed obediantly. trotting after him quickly.
You gotta get lost if you want to get found...
9:32am Feb 6 2010
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Posts: 2,842
((I need a recap please))
10:14am Feb 6 2010
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Posts: 198
RECAP: Flameseeker went up to his brother, Thunderstar, they talked for a few seconds then Thunderstar went on his way....Stormclaw came back with deathberries....Flameseeker and Stormclaw are now going back out into the forest to get Chervil Root, Tansy, and Water Mint....and now I'm typing this....

Made by the epic Sigath of DeviantART!! :D
10:38am Feb 6 2010
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Posts: 2,842
((okay thankles. Someone is stretching the page. Is it you siggy Echo? I'm making Fernsayer a queen with kits as we have a total of one apprentice)) ((These are her kits))
((Leafkit - Female^^))
((Larkkit - male^^))
((Spiritkit female^^))
10:39am Feb 6 2010
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((And accepted Shadowolf))