3:58pm Feb 6 2010
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Posts: 2,046
((Oh, and Moonpelt is nagging the leader for an as.singment.))
You gotta get lost if you want to get found...
4:04pm Feb 6 2010
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Posts: 2,842
Thunderstar looked at Moonpelt at mewoed, "Well, if you would like something to do, you could mentor one of Fernsayer's kits when they become apprentices. That is, only if you want to." He smiled at her cheekily. Without waiting for an answer Thunderstar walked over to Snowdrift and Dreamsplash, "How would you two like to mentor one of Fernsayers kits??"
7:19pm Feb 6 2010
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Posts: 2,046
Moonpelt just nodded and walked off to hunt, sighing lightly to herself. ((Sorry, short. Dx))
You gotta get lost if you want to get found...
8:40pm Feb 6 2010 (last edited on 4:01pm Feb 7 2010)
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Posts: 1,713
((join?)) Desired Name: Lightshadow Age: 24 moons Position: warrior Gender: famale Appearance:noen Personality: GARR Family:none History:being .... GARR Mate:none Kits:none looks: Other:noen Desired Name: Rainforest Age: 15 moons Position: warrior Gender: Appearance: Personality: joyfull Family: noen History:none Mate: open Kits:none Other:none Desired Name:jaggedpaw Age:11moons Position: apprentice Gender:female Appearance: Personality:... Family:... History: hyper cat lol Mate: Kits: Other: Rainfeather warrior female looks: silver cat with white spotes. white underbelly with black spots, and white tail with black spots. Ice blue eyes. history: destroyed a cats vishon and threw her own brother off a cliff because she was being controlled by her father, Iceheart. no apprentice family: other clans. crush: open.
9:29pm Feb 6 2010
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Posts: 2,842
((acepted, and is Rainforest male or female?))
10:10pm Feb 6 2010
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Desired Name: Silentpaw Age: 10 Moons Position: Apprentice Gender: Tom Appearance:  Personality: Quiet, sweet, can be a little aggressive if annoyed Family: Fallen, Falconwing (his adoptive mother) History: Was born a rouge, his father gave him to Falconwing to raise after his mother died Mate: To young Kits: To young Other: Does not know his true family ~ Desired Name: Fallen Age: 43 Moons Position: Rouge Gender: Tom Appearance:  Personality: Anti-social, cold, grief-stricken, very guilty for what he did Family: Silentpaw History: Was born a rouge, still is and travels quietly around Breezeclan territory Mate: Whisper (dead) Kits: Silentpaw Other: Nope ~ Desired Name: Falconwing Age: 30 Moons Position: Warrior Gender: She-cat Appearance:  Personality: Sweet, loving, very loyal and hard-headed Family: None, but considers Silentkit as one History: Was good friend with a rouge, Whisper, and agreed to take her kit in Mate: None, looking Kits: None, but looks at Silentkit as one Other: Nope
10:12pm Feb 6 2010
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Posts: 2,842
((-glomps stray- Yay you joined! you are eaccepted. :D))
10:20pm Feb 6 2010
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Posts: 2,092
((-is glomped- yay thankies!)) Silentpaw padded from the apprentices den and glanced around the camp, looking for a certain cat. Seeing Thunderstar speaking to Moonpelt, he decided not to annoy the leader. Padding over to Falconwing, who was about to go out on patrol, the apprentice looked at her pleadingly. "Can I go with you? Thunderstar has not *censored*igned me a new mentor and i'm sitting around bored." She purred and licked his head, making him scowl. "Not yet, if he does not *censored*ign you a new mentor by tonight, then i'll see if I can speak to him." She promised. "Just dont get your hopes up, he's a busy cat." Silentpaw let his ears droop and nodded. "Alright Falconwing, i'll go see if Fernsayer's needs anything." He grumbled, and walked off to the nursery. Fallen glanced sidelong at the Breezeclan territory and wondered how Silence was doing. He still regretted the day he let his son go, but if he did not the kit would die. "Perhaps one day you'll know the truth my son." He muttered to open air, and felt a prick of loneliness settling in.

10:46pm Feb 6 2010
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Posts: 2,046
Moonpelt walked over to Silentpaw. "Maybe I coudl convice Thunderstar to as.sign me as your mentor." She purred, and followed the Leader. "Thunderstar, Silentpaw is by far ready for a mentor. May I take him?" She asked softly, looking back at the apprentice.
You gotta get lost if you want to get found...
10:51pm Feb 6 2010
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Posts: 198
OOC: *pokes Eklipse*...cats can't be warriors until they're 20 moons old....just a little Warriors fact there x3 and yes...that's probably my siggy...I'll fix it right away

Made by the epic Sigath of DeviantART!! :D
11:03pm Feb 6 2010
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Posts: 2,092
Silentpaw instantly jumped to his paws and followed Moonpelt, eyes shining. He hoped that Thunderstar would as*ign him to Moonpelt, that way he could begin his training again. But he knew to keep his mouth shut and wait for Thunderstar's words.
9:52am Feb 7 2010
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Posts: 1,713
( female ;) )) Rainforest stared into the distance, "I love this place." she murmured.
10:51am Feb 7 2010
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Posts: 198
Once Flameseeker his apprentice were out in the forest, he headded torward the stream that cut through BreezeClan territory. Leaf-fall was in it's prime. Even though snow didn't cover the ground; the wind and air were still icy cold. Every time Flameseeker would set his paws down there would be a crunch of frozen leaves. 'Sometimes I wonder how the warriors can hunt in winter.' he thought. The tom perked his ears; the sound of the gently flowing stream was up ahead. Flameseeker picked up the pace a little so they could get there, gather the herbs, then get back to camp.

Made by the epic Sigath of DeviantART!! :D
11:02am Feb 7 2010
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Posts: 2,092
Fallen heard a voice from around some heather and pricked his ears in curiosity. He knew that only Clan-cats really traveled around here, so maybe he could get some sort of information on Silence. Padding up to the cat, he noticed a she-cat sitting there. "I love this place." He heard her say and scowled, fur prickling. "Are you one of those clan-cats?" The loner asked.
1:15pm Feb 7 2010
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Posts: 2,842
((I can't post the ceremony for Fernsyares kits till Snoweh comes on but I will do Silentpaw's)) Thundestar lept up the huge rok, "Let all cat old enough to catch their own prey gather beneath the Higrock for a clan meeting!" He paused as the clan pooled around the bottom of the rock, "Today we re as.sign a mentor to Silentpaw as his previous was killed in a rockfall(?) Silentpaw please step forward. Moonpelt will be the mentor to Silentpaw. She will teach him the way of the warrior world and we shall have another reat warrior!"
3:52pm Feb 7 2010
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Posts: 2,046
Moonpelt raised her head, proud of herself and moved to Silentpaw to touch noses. "Are you ready for training today?" She asked quietly. Stormclaw struggled to keep up, but froze when he heard the river. His muscles Tensed and he struggled otu a pathetic mew of horror. Shaking himself, he pushed himself forward after Flameseeker. ((He's afraid of water.))
You gotta get lost if you want to get found...
4:02pm Feb 7 2010
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Posts: 2,092
Silentpaw padded quickly up to Moonpelt and nodded eagerly. "Yes, im ready when ever you are." He meowed, tail twitching with anticipation. ((Fail post))
4:07pm Feb 7 2010
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Posts: 1,713
((hey, uh........... lol I need a mentor for Jaggedpaw.) Rainforest looked at the cat in surprise. "Of course I am! " she meowed happily. This cat didn't act like a Rouge, he must be a loner. "My name is Rainforest, and you are?" she meowed waiting for a reply from the strange cat. I ahve never seen a loner before, I wonder what That life is like. she thought waiting for an answer from the cat. "How do you know about the clans?" meowed Rainforest. starring into the loner's eyes.
4:13pm Feb 7 2010
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Posts: 2,092
Fallen flinched slightly from the last question, but decided to answer anyway. He was a bit surprised that she had not tried to attack him like he figured she would. It always seemed that clan-cats ran off loners if they got near. "Its nice to meet you Rainforest. Im Fallen, a loner as you've probably notice." He added with a slight shrug. "I grew around here, and my parents taught me." He lied, not willing to admit anything about Whisper or Silence in case she told the others and they hurt Silence. "Nice name by the way, it fits."
4:20pm Feb 7 2010
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Posts: 2,842
((Okay she will be jaggewdkit then appointed a mentor soon)) Thunderstar realized after leaping down from the rock that he had another ceremony to perform, leapoing back up he yowled, "Let all cats old nough to catch their own prey gather again beneathHighrock for a clan meeting" He watched as the cats pooled beneath the rock, "Today is a special day for BreezeClan. By anouncing apprentices we show that we stay strong and keep growing. Jaggedkit please step forward" he watched as the small she-kit walked forward and he continued, "Jagged kit do you promse to uphold the warrior code even at the cost of your life?" he heard the young cat say , "I do" and he then stated, "Then, from this day forward until you receive your warrior name you shall be known as Jaggedpaw. I will personally mentor you." He lept down and touched his nose to hers.