3:54pm Feb 9 2010
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Fallen padded through the forest with his ears down and at a slight crouch, perfering not to be seen. He knew not all the clan cats were nice. A voice made him glance around in curiosity, and he followed it to where a young tom and older she-cat were battling. About to turn and walk off, he noticed the familiarity of the young tom and his son The same amber eyes, dark brown pelt. "Silence. "He murmured, voice filled with pain. Said apprentice turned around hearing a voice, fur bristling in aggression. "Who's there!" Silentpaw growled.
4:39pm Feb 9 2010
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Moonpelt whipped around and arched her back. She sprung at Fallen and snarled. "Why are you here?!" She demanded, but noticed no look of agression on his face. She softened up abit. "Why did you come?" She asked softly.
You gotta get lost if you want to get found...
4:43pm Feb 9 2010
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Posts: 2,092
Fallen backed up quickly away from the she-cat, flattening his ears to show he meant no harm. Normally he would have shredded any cat who talked to him like that, but a clan-cat tended to mean there were others, ad he wanted no problem with the clans. "Im sorry if im interrupting you, or am tresp*censored*ing. Im looking for my deceased mate's sister, she joined the clans." He looked achingly at Silence, or Silentpaw now, but swiftly looked away so no other cat would see. "Her name is Falconwing." He murmured, crouching down.
4:53pm Feb 9 2010
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Moonpelt nodded slowly. "She's in camp." She replied, then caught a short glimpse of him looking at Silentpaw. "I don't think your looking for her though. You seem to have an intrest in Silentpaw."
You gotta get lost if you want to get found...
4:59pm Feb 9 2010
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Fallen flicked his ears back and shook his head. "I..uh...because I was just curious as to why such a young cat should be battling." He lied, and knew it was a pathetic one. "Do you think you could take me to the camp? I'd like to speak with her." He muttered, giving the she-cat a half pleading look. I have to know how he's been. "I will not harm any cat, but you can have guards around me if you like." He inwardly flinched at the hostile look Silence gave him.
5:03pm Feb 9 2010
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"We were training. Amd I'm not sure Thunderstar would accept that..... Fine. In and out, though." She muttered. "If anyone asks, your a prisoner and I'm sending you out." She meowed, then called Silentpaw. "Will you stand on the left side of this loner?" She asked softly, coming to the right and gently nipping at his flank to move him forward towards camp.
You gotta get lost if you want to get found...
5:09pm Feb 9 2010
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Silentpaw nodded and took his position, ignoring the burning stares the loner was giving him. He wondered what was so interesting about him. Fallen nodded and followed the she-cat, unsure if the clans would try to shred him. "Im grateful for this...?" He left the question hanging, wondering what her name was.
5:14pm Feb 9 2010
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"Moonpelt." She asnwered sharply. As they entered camp, she quickly nipped his flank again, signalling him to pick up the pace. Once they got to the Nursery, she pushed him in. "Be quick."
You gotta get lost if you want to get found...
5:26pm Feb 9 2010
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Fallen nodded and slunk into the nursery, almost gasping the the resemblance of Falconwing to Whisper. "Fallen?" She asked softly, getting up and staring the the tom. "What are you doing here?" She growled sharply, poking his side with a forepaw. "Im here to see Silence and see how he's been." He growled, shoving her paw away. Falconwing scowled and sat down, curling her tail around her paws. "Silentpaw is fine, hes a apprentice of the clan now and Moonpelt, how you've met, and is training to be a warrior." She told him, her hard face softening as she noticed he was just worried. "Your lonely aren't you?" She teased, and the tom scowled. "I should get going." He grumbled, but as he was about to walk out Falconwings voice stopped him. "Why dont you join our clan? If your so lonely." She asked, and he looked at her as if she was joking. Unfortunately her face was sincere. "Uh, im not sure if any of the other cats would like that." He grumbled. "They would not mind as long as you were loyal, and that way you'd be close to Silentpaw." She exclaimed, and grabbed him by the scruff to haul him out like a kit. "Were gonna go talk to Thunderstar." She told Moonpelt.

6:48pm Feb 9 2010
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Moonpelt nodded. "Come on Silentpaw, We should hunt." She meowed and nudged his side, then trotting out of camp. ((We should wait for Eastern.))
You gotta get lost if you want to get found...
8:15pm Feb 9 2010
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((thank you Daisy)) Thunderstar lifted his nose to the air and scented something affter encouraging Jaggedpaw to try again, "Jaggedpaw, follow me. I think someone's tresspas.sing." He motioned with his tail for her to follow anddarted back to camp. There he sawFalconwing and some rogue cat speaking, "Falconwing, who is this and why is he in our territory?"
8:22pm Feb 9 2010
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Moonpelt got in front of thunderstar. "He wanted to speak with his mate's sister. He is no threat." She mewed quietly, then stepped aside.
You gotta get lost if you want to get found...
8:28pm Feb 9 2010
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Posts: 2,842
"Thank you" Thunderstar whispered to her quietly.
9:26pm Feb 9 2010
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Falconwing dipped her head in greeting to Thunderstar, then poked Fallen to do the same. The rouge shakily did the same, unsure if at any moment the tom would signal all the other cats to shred him. "This is Fallen, a loner of our territory and he was my sisters mate." She leaned forward so no other cat could hear. "Theres more to it, but I dont think its for any other cats ears." She murmured, casting Fallen a sad look. Fallen stood up and flicked his tail for Falconwing to stop, she did so. "I'v come in peace to see a certain cat, but as I'v talked with her i'v realized something, being a loner with no other cat gets to be lonely. I'v come to speak with you so that maybe I could become a warrior of your clan." He told Thunderstar, dipping his head and leaving it there. "That is if you will permit it." Silentpaw nodded to his mentor and gave the loner a annoyed look. "Wonder what his problem was." He grumbled. The he pricked his ears up and listened for prey, being a better hunter then fighter.

9:30pm Feb 9 2010
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Thundertar saw the chemistry between the two, knowing he could trust Falconwing, this cat seemed okay. He beckoned wth his tail to follow him and dashed up to his den, "So you want to become a clan cat? I as.sume you know how to hunt and fight, or if you don't I am sorry for you" he ewed the last part on a joking tone, "But being serious, I am Thunderstar, leader of BreezeClan. What is it that urges you to become a warrior?"
9:36pm Feb 9 2010
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Fallen sat at the entrance of the den and thought about Thunderstar's words. He already liked this cat, seeing as he had a sense of humor, yet a air of authority. He seemed like a good leader and a wise cat. "As I said before, I am lonely mostly, my mate died a few seasons back and i'v been alone since. Also...Its because of Silence, or I think you call him Silentpaw." He paused and looked at his paws. "Please tell no other cat this, because they might start to doubt his loyalty. But Silentpaw is my son, he was born a rouge and I gave him to Falconwing as a tiny kit because I could not take care of him." He took a quick look at Thunderstar to see his reaction.
10:53pm Feb 9 2010
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Moonpelt nudged Silentpaw onward and dropped to a crouch. Slowly moving forward, she leaped and killed a fat squirrel with a bite to the neck.
You gotta get lost if you want to get found...
8:53am Feb 10 2010
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Posts: 1,713
(( o>O do'n't know what to wright... ,))
10:10pm Feb 10 2010
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Silentpaw nodded to his mentor and started sniffing around, pin-pointing a mouse not but a few tail lengths away. Crouching down, he swore to himself he was not going to miss it in front of his new mentor. Leaping, he killed it with a swift blow to the neck. Sitting down with his prey swinging in his jaws he wondered his Moonpelt had any words on a way to improve.
10:16pm Feb 10 2010
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"That's okay. Your secret is safe with me. And you can join the clan, don't worry about the other cats, some may mock you, but I understand the loeliness, you see, I was a rogue myself" Thunderstar's deep mew carried thourout the den and he motioned with his tail for Fallen to follow him, "Come hunting with me and we will see your skills then give you a clan name."