12:46am Feb 11 2010 (last edited on 12:46am Feb 11 2010)
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Posts: 2,046
Moonpelt's ears twitched in satisfaction. "Very good Silentpaw. But, I saw the prey begin to realize you were coming. Perhaps take lighter steps?" She suggested and buried their catch so they could fetch it later. "Now, I want to teach you a little trick." She meowed and padded to a lake. Smiling, she plunged herself into the water and stayed under for awhile. She jumped out with a fish in her jaws and dropepd it to the ground, killing it with a swipe from her mas.sive paw.
You gotta get lost if you want to get found...
12:12pm Feb 11 2010 (last edited on 4:26pm Feb 11 2010)
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Posts: 2,092
Silentpaw grimaced the the thought of water on his pelt. "I know that the fish is a good source of prey, but wouldn't it be easier to just stick to hunting mice, squirrels and such." He asked curiously, sniffing the fish. Fallen nodded, surprised to hear the leader of the clan was once a rouge. Following Thunderstar, he padded from the den and flicked his ears at some of the stares he got. But he kept his head held high and felt better as he padded into the forest. Instantly he sniffed for prey, but waited for Thunderstar.
4:21pm Feb 11 2010 (last edited on 4:35pm Feb 11 2010)
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Posts: 2,842
Thundestar dashed out into the forest, light on his huge paws. He nudged Fallen, "Go hunt. I will be watching you. We do this to apprentices before they become warriors"
4:26pm Feb 11 2010
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Posts: 2,092
((*Smacks forehead*Sorry, i'll edit it)) Fallen nodded, feeling a little odd at being watched. He shrugged it off and sniffed the air. Following a trail, he spotted a squirrel to where it was nibbling on a nut and slunk up on it, holding his tail still until it went back to munching and leapt, bringing it down with a swift blow. Burying it, he quickly found a small mouse and killed it. Sitting down for a second, he let his senses take him to where another small family of mice were buried. Using a technique learned from his mother, he got behing the hole and started digging, hearing small squeaks of protest he kept at it until a large mouse bolted out. Leaping at it, he killed it and nearly missed one of the babies. He killed it and let two others run off. Sitting, he waited to hear what Thunderstar had to say, or if he needed to hunt more.
4:37pm Feb 11 2010
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Posts: 2,842
Thunderstar nodded in approvement, "Come on. We're going to the training hollow now. You can eat one of those if you would like and the rest we will drop off on the fresh kill pile." Thunderstar flicked his tail and picked up one of the mice and walked steadily and slowly back to camp, "I'm going to check out your fighting moves and teach you side by side combat."
4:40pm Feb 11 2010
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Fallen nodded and picked up the rest of the prey, mouth water at its flavor. Entering the camp, he instantly felt exposed again and hoped that if h was accepted, the fear of the place would go away. Placing the kills on what he was sure was the fresh-kill pile, he picked up one of the mice and began to eat it, conscious of all the other cats around him.
4:54pm Feb 11 2010
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Posts: 2,842
Thunderstar glared at all the cats who were just staring at Fallen with such a look to make them get back to their duties. He waited until Fallen was done then lead him to one section of the sandy training hollow.
4:56pm Feb 11 2010
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Posts: 2,092
Fallen followed Thunderstar, and when they entered the hollow he dipped his head. "Thank you for that, I did not mean to make any cat uncomfortable. "He muttered the last part, but since he knew this was training his eyes stayed steadily on Thunderstar.
5:02pm Feb 11 2010
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Posts: 2,842
Thunderstar turned to Fallen once they were fully in the hollw and mewed, "Attack me. Claws sheathed."
5:05pm Feb 11 2010
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Posts: 2,092
Fallen nodded, wondering how to do this. Deciding to look at Thunderstar as another rouge, Fallen leapt at him, but at a slight angle. Thudding into the leaders left shoulder, he was ready to dodge back when Thunderstar recuperated and attacked.
5:40pm Feb 11 2010
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Posts: 2,046
Moonpelt stared at him with glowing blue eyes. "I'm starting to think i'm the only one with Some Riverclan honor left in me." She meowed and nudged him toward the water. "Go on. One fish is a full meal for the elders!"
You gotta get lost if you want to get found...
7:54pm Feb 11 2010
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Posts: 2,092
Glancing uneasily at the water, Silentpaw took a cautious step in, then another until he was almost half way in the stream. Glancing down, he scowled as no silver scales showed up. Then one a bit further out caught his eyes and hge leapt at it, but by the time he got there it was gone. Then he noticed his paws were not tuching the ground and he was sinking, quickly. Gasping for breath as the water lapped over his head, he tried to yowl for Moonpelt, but water filled his lungs and murkey water stung his eyes.
7:57pm Feb 11 2010
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Posts: 2,842
Thundestar was shortly stunned by the strength in the rogue he turned around and lept not quite at Fallen, slightly to the left and swiped his paw a few times on the rogues shoulder before he landed almost losing hiis balance in the process. As he was stumbling he was expecting an attack.
8:03pm Feb 11 2010
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Posts: 2,046
Moonpelt was watching and gasped. She leapt into the water, going under and grabbing silentpaw's scruff. She struggled against the rapids of the river and finally threw him on land, then being swept away by the current. She eventually made in to land and raced to Silentpaw. "Silentpaw? Silentpaw!"
You gotta get lost if you want to get found...
8:06am Feb 16 2010
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Posts: 2,842
|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|_____| |__THE BUMP BUS_|_| __| |_________________ |_| ____| |_(@'@)____________|_|(@)__|
8:34am Feb 16 2010
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Posts: 2,092
Fallen took the opportunity to land a few gentle blows to Thunderstar's head and shoulders before trying to swipe a paw at his flank. It was then he relized his stomach was slightly exposed and mentally cursed himself. Silentpaw could hear the rushing of the water as it drowned away, only to be replaced by a gentle voice that seemed to be made of the wind its self. Wake up my son, you must wake up and live Silence. Looking around the blackness, he spotted a silver she-cat with bright green eyes watching him, her face sad and guilty. "Silentpaw? Silentpaw!" Was that Moonpelt? He thought and tried to follow his mentors voice, looking back once, he felt familiar with the silver cat who was still watching, murmuring gentle things into his ear. Opening his eyes again, he looked up at Moonpelt, then coughed up a lungful of water.
4:16pm Feb 16 2010
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Posts: 2,842
Thunderstar took the oppurtunity of the exposed stomach to lad a few blowsbefore stopping and breathing heavily. "Lets stop now"
4:19pm Feb 16 2010
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Posts: 2,092
Fallen huffed as the air flew from his lungs and stepped back, panting slightly. "Alright. you warriors really know how to battle, perhaps you could teach me some of those moves. "He meowed, feeling slightly like a eager kit.
4:20pm Feb 16 2010
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Posts: 2,046
"Silentpaw! I'm so glad your okay!" She cried and licked his fur to get the water out of it. Trying to comfort him, she gently licked his Forehead. "You'll be okay.... Don't worry...." Moonpelt murmured and licked him again. At that time she felt like a Queen watching over her kit. She nuzzled his flank and looked down at him.
You gotta get lost if you want to get found...
4:25pm Feb 16 2010
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Posts: 2,092
Silentpaw purred slightly as her tongue warmed up his cold damp fur. Staggering to his paws, he coughed up the last of the water and tried to smile at his mentor. "You might be part Riverclan, but clearly im not." He rasped teasingly, shaking slightly. Not able to help himself, he curled up beside her like he had done with Falconwing as a kit just feel comforted by her precense. He was not sure if it was the near death experience or the the sight of the she-cat who seemed so familiar that scared him more. "Maybe we should head back." He meowed.