4:29pm Feb 16 2010
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Moonpelt smiled lightly and licked him a bit more as he lay down. "Yes, you need to rest." Moonpelt mewed and lightly nudged him to his feet. "You can lean on me if you want, you won't have much strength after that." She meowed softly.
You gotta get lost if you want to get found...
4:36pm Feb 16 2010
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Nodding, Silentpaw followed his mentor towards camp, using her shoulder to lean on. He felt slightly stupid for all the fuss he caused, but what had happened could not be helped now. He just hoped none of the other cats had seen his failure. Entering the camp, he glanced around for a sunny spot to lay down. Another cat padded up and Silentpaw glanced up to see Shadetear, one of the senior warriors, padding up to them, a slightly bemused look on his face. "Do I want to know what happened?" He asked kindly, dark blue eyes taking in his damp fur. "I fell into the river while trying to fish." He grumbled. "Well, then go lay down and rest." Shadetear meowed and nosed him towards the apprentices den. "Fishing?" He asked Moonpelt, whiskers twitching in amusement. "I think your the only cat in the clan that can truly fish. The rest of us get taken down by the water."
4:42pm Feb 16 2010
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"Well, there's not enough Riverclan blood in this clan. I was just giving it a chance, but apparently I'm the only one who can fish." She murmured softly to Shadetear. "Besides, I was watching him. At least he didn't drown." She mewed and licked her wet coat. "I'll let him rest for awhile."
You gotta get lost if you want to get found...
4:45pm Feb 16 2010
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Shadeetar watched as the apprentice padded tiredly into the den. "Your right, the fish are a good food supply but most of us are just not built the same way, pity." He muttered, wondering where Thunderstar was and if he was okay with the rouge. "It would have been terrible if he had dorwned, good thing you were watching. Falconwing would have freaked if something happened to her son."
4:46pm Feb 16 2010
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"Yes, it would be a tradegy too soon." Moonpelt mewed quietly. "Would you mind checking in on him later? I need to hunt more." She meowed.
You gotta get lost if you want to get found...
4:49pm Feb 16 2010
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Shadetear nodded, glancing down at her. "Sure, i'll watch over him." He meowed kindly, and got to his paws. ((Fail post))
4:54pm Feb 16 2010
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Moonpelt nodded her thanks and slowly walked to the entrance of camp. She tried to leave, but couldn't. She sighed and turned back to the apprentices den. She ended up laying down outside of it, waiting for Silentpaw when he woudl be ready. ((Gawd, I'm phail right now for post length.))
You gotta get lost if you want to get found...
6:41pm Feb 16 2010 (last edited on 8:03pm Feb 16 2010)
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Thunderstar mewoed, "Of course" he flicked his tail for Fallen to flollow him and headed back to camp. ((Stray you want Fallenwind right?))
8:02pm Feb 16 2010
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((Uhm, Moonpelt and silentpaw are in camp already...))
You gotta get lost if you want to get found...
8:04pm Feb 16 2010
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((There edited))
8:05pm Feb 16 2010
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((Ahh, okay. Hehe, thank you.))
You gotta get lost if you want to get found...
8:11pm Feb 16 2010
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((Yup! My favorite name...Thats sad.)) Fallen nodded and followed Thunderstar, anxiety and happiness prickling at his paws. He would become part of the clan, to be among cats who depended on themselves not two-legs to survive. But what if they hated him? Or Silence, er Silentpaw he quickly noted, figured out what had happened and loathed him. He shook his head to clear the thoughts. Shadetear looked over at Moonpelt and nodded, knowing why she came back. He pricked his ears as Silentpaw's soft snoring filtered from the den and knew the apprentice was getting his much needed sleep.
8:22pm Feb 16 2010
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Moonpelt smiled when she heard his blissful snores and got up to gatehr under Highrock. "I will never tell someone to fish again..." Shem uttered and cringed at what she did. "It was all my fault..." She whimpered.
You gotta get lost if you want to get found...
8:29pm Feb 16 2010
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Shadetear shook his head, still sitting by the apprentices den. "It was not your fault, you probably did not know the currents were that strong." He muttered, trying to make her feel better. He glanced into the den as Silentpaw's snores turned more ragged, then smoothed out again. ((Hope Shadetears not annoying Moonpelt, its just my other cats cant do anything right now. (: ))
8:32pm Feb 16 2010
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Thunderstar looked at Fallen nd told him to stay there. He lept up unto the highrock and yowled, "Let all those old enough to catch their own prey gather beneat the highrock for a caln meeting" he wastched as warrior, elders and apprentices alike crowded underneath the rock, "Today is a good day for BreezeClan as we will name a warrior, in naming a warrior we show that we are strong and that we weill survive. Fallen, please step forawrd." he watched as the tom stepped forawrd, "Do you prmoise to uphold the warrior code even at the cost of your life?" he heard the rogue whipser "I do" Thundesrtar looked at him spprovingly, "Then from this day frward you shall be known asFallenwind. WE honour you as a warrior in our clan"
8:49pm Feb 16 2010
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Posts: 2,046
Moonpelt sighed. "I'm sure cats will be telling me that..." Shem uttered and lay down. at the time, fallenwind becoming a clan cat wasn't important to her. She got up and walked into the apprentices den. She lay down next to Silentpaw and watched him.
You gotta get lost if you want to get found...
7:58am Feb 17 2010
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Fallenwind nodded to Thunderstar, eyes relaying the message of gratefulness. "Thank you Thunderstar, I will not let you down." He told the leader, dipping his head in respect. Another cat padded up to him and he noticed Falconwing giving him a apporving look. "Welcome to Breezeclan Fallenwind." She meowed. "You'll be sitting vigil tonight, which means no talking and no sleeping. You'll stay in the middle of camp and watch over it while the rest of us sleep. Im not sure if your supposed to do this, but if all the clan born warriors do this, then so should you." He nodded and got to his paws to pad to the center of camp and sat. Silentpaw woke slightly as Moonpelt lay beside him, then curled closer and felt sleep take over once more. Before blacking out, he muttered, "Thanks Moonpelt."
12:05pm Feb 17 2010
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Thunderstar noddedas Falconing told him the tradition, "She's right. So tonight youll be sitting vigil"
4:18pm Feb 17 2010
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Moonpelt smiled a bit to herself and curled up aronud him, purring and slowly drifting off to sleep as well. ((Once Silentpaw is a warrior, could they fall in love?))
You gotta get lost if you want to get found...
4:49pm Feb 17 2010
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((Sure, he's close to being a warrior now anyway.)) Fallenwind nodded, feeling his paws tingle in delight to already be doing something warrior would be. Taking a seat in the center of camp, he glanced around, memorizing the place. Silentpaw woke up a bit later, stretching out his stiff muscles. Hie rumbling stomach was what woke him, and he chuckled slightly at seeing Moonpelt still there. Deciding not to wake her, he padded into the clearing and was a bit surprised to see the rouge, Fallen, sitting in the center of camp.