8:15am Feb 24 2010
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Windchaser followed after Swallowbeauty for patrol. Lifting his small head to taste the air he caught the scent of a vole. Pricking his ears he located it by sound and scent and pounced, killing it with a swift bite to the neck.
3:30pm Feb 24 2010
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"No one is perfect, Silentpaw." She mewed and beckoned with her tail. ((Are there any Queens? If so, can I play a rouge kit that they find on patrol?))
You gotta get lost if you want to get found...
4:30pm Feb 24 2010
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((yup Daisy. My Fernsyare :D))
4:33pm Feb 24 2010 (last edited on 4:33pm Feb 24 2010)
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Fernsayer looked down at her kits. I can't belive they are 3 moons old! No cat other than her brother, Windchaser, knew who the father was.
6:25pm Feb 24 2010
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Silentpaw nodded and followed his mentor, feeling a bit better. He was delighted that he was old enough to be a warrior and wondered when Moonpelt would say so to the leader that he was. He could remember when he was a small kit curled up next to Falconwing, and now he was as big if not bigger then his mentor. Pride swelled in his heart at the thought that soon he would be able to patrol alone or as a equal to the patrol. But he would miss the time he could spend with Moonpelt.
6:34pm Feb 24 2010
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Thunderstar walked along the camp, not knowing what to do at the moment,
7:55pm Feb 24 2010
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((Okay.)) "Silentpaw, I want you to patrol. You will not see me, but I will see you." She meowed once out of camp again. "Now, I will be watching you. Try to hunt on your way back. If you do well, I'll tell Thunderstar, and hopefully you will become a warrior soon enough." She meowed. Suddenly her fur bristled and she tensed. There was the pathetic wailing of a kit a ways off. She padded forward, and saw a kit hiding in the bushes. It was terrified, and she knew it needed to be suckled. "Strike that, We need to get this kit to camp." She meowed and grabbed it by the scruff, carrying it gently toward camp.
You gotta get lost if you want to get found...
8:32pm Feb 24 2010
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Silentpaw nodded and quickly followed his mentor, eyes sweeping to the kit every now and then. He mentally wondered where the small kit came from, and why some cat would leave it out here alone.
8:34pm Feb 24 2010
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Windchaser heard the pitiful cry of a kit and was nervous as it was suddenly hushed. Grabbing all the prey he caught he followed the scent. It was hard to find as the juicy aroma of the mouse and voles rose into his nostrils.
8:52pm Feb 24 2010
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Moonpelt turned her head to see Windchaser. She put the tiny kit down for a moment. "I fonud this kit out here all alone. I'm taking it to camp." She mewed and quickly picked it up. It mewed in alarm, but didn't struggle. She sprinted to the Nursery, and found Fernsayer. "Fernsayer, woudl you please suckle this kit? I found it alone in the forest."
You gotta get lost if you want to get found...
8:55pm Feb 24 2010
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Fernsayer looked in shock at the pitiful scrap of fur, "Of course I will" she couldn't belivee someone would do that no matter how common it was. She loved her kits too muc to ever think about doing that, "Bring him over." She grabbed the new kit and placed him beside her belly, he kneaded her stomach with soft, small paws and eagerly drank. The other three kits had started to squirm so she mewed softly to soothe them all.
9:21pm Feb 24 2010
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The kit gave a small smile as he fonud the warmth of Fernsayer. "Thank you, Fernsayer. What shall be his name?"
You gotta get lost if you want to get found...
9:22pm Feb 24 2010
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Fernsayer puured, "No problem. I'll raise him as I would raise my own. He doesn't look much younger than these three anyway. Adn you shall decide his name, you found him."
9:25pm Feb 24 2010
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Moonpelt purred in satisfaction of Fernsayer being so eager to suckle the kit. "Let's call him... Lovekit. He should have a name that shows what he deserves."
You gotta get lost if you want to get found...
9:36pm Feb 24 2010
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Fernsayer purred, "I love it! It suits him so perfectly." While her own three kits were kicking around, little Lovekit remained perfectly calm and suckled. His eyes fluttered open, they were bright and gleaming.
10:37pm Feb 24 2010
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Moonpelt purred and lay down to watch the kits. Lovekit mewled happily As his tiny tail flopped about, his muscles in his tail not yet developed.
You gotta get lost if you want to get found...
6:58am Feb 25 2010
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Silentpaw stuck his head into the nursery to look at the kits, eyes gleaming at how small they truly weere. He wondered how the queens did not roll over and squish them. Slinking back into the clearing, he started giving his fur a quick grooming. He decided he would not interupt Moonpelt from her thinking, seeing as she seemed to really love the kits.
1:59pm Feb 25 2010
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Moonpelt watched for awhile, then realized she had training to do. She got up, licked Lovekit on the head as a goodbye, and left. "I'm sorry, Silentpaw. You could have come and got me." She mewed and started cleaning her fur.
You gotta get lost if you want to get found...
4:07pm Feb 26 2010 (last edited on 4:08pm Feb 26 2010)
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Silentpaw smiled at his mentor and shook his head. "No, I did not want to�interrupt�you, you seemed so at peace in the nursery." He meowed, and got to his paws. "What was it you wanted me to do before you found Lovekit?" He asked curiously.� ((I wont be able to get on for the rest of the weekend, i'll try to post Sunday night.))
6:32pm Feb 26 2010
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"Well, it's almost Moonhigh now. I'd like you to go on the dawn patrol." She meowed. She had not yet revealed that she once had kits, but none survived. That was why she enjoyed the Nursery so, is being around kits.
You gotta get lost if you want to get found...