2:55pm May 12 2010
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Hello. I believe it has been a rather long time since I was on Rescreatu. I decided, after my life calmed down, to return. Im still rather busy, but with summer almost here, I should be on at least once a day. I have decided to start with this RolePlay. (Oh, and I think I have further developed some of my characters too. :} ) ~~ It was a cold and dark night in the town of Homeside. Everyone was sleeping, or so it seemed. There was no noise coming from the streets. But then, there was a footstep. The young vampire looked up into the moon, wondering what new life waited here. Here, where the humans knew nothing yet of vampire, here, where he was safe from the vampires. He licked his lips, he had not eaten in some time. He would never drink a humans blood though... He knew he would hate himself if he did. He only drank donated blood from blood banks. He looked up at the moon, the small light reflecting off of his pale face. He brushed the dark hair from his eyes, and walked to the house he would call home. That was the thing about Homeside. They were one of the only places that humans did not know about Vampires. None lived there, or so it seemed, because of a curse on the town. But, with the curse about to end, all hell will break loose. Now, vampires that want change come here, using the town as their headquarters. But the fear of Halloween coming... with the end of the curse.... is haunting everyone that is smart enough to know the truth. What's worse, a tribe of slayers is moving in, knowing the vampires have been coming there. They wont be stopped, it seems. Everyone is loosing hope, but a new group of vampires, and a strange group of humans, who seem to have a power of their own, may bring change. Are you ready? ~~~~ Rules~~~~ 1. I am your equal. No one owns this RP, just follow these simple rules. 2. You may be a vampire, a slayer, or a human. We need some of each. There are only 3 gifted humans, who do not know, but they are really connected to the powers of the moon. 3. No cursing like mad, just bleep it out. 4. Please be literate, no one line posts. 5. Feel free to have romance, but know, with human/vampire romances, there will be cosequences. (hehe) 6. To join post "Bite Me" 7. No fighting please, and dont wine. And no Powerplaying. well, no fighting with like... other rpers. :) 8. Go for the violence. Intensify things. 9. HAVE FUN!!! :) As far as character bios go, feel free to have your own. We will start when we have at least one of each type of character. :) I will play one vampire, and one gifted human. :) Please join. :)
Who needs movies, when we can just go out and live life?
2:59pm May 12 2010
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Posts: 3,141
((vIs this a large or rather small RP? Cuz people tend to flock to Vampire RP's and I always get left behind when there's too many people -_-;; ))
3:01pm May 12 2010 (last edited on 3:16pm May 12 2010)
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{My Characters} Name: Jacob Hanson Age: 16 Species: Vampire Special Abilities: Mind Reading, Telepathy, Vampiric Speed and Strength, and a gift of the tongues. Personality: Incredibly clever, when he chooses to show his true colors. He intimadates most adults with his vocabulary, if only they knew his brain was special. He is sad though, for he thinks he is a monster. He chooses only to drink from blood bags, never from people. He is stubborn, and smart, and quick. But sometimes annoying too. Markings if any: He has a small mark in the shape of a moon on his palms. Other: None Looks: Jake has a stoky build, and is about 6 feet tall. He has longish black hair, and covers his eyes at times. He prefers fancy clothing, and his fangs enlongate. {Other character coming} Name: Dusk Dechi Age: 16 Species: Gifted Human Special Abilities: Good at math, ok strength, is abnormally fast, and is very smart. Personality: Headstrong, determined, never gives up. I want to further develop her, so I wil have more soon. Markings: None Other: None Looks: Dusk is about Five foot 6. She has curly brown hair, and chocolate brown eyes. She is very pale.
Who needs movies, when we can just go out and live life?
3:03pm May 12 2010
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Posts: 2,931
(Well, I don't want much more than 10 people here, preferably less than 6.)
Who needs movies, when we can just go out and live life?
3:26pm May 12 2010
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Posts: 3,141
((Ok awesome XD Bite me! :P Join as a special human and a vampire?))
3:30pm May 12 2010
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(Of course! ^^)
Who needs movies, when we can just go out and live life?
3:50pm May 12 2010
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Posts: 3,991
((Hey Kat long time no see. Anyways can I join as human with powers and a vampire? Oh and Bite Me.))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
3:51pm May 12 2010
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Posts: 2,931
(Sure. :) Ok guys, no more humans with powers. We have 3. :} )
Who needs movies, when we can just go out and live life?
4:23pm May 12 2010
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Name: Goes by Mercutio Age: Unknown (appears 15) Gender: Male Species: Vampire Abilities: Vampiric Speed and Strength; Transformation (usually into a rat); Hypnosis; Healing Looks:
Personality: Mercutio doesn't have a lot of moral value. He tends to do what he wants, when he wants, regardless if it is illegal or immoral. He has no problem drinking from humans, but over the years he has stopped tormenting his prey with his games and simply hypnotizes them and drinks their blood. He's excellent at getting away with anything and even when he does get caught, there's never enough proof to punish him. Markings: He has a jagged scar going down his throat. Other: He carries around a 14" dagger that he keeps hidden. --------- Name: Shugo Craft (Nicknames: Shu or Cat) Age: 15 Gender: Male Species: Gifted Human Abilities: High Speed, Dexterity, Balance, and Agility (Much like a cat); excellent artist; Skilled fighter; Brilliant actor Looks:  Personality: Shugo is a kind person but doesn't exactly feel like he fits in anywhere, despite the fact that he's popular with all sorts of people. He loves to play sports and participate in school play. He's not one to pick fights or argue with people and is actually quite easy to take advantage of. Markings: None Other: Has a British accent >:D
5:11pm May 12 2010
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Posts: 15,067
Bite Me  Name:Damon Salvatore Gender:Male Age:Over 500,but looks 20 Species:Homo Nus Nocturnus Personality:(Bear with me,it's from his Wiki))Damon is self-contained and reserved on the surface most of the time, only letting his emotions through when he's angry - usually at Stefan. He generally acts flippant and arrogant, and constantly plays word games, especially when it comes to dancing around an issue, and even more especially when that issue involves his true feelings on a serious subject. Damon has an aristocratic, elegant demeanor, and a very pragmatic outlook on life. He believes that the vampire nature is inherently dark, and that Stefan's attempts to not feed on humans are therefore unnatural. He has no problem with killing humans, although he generally won't go out of his way to do so. He kills Mr. Tanner, but claims he did so only because Tanner pulled a knife on him and that it was thus self-defense. He has no problem threatening children, though - since Elena gives in to his blackmail - it'll never be known whether he really would've gone through with his threats to hurt Margaret. He has a significantly violent history due to his early vampire life, when he started his own mercenary company. Although we are given no glimpses into this mercenary life, it is strongly implied that he did immoral things with no regrets, and would have little to no problem doing them again. During the course of the original four books, it is implied that Damon may have a renewed respect for human beings as something other than food. As he spends more time around the human characters, he seems to warm up to them a bit more and treat them less like potential meals and more like acquaintances, almost even friends. He sometimes even seems frustrated by his own unwillingness to be straight with them, as exemplified by his inability to rescue Vickie in book 4; Stefan reams him out for several paragraphs before Damon finally explains the real reason he couldn't help her. Crush: Boyfriend/Girlfriend: History:Didn't want to tell me,and I didn't want to press the issue Looks:((Pic))Hair black with rainbow lights in it, like a crow's feathers, or 'like liquid, too soft and fine for human hair.' Eyes that are black, 'fathomless and full of strange lights' and which have a tendency to 'fill the universe.' He's middling-verging-on-short, and has 'dark beauty and grace and the sensuality that drew women to him like moths to a flame.' He tends to lounge in a way that should get him done for har*censored*ment but can take 'lithe stalking steps.' He usually wears all black, mirrored sungl*censored*es and drives a black Ferrari with 'illegally tinted' windows. He has a 'very engaging' laugh and a 'charming' smile. Other:This vampire is like no other.Immune to stakes and silver,he proves so by his silver fangs.Both his sets of fangs are located on his upper jaw,his Cuspids and Bi-cuspids.

6:32pm May 12 2010
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Posts: 2,931
(omigosh hi Chance :} !!!!! Ok. I guess Ill just be the slayer, not like hes really a character I suppose. Ill start in a bit. :} )
Who needs movies, when we can just go out and live life?
6:52pm May 12 2010
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Posts: 2,931
Drawing in a deep breath, Jake began that inevitable walk to school. He had never been to a school before, always being trained by some other vampire. He had been sent here, because he was in danger or something. His heart ached, for in the process of escaping, he had lost his dearest friend. Now he was alone, with a group of humans. He did not like the idea of going to high school, as it seemed to be one of the worst expeirences any human could endure, and to vampires... Well, the smell of the blood pumping through every kids vains.... It would be hard to control. Jake checked a hot spot of his skin. He had put sunblock on, but he didn't know if it would be good enough. He looked around at the other kids, and then he saw two goth guys propped up against a wall. Jake himself resembled a goth kid in a way, but not exactly. Then, he saw the two gorillas who were walking up to him. Jake shuddered, hearing about these things called bullys. They corned him, snickering. "Well well well. What do we have here?" The one said. He had to be at least half a foot taller than Jake, and was probably 300 pounds. Jake couldn't help it, but his fangs slid out of his gums. He calmped his mouth shut. If he moved, he would probably attack the humans right on the spot. They smelled so good... In a second, they were throwing him into a trashcan. Jake stayed still the whole time, only making a few snarling noises from the back of his throught. Once in the dumpster, he took in a shaky breath. No one could see him now, so he took a blood bag out of his back pack and sucked it dry, but his thrist was not yet satisfied. He drained 3 more, jumped out of the dumpster, and walked into school. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dusk smirked at the group of giggling girls to her left. They were always walking around, like a little cult, all wearing pink, and an enmorious amount of makeup. They were everything Dusk despised. They eyed her, glaring. She didnt like them and they didn't like her. Unfortuanately, it seemed she always had a cl*censored* with at least one of them. She flung her head back, her hair moving out of her eyes. She felt so mad, that they were laughing at her, that she just.... She couldn't take it, and ran into the school. Then she stopped herself as people stared. She looked around, her cheeks flushed, and walked into the main office to get her locker combination. She sighed, walking over to the D section of the lockers. They were always arranged in alphabetical order. She grimaced. One of those girls had a last name that started with D. She envied them, and she knew it. They were like models, tall and perfectly thin, they had beautiful hair, and they were popular. She knew that popularity wasn't worth anything... But sometimes she got so lonely... It had begun a year ago. Her best friend Claire moved, far away, out of the country, leaving her alone. She missed Claire so much, she could barely stand it. She wrote to her every week, told her about everything. Eventually, Claire stopped writing back. The threat of tears in her eyes, Dusk bit her lip, and walked to cl*censored*.
Who needs movies, when we can just go out and live life?
7:26pm May 12 2010
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Posts: 3,141
((Is it like a new school year or something?)) Shugo walked down the hallway of the school. His shoulders were tense and his eyes darted around, trying to observe everything at once. It wasn't that he didn't like school. He loved it, mainly because of the plays, but he always felt out of place. He didn't bother going to his locker, it wasn't as if he needed any books and he preferred to keep his backpack with him, and went straight to his clas-s. Unfortunately, he wasn't paying attention to where he was going and accidentally crashed into one of his clas-smates. Shugo jumped back and began apologizing. The student gave him a funny look and Shugo quickly fled into his clas-sroom. He took a seat in the back of the clas-s and dropped his backpack by his feet. He pulled out a comic book from it and began reading, trying not to attract any more attention. ----------------- Mercutio swiftly walked along the street. He had no real destination in mind. He certainly wasn't going to go to "school," after all he was centuries old, no matter how young he looked. A cop noticed him and, unfortunately for the cop, he decided to approach the Vampire. Mercutio took one look at him with his red-violet eyes and his hypnotic powers did their thing. The cop was now his and it was time for breakfast. Mercutio glanced around the street to check that no one was watching and, after determining the street was deserted, was instantly went at the cop's throat. He drank his fill before allowing the cop to drop to the ground. He had not drained him, but he had certainly taken more than usual. Licking his lips, Mercutio continued his way down the street to nowhere in particular.
7:27pm May 12 2010
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Posts: 15,067
Damon sighed, pushing past the group of girls surrounding hi and his beloved Mustang. Girls just didn't seem to leave him alone. He supposed it was his vampire charm, his cat-like grace. Of course, the money probably helped to. He silently fingered his ring, the only thing protecting him from the damned burning of the sun. He winked at the girls, sending them swooning and into a fit of giggles. He rolled his eyes, a smirk written on the dark angel's face. He stalked past them, sensing another vampire as he walked past the school bullies. He gave each of them a hard shove, sending them tumbling into the other jocks. They all muttered incomprehensible words, silently glaring at Damon as he walked on and into the school. He glanced around the inside, not bothering to find his locker, since he had no desire to learn what he had already lived. He breathed deep, the surging blood in the teen's bloodstream metaphorically being shoved down his throat. He laughed lowly, the blood being of no interference of his term at this school.

7:38pm May 12 2010
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Jake saw the strange looking boy walking through the hallway, without even finding a locker. He stared, kind of gawking. For some reason, he could almost sense that this boy was not human. He shook his head. Thats rediciolus, He told himself, scratching the back of his head. He turned the other way, and headed to AP English. When he walked in, the cl*censored* gaped at him, the strange new goth boy, with black eyes and black hair. He sighed, and sat down in a seat behind a girl with curly brown hair. She seemed nice enough, because unlike the others, she smiled at him warmly. Dusk was repulsed by her cl*censored*. As the new kid walked in, he had the same luck they did. It was the start of a new year, so what was the big deal? She felt bad for him, and offered a warm smile. Something told her he wasn't normal, and a shiver went down her spine for some reason. She sighed, and then noticed he took the seat behind her. Soon,the mouselike teacher was talking, and she was bored. It was gonna be a long school year.
Who needs movies, when we can just go out and live life?
8:01pm May 12 2010
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Posts: 3,991
((OMG. I'm sorry Kat. I'll get my bio up as soon as I can. Sorry I'm taking so long.))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
8:02pm May 12 2010
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Posts: 2,931
((Is ok Serenity. Take your time. :} ))
Who needs movies, when we can just go out and live life?
8:05pm May 12 2010 (last edited on 8:06pm May 12 2010)
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 Name: Alexis (leave it at that) Age: Seventeen Species: Gifted Human Special Abilities: Shes good with children and animals. She's the best track runner at the school coonsidering she's come first in about every race, and realtively smart, although she spaces out. Personality: New character. Can I rp it out? Markings: None Other: Nothing
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
8:07pm May 12 2010
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Posts: 2,931
(Sure you can rp it out Serenity. :) Ok just post your intro. :) ))
Who needs movies, when we can just go out and live life?
8:24pm May 12 2010
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Posts: 10,925
((Kattt!! Good to see you again. Bite Me, join? :D))
We fell through the ice when we tried not to slip.
