Lion RP(Open small group)

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7:54pm Nov 11 2011

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Posts: 5,578

Zack smiled and licked her muzzle and cheek as he stayed infront of her now.

Raven smiled and nuzzled her noes into his mane.

Zira heard Sparks laugh and smirked to herself as she spun around and tackled him to the ground pinning him down. She smiled down at him as he looked up at her shoked.


10:24pm Nov 11 2011

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Posts: 9,781

Spirit smiled and rubbed the side of her head on his neck and started to purr softly.

Dark purred deeply and nuzzled her neck softly.

"Woah!",Spark said his eyes wide with suprise.

I\'m extremely sorry for my absence. I\'ve been very busy and was recently attacked by 3 dogs and am currently recovering.

11:06pm Nov 11 2011

Normal User

Posts: 5,578

((Sorry watching a movie too))

Zack smiled and nuzzled his noes into Sprits head.

Raven closed her eyes and smiled.

Zira smiled getting off of him.


11:10pm Nov 11 2011

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Posts: 9,781

(What did you watch?I went to see the smurfs lol it's a good movie.)

Spirit smiled as she came back infront of Zack,"Your very handsome you know.",she said as she sat down infront of him.

Dark smiled and looked Raven in the eyes.

"Wow!Your good at suprising people",Spark said with a smile.

I\'m extremely sorry for my absence. I\'ve been very busy and was recently attacked by 3 dogs and am currently recovering.

11:28pm Nov 11 2011

Normal User

Posts: 5,578

((Well it was T.V. show actually but it was really long so I thought it was a movie. It's called Once Upon A Time.))

Zack sat up looking at Spirit, "So I've been told." He said. "You're very beautiful you know." He said.

Raven smiled and looked back at Dark.

"Years of practice." Zira said helping Spark up.


11:35pm Nov 11 2011

Normal User

Posts: 9,781

(Love that thing lol.)

Spirit smiled,"Thank you."

Dark smiled again.

"Yeah,I can tell.",he said with a chuckle.

I\'m extremely sorry for my absence. I\'ve been very busy and was recently attacked by 3 dogs and am currently recovering.

11:45pm Nov 11 2011

Normal User

Posts: 5,578

"Your Welcome."Zack said nuzzling Spirit a bit.

Raven got up shaking out her fur, "Maybe we should go back." Raven said nuzzling Dark.

Zira smiled to herself, "and what did you learn?" she asked.


11:49pm Nov 11 2011 (last edited on 11:50pm Nov 11 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 9,781

Spirit smiled and circled Zack again taking in the details of his shape and fur.

"Yeah",Dark said.

"Not much my parents died when I became a week old",Spark sighed.

I\'m extremely sorry for my absence. I\'ve been very busy and was recently attacked by 3 dogs and am currently recovering.

11:53pm Nov 11 2011

Normal User

Posts: 5,578

Zack followed Spirit with his head as she circled him slowly looking his up and down.

Raven licked Darks muzzle a couple times before walking with him back to the rest of the pride.

"Oh...I couple teach you some things if you want me too then." Zira offered her smile fading.


11:57pm Nov 11 2011

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Posts: 9,781

Spirit sat back down and smiled at him.

Dark smiled as they walked back.

"No I know what I need to,to survive,but thanks anyways.",Spark smiled.

I\'m extremely sorry for my absence. I\'ve been very busy and was recently attacked by 3 dogs and am currently recovering.

12:07am Nov 12 2011

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Posts: 5,578

"What were you looking' at?" Zack asked tilting his head to the side.

Raven smiled and batted Dark's ear with her paw on the way back.

"If you say so." Zira said he voice getting that teasing sound to it again as she smiled, "Gpt any idea as to what we should do?" She asked.


12:11am Nov 12 2011

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Posts: 9,781

"Your fur and body shape.",she said with a smirk.

Dark laughed and pawed her muzzle as they entered the territory.

"No I don't.",Spark answered.

I\'m extremely sorry for my absence. I\'ve been very busy and was recently attacked by 3 dogs and am currently recovering.

12:14am Nov 12 2011

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Posts: 5,578

"And do I look good?" Zack asked smiling.

Raven growled playfully and crouched down ready to play.

"Well niether do I so lets just keep walking." Zira suggested as she walked next to Spark



12:17am Nov 12 2011

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Posts: 9,781

"Yes,very.",Spirit said with a smile.

Dark tackled her and quickly got off letting her free.

"Ok.",Spark said still smiling.

I\'m extremely sorry for my absence. I\'ve been very busy and was recently attacked by 3 dogs and am currently recovering.

12:21am Nov 12 2011

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Posts: 5,578

Zack chucked, "Well don't have to walk around you to know that you look good too."

Raven smiled and got up tackling Dark. They tumbled together untill Raven ended up on top. She smiled.

"So why did you follow me?" Zira asked.


12:24am Nov 12 2011

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Posts: 9,781

Spirit laughed,"It's a habit I do to know someone better by how they look so I can find them easyer."

Dark laughed and licked Raven's chin.

"Well,your beautiful is one reason.",Spark said with a smile.

I\'m extremely sorry for my absence. I\'ve been very busy and was recently attacked by 3 dogs and am currently recovering.

12:28am Nov 12 2011

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Posts: 5,578

"Aww you make me feel special." Zack said laughing a bit.

Raven purred and streached out her neck as Dark licked her. He tingle went down her spine and she smiled. Maybe I am ready for cubs. Raven said to herself. She would have a great mate and a pride to help her out but she still wasn't sure.

"And what are the other reasons?" Zira asked. She was still thinking about hoe he had called her beautiful.


12:32am Nov 12 2011

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Posts: 9,781

Spirit laughed a little at him.

Dark smiled at her and thought about how lovely their cubs would look if they ever had any.

"Umm...",Spark got confused with that question.

I\'m extremely sorry for my absence. I\'ve been very busy and was recently attacked by 3 dogs and am currently recovering.

12:36am Nov 12 2011

Normal User

Posts: 5,578

"Well you do." He said smiling. He got up and sat down next to her, "How could I make you feel special?" He asked.

"I love you." Raven whispered quietly in Darks ear  and placed her head down in his mane.

Zira smirked, :Sp It's just because I'm pretty." Zira said.


12:40am Nov 12 2011

Normal User

Posts: 9,781

"I don't know.",she said with a smirk.

"I love you too",Dark whispered back.

"Umm...",Spark hesitated.

I\'m extremely sorry for my absence. I\'ve been very busy and was recently attacked by 3 dogs and am currently recovering.
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