3:46pm Feb 15 2010 (last edited on 3:47pm Feb 15 2010)
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((Lol. It seems as if you have though...))
3:47pm Feb 15 2010
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Posts: 1,943
((I didn't shoot ANYTHING yet, people! Geez, calm down...))
 "Never bring that horrid drink here again." "It tastes of blue, not the river-dwelling reptile, as I had thought."
3:54pm Feb 15 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 934
((Oh.... I must have misinturpreted your post, sorry.))
Offline; back and looking to get roleplaying again (as well as reviving my poor pets!)
3:55pm Feb 15 2010
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((Lol. Idid too I guess.))
5:14pm Feb 15 2010
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Posts: 934
((Here. Sorry, Ferret.)) Anni pricked her ears, immediately cutting off the notes she had put in the air. For several moments, all she heard was rain. She turned to look as Jack again. "Jack, did you hear that? Swivel your ears." Anni looked around the cave. Maybe I'm just imagining something. Still, cautious, she remained quiet. She shivered again, but when she heard nothing, she tapped a claw on the stone ground, hoping it would trigger a responce. When nothing happened still, she forced herself up and walked near Jack twards the opening of the cave. She scanned the trees and gr*censored*, but she saw nothing out of the ordinary. She pricked and swiveled her ears forward again, but quickly laid them back to her head, causing an abnoxious ringing to echo in her head. When the noices ebbed away into calm silance, she went back over and sat back down, this time with her back against the cold stone wall. It was mostly smooth from centuries of providing shelter in similar situations, and it felt nice for Anni to rest a little. When no other sounds occored to her ears, she relaxed and continued humming to herself, much quieter than before.
Offline; back and looking to get roleplaying again (as well as reviving my poor pets!)
7:01pm Feb 17 2010
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((Post in a sec))
 "Never bring that horrid drink here again." "It tastes of blue, not the river-dwelling reptile, as I had thought."
7:06pm Feb 17 2010
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Cyvati winced at the sharp sound and stayed motionless as Anni tapped her claws inside the cave. As she came out of the cave, Cyvati lifted his lips in a snarl and shot an arrow just above Jack's head. (DID NOT HIT HIM) He got to his feet and walked over, bow stil in hand. His dreadlocks were slicked to his head, braid wet and limp. His markings did not glow in the semi-darkness, and his muscles were extremly tense. "Consider yourself lucky, Dreamer." He said in vicious Na'vi tones, before turning and stalking into the narrow cave.
 "Never bring that horrid drink here again." "It tastes of blue, not the river-dwelling reptile, as I had thought."
7:11pm Feb 17 2010
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Posts: 5,835
((Lol.)) Jack looked at up as he heard something go by his head. He got up as Cyvati started to walked towards him and said something he didn't understand in a mean voice. He raised his hands up and took a step back. When Cyvati had left he layed back down and went to sleep. When he woke up he was back in his human body.
11:56pm Feb 19 2010
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Posts: 934
Anni had stood immediately following the shot, pinning her ears flat to her head to two reasons. The first was to slim the chances of the delicate membranes getting caught by another arrow. This she had learned from Kino, who had a slight nick in his right ear from being clipped by an arrow. He was lucky to survive the poison that had raged through him all that year, the first Anni had spent with the Na'vi. The seccond was to give her a slightly more menacing look as she slightly lifted her upper lip and emminated a low snarl. When she caught the scent, and later saw, of Cyvati, she stood strait again. (He was one of the few Anni felt so inferrior against due to his stature, but that had never stopped her before.) At his words, she winced and flattened her ears half- way. This was a warning, and a potential death- blow to herself and Jack. If Cyvati wanted to be the next leader and felt so strongly about the Dreamers, that could very well be the end of herself, Jack, her teamates in the research lab and the four or five other Dreamers whom had been acsepted as a member and blood brother of the Na'vi. She shivered at the prospect, but she forced herself to keep the heat from her face and tears from her eyes. After a minute, when both Cyvati and the warm sensation had left, she sighed and picked up a rather dark stick. The stick was already black, but still wet and it would be hard to use for her pourpose. Its size did no favors, either, but it should be efficiant enough. This material, which Anni couldn't think the name of, was simmialer to chalk or charcoal on Earth. It left dark impressions on stone, leaves and bark but also washed away eisily. She walked back to the smooth wall and wrote in Na'vi...: Anni of Dreamers tells: The other DreamWalker here has chosen to fight and stay with our cause, and I take full responsability for him. We sleep until the storm p*censored*es and should return to this life within s few days and very most. We return with further knowladge of the humans' actions, ready and able to fight. Our allegance is strong. ~Anni The Na'vi language was short, containing of only 11 main characters and symbols. In desparation, she wrote the same message below, in English. She had taught Kino many of the letters, and if her Na'vi was faulty, she hoped that some- one would be able to desiffer it. With a sigh and a yawn, she walked closer to Jack, now limp as though dead with closed, peacful eyes. She stared at her mesage once more, preying it was right, before drifting off herself. ~ Anni's case opened, and she yawned before unfasening the straps that held her in. Though she was mentally exousted, her body felt as though it could go on for days. After all, she had spent nearly three days foreging with Kinomi. This ment little or no sleep, and Anni had forced herself to keep up just in case something happened. Through the lab's windows, the storm continued to rage. She sighed, thinking for a moment the rain would never stop. As she slid from the Dream- case, she had a few of the teamates welsome her back to the "real world." Her almost red hair brushed her shoulders as she quickly flung the locks up in a pony- tail and slid on a perfectly white labcoat. She yawned again and rubbed the sleep out of her eyes before walking across the room to the Dream Case where Jack would appear on the other side. She opened it for him, knowing that it could be tricky the first time. She gave a wan giggle as she said, "Welcome back." After a seccond, Anni walked a few feet away, twards one of her team members. One of them also had an Avatar and was ecepted into the tribe, but all of the Reasearch Team knew too, where loyallties stood. "What've we got? Anything else?" Anni was then breifed on the data colections she had missed while with the Na'vi, but nothing much had beed discovered. In return, Anni gave a breif explenation of what had happened with her in the last three days. One young man, fairly new to the team, teased her about her close bond with Kino, and Anni left her seccond- hand to describe that they where siblings and not mates. Anni rolled her eyes, getting rather tired of the *censored*umtion. Remembering her pourpose, she turned back to Jack. "Oi, common. You better eat something before we talk to the Mareene Captian. You commin'?"
Offline; back and looking to get roleplaying again (as well as reviving my poor pets!)
12:48am Feb 20 2010
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Cyvati watched the two Dreamers fall of to sleep, and then go limp as their minds left the Avatars. His yellow wyes glowed eerily in the storm, and he hopped down form the tree he had been watching from and hunkered behind Anni. He studied the message in Na'vi. He laughed at the misspelled words and underlined them. Anni of Dreamers tells: The other DreamWalker here has chosen to fight and stay with our cause, and I take full responsability for him. We sleep until the storm screams and should return to this life within s few days and very most. We return with further Pandora of the humans' actions, ready and able to fight. Our allegance is strong. ~Anni He wrote carefully underneath the message in wavering english, I as.sume you meant " until the storm stops" and "We return with further Knowledge" Not, "Screams" and "Pandora" He sat back on his haunches and watched the chest of the new Dreamer rise and fall. He looked over at Anni and backed far into the cave, wrapping his long tail around his legs. He took off his various knives and arrows and lay them carefully beside his head as he lay down, yellow eyes closing slowley.
 "Never bring that horrid drink here again." "It tastes of blue, not the river-dwelling reptile, as I had thought."
12:59am Feb 20 2010
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Posts: 3,662
9:56am Feb 20 2010
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((Sure!XD)) Jack was staying far away from everyone else. He looked around trying to figure out what was going on. He spotted Anni and walked over to her, "Hi!" He said cheerfully. Aurora heard an arrow being shot. She ran towards the cave and looked in it to find Anni, Jack, and Cyvati asleep. She hissed sitted down and looked at the writing on the wall. She didn't know how to write in human so she didn't know why some words were underlined. She shrugged leaning against one of the walls of the cage.
11:30am Feb 20 2010
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(( I underline the Na'vi misspellings.)) Cyvati stirredslightly in his sleep, yawning loudly before sitting slowly up and rubbing his dreadlocks and face. He still seemed half asleep as he looked blearily at Aurora and waved. He stood in the small cave, hair swinging and producing a cacophany of small clicks. He walked slowly out of the mouth of the cave to sit on the still damp ground.
 "Never bring that horrid drink here again." "It tastes of blue, not the river-dwelling reptile, as I had thought."
8:37pm Mar 12 2010
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Posts: 1,943
((Bump? -Performs CPR-))
 "Never bring that horrid drink here again." "It tastes of blue, not the river-dwelling reptile, as I had thought."
11:19pm Mar 12 2010
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Posts: 5,835
((hm...Why is it that I think I reply to this and I don't...o.o)) Aurora waved back her face looked bored. She moved some of the wet hair from her face getting annoyed as it stuck you her fingers. She looked down at the too sleeping Avatars and yawned,"I wish it wasn't raining...I hate rain a coldness." She whispered to herself.