7:40pm Dec 5 2010
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Her feet pounded on the bare earth, debris and fallen leaves exploding off the ground in her wake. Her garments and long locks flew behind her as she manuevered over dence thickets and under fallen branches. Her pace quickened, but her breath escaped her in gentle and easy gasps. She curled her legs and threw herself upward, gripping the limb of an elongated tree. She clambered up the bark, using her speed to her advantage to prevent falling. She threw herself and landed gracefully atop a high and steady branch. She hesitated for but a moment before taking off across the branch, bending her legs once more and throwing herself off the limb she stood and onto an awaiting other. She repeated this motion, her balance not strained. Not once. Her dark green eyes transfixed on the scene in front of her. It was before dawn, and the moonlight glistened on her tanned skin through the canopies that towered far above. The runner was shrouded in a cloak of deep black, causing her to resemble a phantom in the wood. She shot through the trees for what seemed like hours, before the horizon allowed dawn to seep through the darkness. As the sun began to rise, she neared the end of the forest, coming to the end of a branch and not hesitating to throw herself off... she plumeted to the ground at an unknown amount of speed... at the last moment, she curled her body, managing to grip the stone exterior of the city's wall. She scaled it, pulling herself to its peak. She escaped notice of prying eyes before once again jumping off the wall, her feet taking hold of a close building. Her feet allowed her to glide across the shingles silently, moving from rooftop to rooftop with ease. She was nearing the corner where all of they stayed. She jumped once more from the final rooftop that bordered the river, and her slender fingers caught the bridge. She raced across it, swinging off and landing gracefully on the soil in front of the others. She was Zre. And she was The Grim. ~~~~~~~~ Drake was up all night as usual. His nightmares torturing his mind. His grey eyes looked up as he saw a shrouded black figure land in front of him. He knew this to be the one girl he had respect for. It was Zre. The two had met not so long ago, but there was an instant "Bond" that formed. He rubbed his face, and his back was against the wall, hidden from the sun
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7:50pm Dec 5 2010
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Asphalt smirked as the girl bumped into him. "Oh, sorry," he muttered, and chuckled, "Someone's not in a good mood this morning. Why are you in such a rush?" He curiously inquired, a flirtatious smile erupting on his face. "Never seen you before. Then again, I haven't been around." His grin widened. "What's your name, stranger? I'm Asphalt, if you haven't heard of me before."
Love is unconquerable. For love needs not the pleasure of outward beauty, as it takes great pride in the inward. Love needs not the cushion of luxury and riches, for lovers tend to grow closer in strife. Love needs not fame, for those true to love will not host greed.
7:55pm Dec 5 2010
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Renegade rolled her eyes, standing up and brushing the dirt off her clothes. "Partoling Cop car," She said simply. "Renegade. I am called Renegade," She added. A sigh escaped Renegades lips as she tucked her hands back into her pockets, feeling for her candybar. She frowned. Must of dropped it, she thought. Eh, who cares. I'll get another.
7:55pm Dec 5 2010 (last edited on 7:56pm Dec 5 2010)
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Zre has never been in the camp before... Drake only told her of it days ago, and she felt the need to investigate. She held a menacing scowl on her still pretty face as she wandered deeper in the "camp". She didnt meet the gazes of all the others who cocked their heads and pointed. She glared at Drake for his comment but inmasked herself, realizing she still had her hood on. She heard whispers around her realizing she must have stood out...one whisper stood out..."Who is She?" She looked behind her as if about to turn back. ~~~~ Drake chuckled at the glare and lowered his head, hearing the voices of those around him. He saw Asphalt with another girl he hasnt sene before. -ugh fail-
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7:58pm Dec 5 2010
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(( I gtg. ;( ))
7:59pm Dec 5 2010
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((aww bye zozo D:))
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8:02pm Dec 5 2010 (last edited on 8:04pm Dec 5 2010)
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"Renegade. All right." He nodded his head to the side, "And what'd you do to, y'know, get the cops on you? Most everyone here is on the run from facing some crime..." He shuffled his feet, hoping she wouldn't ask what he had done. He hated admitted what he did.... it gave him a strange feeling of both immense power and guilt. Asphalt cocked his head, to see a girl and guy coming down the alley. More unfamiliar faces. He narrowed his eyes when he heard cop car sirens, but they weren't very close, so he went back to his laid back self.
Love is unconquerable. For love needs not the pleasure of outward beauty, as it takes great pride in the inward. Love needs not the cushion of luxury and riches, for lovers tend to grow closer in strife. Love needs not fame, for those true to love will not host greed.
8:03pm Dec 5 2010
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((Bye zozo. ;c I will miss you. We can just kinda... move her to the side and continue.))
Love is unconquerable. For love needs not the pleasure of outward beauty, as it takes great pride in the inward. Love needs not the cushion of luxury and riches, for lovers tend to grow closer in strife. Love needs not fame, for those true to love will not host greed.
8:09pm Dec 5 2010
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Zre suddenly felt her arm being grabbed by one of the boys about her age..."Hello their. Whats a lovely thing like you doing here. What could you have done?" he rose an eyebrow in taunt, his friends laughing behind him. Zre narrowed her eyes and yanked her arm from his grip...a dark glare cast on her face. "Keep bothering me and you'll find out." she hissed in between clenched teeth... her fists clenched so the whites of her knuckles showed. Her stance was strong and unafraid... she was ready for a fight if one arrose. Her lips curled into a wicked smirk as the boy put up his hands in surrender, repositioning himself with the others. She whipped back around...her eyes scanning the others. She advanced foward, catching sight of Drake. "Maybe I should go." she called in an expressionless tone. ~~~ Drake didnt move, allowing his friend to take in the camp he described. "Aw. Come on." he said halfheartedly.
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8:31pm Dec 5 2010
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Asphalt saw some boys backing down from the girl he had noticed earlier. The leader of the boys, Damon, held his hands up in surrender. He snickered. "What's wrong, Damon? Not as tough as you look?" He teased, enjoying fighting as much as the next guy. He walked over to the girl, who was with an acquaintance of his, Drake. "Hey, Drake. What's up?" He called as he neared the duo. "This your girlfriend?" He asked intently.
Love is unconquerable. For love needs not the pleasure of outward beauty, as it takes great pride in the inward. Love needs not the cushion of luxury and riches, for lovers tend to grow closer in strife. Love needs not fame, for those true to love will not host greed.
8:36pm Dec 5 2010 (last edited on 8:37pm Dec 5 2010)
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((Aww Darnit I missed the the start XP Aww I'll have catch up tomorow on my computer considering I can't read the 2nd page cause Mercy's bio stretched it on my iPod.
Anywho. Do they all know eachother already, or only some of you?))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
8:39pm Dec 5 2010
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((Serenity- Only some. Pretty much everyone has heard of Asphalt. And I think Zre is supposed to be pretty legendary, too, although most people dont recognize her.))
Love is unconquerable. For love needs not the pleasure of outward beauty, as it takes great pride in the inward. Love needs not the cushion of luxury and riches, for lovers tend to grow closer in strife. Love needs not fame, for those true to love will not host greed.
8:44pm Dec 5 2010
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Drake looked up at Asphalt. "Hey, nothing. Just reaquainting myself with..." he gave a taunting smile. Zre rolled her eyes towards the newcomer. "learn to hold your tounge. Before you lose it." she growled in threat. She acknowledged his question, "As if. Drake isnt up to my standerds." she stated cooly, her eyes not being removed from Drake as she spoke each word. Drake snorted. "Righttt." he growled. "Asphalt. Meet Zre."
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8:48pm Dec 5 2010
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((Gotta go to bed... night. ;c Don't continue far without me, but feel free to bump up the thread. I may be on tomorrow at seven-ish.))
Love is unconquerable. For love needs not the pleasure of outward beauty, as it takes great pride in the inward. Love needs not the cushion of luxury and riches, for lovers tend to grow closer in strife. Love needs not fame, for those true to love will not host greed.
8:53pm Dec 5 2010
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((So most know Asphalt? Well I'll the the weird different to hurt his pride by not knowing him and knowing Zre XD. So are the kids at a hangout? I pieced that from the second page. How should I start of her walking into the alley way or her having to chase after the dog and stumbling upon it?))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
8:55pm Dec 5 2010
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((I'll have to post tomorrow, also. ;D But that's alright, because my charrie has just runaway, and doesn't know any of you, anyways. ;D))
7:11am Dec 6 2010
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Renegade narrowed her eyes. "Why should I tell you?" She said dully. "Okay so people are blaming me for my father's death," She sighed. "You?" -fail-
5:13pm Dec 6 2010
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Angel smiled, she threw Renegade a burger. " eat up." she murmured quietly.Angel handed out the other burgers and ate her's quietly. Vix smiled. " Thabks, and you're handsome as ever" she snickered.Vixy took the diamong ring from his hand softly. " Got it from a man, he was gonna get married, but not without a ring." she said, smiling evilly at the ring." Will ou guys come to that.. oh, what's it called? That place where you trade gold? Its not Harry's pawn shop... Hmm..." she murmured." Oh! Cash for Gold! its up on fourth street!" I'd like you to go with me, Asphalt. i have a fake moustache if ya need it. " she teased.
6:14pm Dec 6 2010
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((Ill go with the the dog running into the alley XP)) Jessica walked up the street eating her BigMac from McDonalds. Although it wasn't much a of ahmburger consider she had taken the two patties out and feed it to her dog, so she w*censored* just eating the bun, cheese and the BigMac sauce. "Enjoy you share?" She said as she looked down at the dog. He made a little whinning noise and wagged his tail. She smiled and pushed some of her hair out of her face. She was glad she had been able to take a bath at the gym last night, she had to sweet talk the guy at the front desk but it didn't matter all that much. "So Nike. What you want do today?" She asked the dog before taking a bit of her half eaten burger. The dog suddenly stopped walking and stuck his head up. "What is it Nike?" she said stopping looking at the dog. He barked and took off. "Nike!" She yelled as she took of after the dog, her purple backpack thumping her back. "Nike!' She called as she saw the dog round a corner. The only reason he would run would be if he smelt food, and he must have hit the jack pot if he was running that fast. The dog bound into the alley and ran up to a group of people, each holding a burger. He started jumping up and down and barking. "Nike!" Jessica called as she turned into the alley. "You big stupid dog." She said as she went and grabbed him by his collar. "I'm so sorry." She said looking up. She noticed that there were a bunch of kids in the alley. This must have been the alley that guy had told her about.
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
6:43pm Dec 6 2010
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Renegade flinched an dheld her hands out, neatly catching thr burger. Her mouth wattered. "T-Thanks," she stuttered, quickly unwrapping it. she took her eyes off the burger and looked away. Was that barking? soon enough, a dog came prancing toward them, followed by what must of been its owner. "Why. hello," her tone softened as she petted the dog. The tore off a piece of the meat and fed some to it. "Is this you're dog?" Renegade asked.