8:32pm Dec 6 2010
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Asphalt snickered to Vix. "You know as well as I do that a moustache couldn't hide me. I must as well have a sign taped to my back that says, 'Arrest me.'" He smiled evilly. He turned to Renegade. "Same thing here. Except..." He bit his lip harshly. "I did kill my dad." All was quiet for a second in the alley, but everyone returned to their normal routine, having heard Asphalt's story enough times to know he didn't like too big of a reaction. "Consider me NYPD's most wanted," he chuckled morbidly, biting his lips so hard that he extracted blood.
Love is unconquerable. For love needs not the pleasure of outward beauty, as it takes great pride in the inward. Love needs not the cushion of luxury and riches, for lovers tend to grow closer in strife. Love needs not fame, for those true to love will not host greed.
9:05pm Dec 6 2010
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Zre clenched her fists so the whites of her knuckles showed. Her eyes growing colder for but a moment..."Killed your dad....interesting." she stated expressionlessly, her eyes narrowed towards them both before she escorted herself towards the bridge, swinging upwards in a graceful motion and positioning herself so she was seated on a low frame just above the water. Her memories taunted her, as she shook her head... trying to force the thoughts from her mind. "THE GRIM'S MASACRE" the words were the headlines on the front page of the daily newspaper that she had foraged out of the trash one brisk winter night.
In that short flashback, she only saw the headline of the paper in bold, and she inhaled deeply...forcing the memory from her mind ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Drake lowered his head. He knew Zre's past. He had figured it out on his own after he saw the headline of a paper long ago...and he quickly matched the deions. As well as several other clues. "She's killed far more then one." he stated, not realizing he was speaking out loud. Zre was one of the only ones whom he feared...knowing that she...was the ONLY woman (or child) whom he had respect for.
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7:12am Dec 7 2010
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"Yikes," Sighed Renegade, who was finishing off her burger in huge hungry gulps. "I would guess that he did something very bad to you?" Her tone softened just a bit. "and if you don't want to talk about it, I'm okay with that. Oh!" she pulled out a small poster. "I'm a bit proud," She said. "My first 'Wanted' poster."
2:50pm Dec 7 2010
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Drake rose an eyebrow towards the girl holding the wanted poster, a look of disgust going across his face for but a moment. A woman having a wanted poster...for something other then "missing" or "running away"...just disgraceful. "congrats." he stated in a half hearted tone... making no effort to hide the feelings he felt. ~~~~ "DEAD" the headline of the next newspaper a little over a year later... she recalled reading the article... Yes... the serial killer has been declared legally DEAD, the previous Wedsday. After the murder of dozens, many families left without justice... The Grim has returned to the fathoms of hell and will fail to resurrect... supposedly it is better that the monster was deceased on his/her own...for if Grim was captured, he/she would without a doubt be destroyed on the death row. A statue towards this horrible killer is currently standing in our city's very graveyard... to mark the hideous memories bestowed. families of the dead, however, have tormented it ferociously. Setting it aflame when surrounding it with logs. Furthermore... Zre's eyes whipped from their closed position, the eyes like daggers as she glared back at Drake from her perch...as if she senced the news he shared with the strangers. She was dead. So the city thought. But no. Grim HAS indeed resurrected, and the thirst for one last kill was at hand. She knew many of those around her had killed before, purpose or by accident... However...there was a difference between her and them. She had no regrets. And would repeat the menacing attacks delivered.
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3:52pm Dec 7 2010
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Vix laughed. " I got a wig too." she laughed.Vixy turned o Renegade. " First? Wow, I have mine all over Walmart, in ever corner, and on one of the Dart buses along with Asphalt's" she snickered.Vix stood up off of the trashbag." Asphalt, put this on, and come with me!" she said, handing him a blonde wig and a hoodie." Come on We have to go!"
4:27pm Dec 7 2010 (last edited on 5:00pm Dec 7 2010)
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Adonis reached, his fingers inches away from his target. With a devious grin, he slid a pocketbook out of the woman's purse. His eyes lighting up, triumphantly, he opened the book and continued to trail the woman as he pulled out a few crinkled bills. One ten, a five, and two dollar bills. Adon's smile turned to a slightly disappointed frown, as he pocketed the money and shut the pocketbook. "That's all?" he muttered, under his breath. As he pondered his less than ideal grab, he failed to realize the woman in front of him jolting to a stop, as her friend pointed over to something below the bridge they were standing on. The woman whirled on Adon, as he bumped roughly into her. Her ex pression of annoyance turned to a look of surprise, before settling into a dark look of accusation as she noticed the pocketbook. "You little thief!" she yelled, making a grab at her pocketbook. Stunned, Adon's eyes widened, as he dropped the book, and broke off into a sprint up the bridge. The woman began to yell: "Thief!" repeatedly, after realizing her money had been taken. Adon dodged the hands that groped for him, trying to stop his escape. Ducking his head, Adon managed to make it halfway across the bridge. Halfway downhill, a foot shot out and he sprawled out onto the cobblestone of the bridge. He was up, within moments, not allowing anyone to catch up to him, but not without some new scrapes to show for it. Adon continued to run, his mind in panic mode, telling him to just keep running. By the time he realized no one was following him anymore, he was panting heavily and his light flannel shirt was soaked with blood from his elbow. Pain finally began to settle in, as he slowed into a walk. Looking around, Adon was surprised to see lots of people. It took him a moment for him to realize from the dirty clothes and grim expressions, that these people were homeless. A shudder escaped him, as a hairy man gave him a menacing grin. Adon slinked into a nearby alleyway, and sunk to the ground with exhaustion. He winced as he rolled up the sleeve to his shirt, and gazed at the scrape on his elbow. He'd been out on the street alone for only a few minutes, and he had already hurt himself. ((EDIT: Just to clarify, Adon is on the bridge Zre is on, during the beginning. Now he is at the runaway/homeless area. ;D ))
6:23pm Dec 7 2010
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((I fail at this roleplay. Bump))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
6:38pm Dec 7 2010
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Renegade tucked away the paper, then stretching her arms. A yawn escaped her lips as she crossed her arms confortably around her head. "Well, I better get going. Its getting cold," She sighed, then sliding her hands back into her pockets as usual. "Guess I'll see you later," Renegade said as she walked away. She slipped into an alleyway to find her on the ground again. Apparently, she had tripped. But on what? she looked around to see Adon. Her face bloomed red. "Sorry," She said.
7:59pm Dec 7 2010
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((idk what to post o.O))
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12:47pm Dec 8 2010
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Asphalt looked over Renegade. "He killed my mother... right before my eyes. He had it coming..." He yawned, looking up and the smoke-infested sky. "I was seven. She never even loved him... He raped her. He beat me. He had it coming." A look of disgust dribbled on his face. Sure, Asphalt was a bad guy to be around. But he'd never hurt a girl. Not in a million years. He looked over at Vix, firmly in the eyes. He was suddenly out of the mood. "I'm not going anywhere. Not now... I am tired of being in cogneto and all of that ****. It sucks." He twiddled his thumbs, sorry for his sudden outburst. "Maybe later, alright?"
Love is unconquerable. For love needs not the pleasure of outward beauty, as it takes great pride in the inward. Love needs not the cushion of luxury and riches, for lovers tend to grow closer in strife. Love needs not fame, for those true to love will not host greed.
1:18pm Dec 8 2010
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(( Dunno what post. O.O ))
2:07pm Dec 8 2010
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Adon scarcely noticed as the girl tripped over him. "No problem," he murmured, unnaturally, his normal sarcasm temporarily failing him. There was just too much going on, at the moment, for him to think as he usually did. He had just left the orphanage, and he was already lost and feeling out of place. "Hey-- Where am I?" he asked the girl, curiously. He hadn't seen much of the city. The multiple times he ran away from the orphanage, he had stuck closer to his 'home.' After all, he had nowhere else to go. Today had been the day that he had finally left for good. Another boy, his age, had been adopted, just moments before he had left. The boy had been his closest friend, having grown up with him in the orphanage together for all his life. His friend had sworn never to leave without him, they had been family, brothers with no blood relation. It had been a lie, obviously. That had been the last straw for Adon. He left the orphanage in an angry outburst. And now, an hour later, he was sitting against the dirty wall of the alley, injured.
2:16pm Dec 8 2010
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Renegad stared at Adon. "First Street." She said casualy. "Hey, you're not around here, are you?" She asked, standing up and dusting the dirt off her clothes. again. She looked down at her knee and sighed. Red ebbed out of a scrape on her knee. She pulled out a bandaid and slipped it on. Renegade glanced at adon's elbow. "You need a bandaid?" She asked, handing him one. "And yes, I do carry bandaid wherever I go," She giggled slightly.
2:49pm Dec 8 2010
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"Thanks," Adon replied, taking the band-aid from the girl. He placed it gingerly on his elbow. It only covered about half of the scrape, but it was better than nothing. "Do you often trip over boys in the ally?" he asked, his teasing attitude reappearing, as his mind began to clear. "That's the reason you carry band-aids, right?" he continued, a grin upturning on his lips. "Of course, the boys you trip over, couldn't possibly as cute as me," he laughed, pushing himself into a stand.
3:02pm Dec 8 2010
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Renegade rolled her eyes. "I'm a clutz, what can I say?" She grinned, stretching her arms and yawning. "And no, I do not trip over boys in the alley." she said. "I just carry bandaids just in case things like this--" she pointed to adon's elbow. --"Happen. Better safe than sorry, yah know?" Renegade said. "What's you're name, anyway?" She asked.
3:33pm Dec 8 2010
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Asphalt made a gagging noise, snickering at Renegade and Adon. "Excuse me, lovebirds," he teased, "But you might wanna meet me, too," he glanced at Adon. "If there's anyone who runs this street, it'd be me, and we might as well meet each other now, rather then later," he had a friendly grin on his face. "Hey, what'd you do to land at this street? Everyone's got a story. Let's hear yours," he asked casually.
Love is unconquerable. For love needs not the pleasure of outward beauty, as it takes great pride in the inward. Love needs not the cushion of luxury and riches, for lovers tend to grow closer in strife. Love needs not fame, for those true to love will not host greed.
3:33pm Dec 8 2010 (last edited on 3:36pm Dec 8 2010)
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Posts: 222
((Late post! *Edited*)) 'She must be homeless,' was the thought that p*censored*ed through Adon's mind. Why else would she be carrying band-aids? 'This must be a rough place,' Adon resisted the urge to laugh at his own thinking. He had better hope that band-aids were as rough as living without a home could get. Otherwise, would he even be able to last the night? Adon gave a shake of his shaggy blonde hair, ridding the grim thoughts from his mind. "Adon," he replied to the girl's question, his green eyes studying her as he asked, "Yours?" Adon turned to the voice, an eyebrow raised. This guy sure thought he was tough. "I have no story," he replied, his eyes meeting Asphalt's evenly. "I just ran away from the orphanage. No big deal," he continued, with a shrug of his shoulders, like it was something he did every day. Well, it was in a way, but not like this.
3:41pm Dec 8 2010
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Renegade hissed. "Oh would you shush up!" she snapped, her cheeks blooming red. "I just gave him a bandaid, sheesh," she stuck out her tongue at Asphalt and crossed her arms. she returned her gaze at adon. "I'm Renegade." She introduced herself. -fail-
3:46pm Dec 8 2010 (last edited on 4:11pm Dec 8 2010)
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Asphalt looked at Adon's raised eyebrow, and snickered. He had learned to read expressions since childhood. Adon's said something like, This guy must think he is the best thing since electricity. Overhearing Adon's conversation, he now knew his name. "Adon... you have to be pretty tough to get along on the streets. Or you die. It's a fact of life, even though it's not a pretty one. And it just turns out that I am one of the tougher ones. Of course, some are tough to the point of being frightening..." He glanced at Zre. "And I'd prove to you I am tough, but then again, I think we are getting tired of learning my past." He eyed him concernedly, and gave Renegade the same troubled glance. "But, hey, you'll learn eventually, one way or another." He whistled a few disconnected notes.
Love is unconquerable. For love needs not the pleasure of outward beauty, as it takes great pride in the inward. Love needs not the cushion of luxury and riches, for lovers tend to grow closer in strife. Love needs not fame, for those true to love will not host greed.
4:02pm Dec 8 2010
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renegade shrugged. "hey, I got my Bandaids, my iPod, and my Hersheys bar. I think I'll do just fine." She said matter of factly. She yawned and rotated her shoulders. "Well, I think I'll be going. I hate it here at night. I hate night period." she pulled out her hersheys bar and cracked off a square, then popping it into her mouth. -fail- (( i had a good post, then res wrnt down. xD))