Literate Twilight Roleplay

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2:54am Jul 10 2010

Normal User

Posts: 1,576

Name: Edward Cullen
Age: Frozen at 17
Gender: Male

Appearance:ta:image/jpg;base64,/9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQAAAQABAAD/2wBDAAkGBwgHBgkIBwgKCgkLDRYPDQwMDRsUFRAWIB0iIiAdHx8kKDQsJCYxJx8fLT0tMTU3Ojo6Iys/RD84QzQ5Ojf/2wBDAQoKCg0MDRoPDxo3JR8lNzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzf/wAARCABeAFYDASIAAhEBAxEB/8QAHAAAAQUBAQEAAAAAAAAAAAAABgACBAUHAwEI/8QANBAAAgEDAwMDAgUDAwUAAAAAAQIDAAQRBRIhBjFBE1FhByIUMoGRoUJxsSMkRHKywdHw/8QAFwEAAwEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAECA/EAB0RAQADAQEAAwEAAAAAAAAAAAABAhEhMQMSQTL/2gAMAwEAAhEDEQA/AMotZCZOd2D81JFs7PhHOCeBnOaj2hJbaAKvLS3eV4441BZjjGQKCO6a6bg1C8kOoytDbRIWJHBY+BTdb1qdHi0yw2JbwqVjDKGJ/U9qsdZuJbARRzylcApLGDnvyDx/mgy/ZxOJACOO+axjbT1r/McdGW+mhaV5XZd23BbHYZPFOt7TY8X4lJEEnKOrAAn2zVetzIuzLEhMkDPk9zU2XWpZrUQMo2oRsx/T3/8AdVMW/CjP06ae+s5xcJeS5zjcrsG48N81cpcwdS2iW0wSDUFYFZgmFcdiG/jB+Pmh0SetGCWJb8v3HJx4psLPBIdrMrY7rTwak65pFzo95+FuwokKhht7EH2qrNGVzdQ6t08yTRmSe1GUJYhlB7++R8UJMvNVW2+laMSdObEpzn8p/wAilSsjtkP/AE++PalTSlWOPzA5NX2klZbiKN2ABYbifbzQ5ahu4BGPFEelzJGqkpz8ikSP1sjWmqvCsvqQbcK3OCB2xQ7EJbuZIQxbJwM0f9ZWdve9Ox6jFIN9uoSRSMYP/wAe9BWgqx1KEoMlGBFKOQv2RJZfTfUZwJGkUpjOAOaK9P8Ao4l5bCSe6e3b2xnNGegTM0UZZCOO+KLIHbaoBrKLTLb6xDFdW+kUtlETaXXqsAScjk/AFZxqMDWs5hcDcvBJr6suM7sMDXz79UtOe26hmkSLEUv+ovHAz3/mqrPUWrGaquno4JLK9L7w8ds+DQ87eaI9MtJ4NKnnJZVcALjHcc9/3qlurc7+VAzV19lFvIcreTa2R7Uq8jjIOMUqpCTZTENgk4q6tnyRz+9UcERI4q4soHZMg9hQBLCsl7pc9nw6yIdoPYMBxVT1PFYaDf6WYLVg34OOWVVbGGYVP0mV7fBOQc171vp4u9V0u7t7vYLq19LJ55RiMftiolVRB0X9QNLYJbXsjQMeFMnb+2aM9X6007p9Ea7W4dpRujSKMtke+e1Y91bpg0/SbVZNrsWGJAPPmtt0KG11LpawWeNWRoEH3D4rPnrfZnigtPqENSkUwWKRxb9uZ5CGz/YA8/FS+u7G21PS9Nl9MM/4lIz9uPtfII5Hvg0QWuk2lqySYYlOV3OSB84pus2S3llAd21Y7uOU/IU5IogT4yjqjQobS+WztEeO3jRd2TnLnk/xihm9sfSBCpuArY9Xso74uTgsSTk/ND150xK0RKLlcePNaROMLRO6yaS1k9Q5TFKie60thOwCng44pVSFXp9iMbdgJNE+maKoUFh/NQLGIBgfei6wibZGOAGIUFjgZ9smlMiFVPphDKsKEsSAFHk1XdYQxQaNDZPdwNfW9z6g9J93pbh2JHyvOO2arfqFr0sF42lWMvpiIn15Y35c+wI8D+f2oEW6kEhZ3Z935gT+b3p5xUZAnudRu9V063tmj9WaCXLo3dseK3Po24uLjRbSGWwazWNFBEjA8EeMf+a+eLZJ7zVIRYFjNKBjDFefPatv6Y0nV0tUFzPdxqqj/lsxFZ2bU72RvKucJu4980L9fa0dL03TfSkCu92MeeyMcEex81K1TUBYxCL1C8jcKpP3E1m/1Mu2l0y0cuHkiuNxPjJBGB8VMeqt40TTbu3vLaO6jOIpO6nJKN5WpNxrMVvE8X4f7/6QRkfrQL9PtdEUyRTsvoXChXDDjd4P+aKtRCZk9DLBTgjglfb9PmqZaHZLSV7iSSGHdvJYgeKVTU1H0GKvHn5IpU+pyACOv57CT/Y6Tpanw725Lf8AcTUK462vdV1CO5v4bdvQBK4VsZ8YBOM55z8UKTvyTTYn2rjjnmtMI6+kkuJXmlO6SQ7i3uajem23dUl8MOP5qfpdvFPE8cvfGM+1AVtjeS2Nwk8DbZIzlTWm6F9StZuhHaxWUJcDDSljjHvistkQxyMvkHBqTa3l1bZ/DzOme+3zStXVVtjYPxTNI9xcyl7h/wAznx8AeBQR1xqUMyJbJJukVwWA/pHNDz6lqUylZLuUqe4DYqBIpGcnJPepimeqn5NjIE+iXbegibiB757UW6Z1VPa3ETyTLJ6ZAYPyCvz+lZ3YTiGPB/QV2nunkAPAbHvkVWM29RT6TrFuk0EkULH7iHkB4/gj9qVYC9zI+PuzgY7UqWHqvlPNMBpz8mm4qydAas9MuIlITfg59+9VIPNPVMyLg4JpB31KPbduR2JyOa4oRiu95n0oyxyRkZqHkgkUw7mTFNCMyszD+1K3QSN9/IFTHUem5HG0cUpkIJfavHevROSMMK9CAtzSlQKcCgHxtmlTIqVIn/Z" alt="" />
Personality: Same as book

Species: Vampire
Power Can read people's minds, with exception of Bella's



2:57am Jul 10 2010

Normal User

Posts: 2,036
OoC: Thanks for joining, Twint c:


3:05am Jul 10 2010

Normal User

Posts: 12,418

Jasper sat on the couch. He wanted Alice to sit next to him. He's her love and she's his love. It's kind of normal.

((Sorry I'm tired.))

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3:10am Jul 10 2010

Normal User

Posts: 1,576

OOC: Omai. Your fast, Milo. O_O making emmett. and their home is for three of them only right? the others are at another home, is it?


 Name: Emmett Cullen

Age: Frozen at 20 (right?)
Appearance: getting pic :P
Personality: same as books, always smiling. Strongest
Species: Vampire
Power Strength
Other: Rosalie's husband

Edward could see the sihouette of his wife and child nearing their cottage. "Hi," he smiled Bella's favorite smile as he opened the door and let them in. He planted a kiss on Bella's forehead and then crouching down to kiss Renesmee's. "How was hunting?" he questioned. He smiled at the fact that Bella and Renesmee were home at last. Glad they were safe- although they wouldnt be hurt that easily. "Renesmee seems to be a bit bigger again," he remarked.

 Emmett laughed as he saw Rosalie playing with her fingers. "Aren't you a little too old to do that?" he commented, sitting down next to her and hugging her head, pecking her with a little complimentary kiss. "Do you miss Renesmee?" he asked, noting his wife's protective behavior over Renesmee. Their niece , he remembered, was Bella's daughter, and they'd moved away. "We could visit them," he added, hoping it would satisfy her. He hated the way she frowned, and hoped her beautiful smile would return to her porcelain face.


3:15am Jul 10 2010

Normal User

Posts: 12,418
Rosalie smiled. She punched Emmett playfully. "I've been waiting for you to come home. And I know we can visit them."She said. She was over protective. Very overprotective over Renesmee. She didn't want anything to hurt Her. She put her head on Emmett's shoulder and cuddled up to him.

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3:27am Jul 10 2010

Normal User

Posts: 1,576
Emmett stroked Rosalie's hair. "I love you," he muttered. They sat there silently, and Emmett knew how much Rosalie wanted a child of her own. He broke the silence with a loud kiss on her lips, as if to say, "I will love you forever, although we can't have children. We will remain so, but love will never change because of that." he gave her a hug and stood up. "Are you ready to go?" he asked, carrying Rosalie onto his back. "Or would you want them to wait? Ren...." his last word was dragged, as if to tempt her.


3:31am Jul 10 2010

Normal User

Posts: 12,418
She hugged him. "Let's go. I really miss them. I haven't seen little Renesmee for a while."She told him. "I love you too."

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3:36am Jul 10 2010

Normal User

Posts: 1,576
Edward could hear his siblings running over to his cottage. Once again he opened the door and smiled. "Hey, Emmett, Rosalie," he welcomed them. Seeing Rosalie, he added to her, "Nessie is in the living room with Bella." he laughed, remembering how much his sister loved his daughter, and went over to Bella. He hugged her tightly, informing her that Emmett and Rosalie were here. "And did Ne- Renesmee do anything naughty? Pulled your hair?" he joked. 


3:39am Jul 10 2010

Normal User

Posts: 12,418

Rosalie ran into the living room. "Renesmee! Bella!"She said as she went to hug Renesmee and Bella.

Jasper came out of the house. "Hello, Emmett. How are you and Rose doing?"he asked.

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3:47am Jul 10 2010

Normal User

Posts: 1,576

last charrie <:

 Name: Jacob Black

Age: Frozen in 15/16 year old body.
Gender: Male
Appearance: lol at the pic >:C
Personality: Same as books
Species: Werewolf




 Jacob yawned. "Oh, hi there Akila," he smiled. "How are you?" his eyes sparkled. Akila was his favorite of the pack. "Um, what brings you here?" he asked. "A pack message? Sam disturbing you?" he guessed unsuccessfully. He didn't want to have a nervous tone of voice just because Akila was here. "Jacob, be a man, don't tremble in front of her," he told himself. He couldn't , though, and the nervosity leaked into his voice . "I, um, Akila, uh," he stammered. "Stop it, Jacob!" he thought angrily.


3:50am Jul 10 2010

Normal User

Posts: 1,576
"I'm fine, Jasper," Emmett replied. "And so is Rose. She's a bit hyped up with seeing Renessie." he laughed, using a new nickname. "You know, how she likes her. Its a bit uncontrollable when she sees her." he laughed, and pointed to Edward's cottage, "They're in there." he informed Jasper, laughing at the thought of Rosalie shaking Renesmee and Bella with hugs. "I'll be back soon. I need to hunt." "Grizzlies," he thought to himself happily. He eyed a large one and pounced. Dead. "Enjoyment is so easy to come to me these days." he remarked.


3:58am Jul 10 2010

Normal User

Posts: 12,418
"I just came over like I usally do. What's wrong with you? Did I catch you at a bad time?"She asked. She was madly in love with him. She couldn't help it. He's hot!

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4:05am Jul 10 2010

Normal User

Posts: 1,576

((Tri, please state which character you are RPing , although we know, but it's kinda annoying ;/ when you have to re-read to understand.))

 "No," Jacob replied unsteadily. "Come in." he patted his bed and sat down. He couldn't help peeking at Akila every once in a while to look at her face. "She's beautiful," he said quietly to himself. "I want to kiss her." he remembered when Bella slapped him for kissing her, and didn't dare to do so to Akila. He leaned over, and then retreated back again. "No," he thought. "If she doesn't like me and I do that, it would be worse."


4:10am Jul 10 2010

Normal User

Posts: 12,418


Akila was confused. Until when he leaned in. He did want to kiss her. So, she had the nerves to kiss him. She felt comfortable kissing him for no reason.

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4:17am Jul 10 2010

Normal User

Posts: 1,576

((thanks <: i hope you aren't angry? my apologies))

Jacob was shocked and relieved. He met her lips and hugged her close. "I love you," he said, his lips moving fast against hers. They sat calm, statue-like, the only sign of them alive was their lips. ((Since Billy can't be RPed, can he join in for a while?))

Billy was at Jacob's door. He saw the two kissing, and smiled. He liked Akila and was glad Jacob accepted her affection. Or the other way round. He left the two undisturbed and went back to watching his show.  


4:20am Jul 10 2010

Normal User

Posts: 12,418

((I'm not angry. I forgot that people get confused.))

"I love you, too."Akila told him.She kissed him again. She wasn't afraid of anthing anymore. Why would she be?

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4:48am Jul 10 2010

Normal User

Posts: 1,576

Edward bounced Renesmee on his lap and set her down beside him. "Say hello to Rosalie and Emmett," he whispered to her, hoping she would be polite and obey. "Come on." Edward looked at her, then at the two in front of him. "She needs to warm up," he quickly did the quick-libbing. "You know, she's a newborn. She needs to..." then he added softly, "Okay, if you say it, I'll take you for a little run in the woods. With Bella."


4:50am Jul 10 2010 (last edited on 5:06am Jul 10 2010)

Normal User

Posts: 12,418
Rosalie was happy. She got to see everyone again. "God I missed you guys so much!"She told them.

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5:03am Jul 10 2010

Normal User

Posts: 1,576
((um, Milo is Renesmee.))


5:06am Jul 10 2010

Normal User

Posts: 12,418
((I mean Rosalie.))

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