4:33pm Jun 30 2011
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Posts: 3,371
(Not at all. I hate them :C)
4:34pm Jun 30 2011
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Posts: 9,641
Ooc; Mmkay. So for the moment Sierra is just a subordinate. Which I'm adding to the ranks right now. :D
5:25pm Jun 30 2011
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Posts: 496
((OK, can Bayd just be subordinate and perhaps another position in the future?))
Signature created by Sheta. All credits go to Sheta.
5:27pm Jun 30 2011
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Posts: 9,641
Ooc; If it opens up Nom. <3
11:53am Jul 1 2011
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Posts: 3,950
(Ok, everything works out fine with me about Sierra's position. ^^ And Ryku's mother... she was mauled by a bear and died. I should put that in the bio.)
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
2:05pm Jul 1 2011 (last edited on 2:23pm Jul 1 2011)
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Posts: 9,641
Ooc; Terrible, but alright. xD; I'm going to post my intro in this post so please, bear with me until it's done. Then we can post as we like, though try not to 'dominate' the rp with another person. ;D Though the sun had just risen the birds were already twittering gaily, their joyful cries adding to the morning chorus. Slender birch trunks shot out of the ground in these woods, coupled by the gnarled oak trees that had stood their for lifetimes. It was the beginning of spring and young shoots had just begun to grow, their green buds pushing out valiantly against the wind and weather. Trees unfurled emerald leaves that danced gently in the swaying breeze. There was a small crunch as a furred paw settled into the deep loam, light fur stark against the darkness. It was soon followed by a large form, though not lumbering in any way or manner. Coiled muscles slid under a tri-colored pelt, propelling the great beast forwards with a grace only known to a few predators of the woods. Amber eyes watched the scene around them cautiously, hints of gold in their depths glittering each time the sunlight hit them. With a small huff Aadu twisted her head and looked behind her, frowning at her son who was try to catch a butterfly between his paws. "Zev," she called sharply, with that harried tone only a mother could have. A light pitter-patter of steps announced his arrival as his coltish form slid up next to Aadu's, an innocent ex pression masking his muzzle. "Are we almost there?" Zev whined quietly, gray eyes bored and tired. For emphasis he bumped up against Aadu's flank, earning him a growl in reply. "We're there now," she grumbled irritably, and shoved past her pup into the small clearing that made up the current nesting site for these wolves. With a cheerful yelp the still young male padded forwards quickly, eyes searching for a willing -or unwilling- playmate. [They're resting for the moment in a small natural clearing. :D Most of the wolves will be around here for now.]

3:41pm Jul 1 2011 (last edited on 3:42pm Jul 1 2011)
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Posts: 3,371
Sediam was sitting up, black tail curled around her paws. She stared at a tree, watching a small bird chirping, probably at another bird that was somewhere where Sediam couldn't see it. She stood up, even though she was tired, and stretched forward, front legs stretching in front of her and then stretched her back legs with a yawn. She sat back down, watching the bird, wishing she could fly like that lucky little bird. She watched as it flew off of the branch it had been sitting on and then out of Sediam's veiw. She wondered, since she wished she was the bird, if birds ever wished they were wolves. Maybe, she thought. Sediam scratched herself behind her ear with her left back leg, then got up and looked around, looking for something to do besides sit there and attempt to entertain herself. She could see Thaybian- a good friend of hers- laying down across the clearing, and he appeared to be asleep. Usually, Sediam wouldn't pick on higher-ranked wolves, but since Thaybian and Sediam knew eachother so well, she could pester him when she pleased, He never seemed to care. She crept toward the sleeping wolf quietly and carefully, making only small sounds when she set her paws down- sounds that weren't noticeable unless you were listening specifically for those noises. She came closer and closer, an evil-looking little grin on her face. She wondered how many wolves would be watching her. Hopefully no alphas. She jumped into the air as if she was a fox trying to jump and break through snow with her paws. Her paws landed on his stomach, and he yelped as she bit his ear. He threw her off and stood up, glaring at her, mostly just angry because she had embaras$ed him. Thaybian's ear stung where Sediam had bit him, and he lifted his right front paw and touched his ear with it, his head bent down so he could do so. He looked at his paw, which had a small amount of blood on it from his ear. He sighed and growled at Sediam, who laid back her ears and rolled over onto her back in a submission. He whacked her nose gently with his paw and walked away from her, and Sediam got up and then sat down with her ears still flat to her head.

4:17pm Jul 1 2011 (last edited on 4:18pm Jul 1 2011)
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Ryku laid down, his pitch black fur lightly whisping along with the slight breeze brought by every so often. What a boring day. At least, so far. Almost every day was boring, though, so waht ameks this one any different? In the small flare of anger, his ears pulled back for a short moment before angled upwards once more. Noticing an occurence and some noise, Ryku looked over with no large motion. Sediam, being herself, had attacked the Beta. What a pitiful attempt, too. A bit of blood was drawn. Ryku silently scolded the stupid juvenile and flicked his tail out of no important reason. He growled softly at himself for doing such an unneeded action. Deciding to try to make something of his time, Ryku pondered over his paw. How it was layered in fur so carefully with partially neat claws. They still had a small fleck of blood on them from eating. But so what? It'll be cleaned off later today when he ate. If he ate. He wasn't particularly hungry today at all, so it would be a waste to eat if Ryku wasn't even filling up his stomach. It was most likely 'empty', so to speak, but it didn't feel empty. So there was still no point. By now, his paw was forgotten. Upon thinking about that, he remembered. Now it wasn't forgotten anymore, but it still was never forgotten since it was a part of him nevertheless. Only the thoughts about his paw he had for pitiful entertainment were forgotten. Looking over his day in the past few moments, it everything seemed truly pathetic. In the meantime, Sierra was doing nothing significantly important either. The day had been rather uneventful. Soon enough, her mind wandered to daydreams. Pounding across a seemingly endless plain, Sierra was panting heavily. Her paws thudded against the hard soil as she ventured farther and farther into the golden stalks of tall grass. Skidding to a halt, she smushed some of the plants and looked wildly around. Was this what everything had come to? The world had become.. practically nothing? How could this be?! But in her frantic thoughts, Sierra never noticed a wolf almost the same color as the grass. No wonder, it had perfect camoflauge and she was panicking. The other wolf attacked her and everything became black. Shaking her head, Sierra didn't find this daydream satisfying. But it still was, in a way. An exciting adventure story... or maybe action? Some romance could be thrown in. Wait.. perhaps it should be forbidden romance! If the evil wolves live in a small group, one of them could fall in love with herself or something... or maybe she'd find a companion in a similar situation. And that companion could be the one in love. Pah. Daydreams. They got Sierra so sucked into a fake world.
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
4:21pm Jul 1 2011
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Posts: 496
Fallon could feel a slightly rush of adrenhaline rush through his youthful veins, giving him bundels of energy and playfullness to screw something up. He bounded through the forest, not particularly caring where he ended up, but then again, something big could happen at any moment. Just because he was a submissive wolf with no hope of a good future, doesn't mean that he didn't know how to have fun. The almost emerald green buds which poked through the fresh grass and still fairly wet dirt gave him a scent which almost asked him to run out and roll around. He was being a playful pup, and there was no stopping him. Fallon ran along no particular trail for there was indeed, no actual trail. This was the wild, not the mall. He felt his tongue lolling in and out and in and out of his mouth as he breathed, feeling the cooling fresh springtime air tickle his senses. Laughing jollyly, he bounced along merrily, not caring to the world what exactly he was about to come upon next and there was something that he was about to literally step upon. Prancing through the forest, his eyes shut with joy, he began to enter a clearing, a small meadow perhaps. Three steps in, and Fallon realized one thing. This clearing was not empty to himself for frolicing and possibly spending the day lavishing under the rays of the sun. No. There was a pack here, and Fallon didn't know what the heck to do about it. (brain-dead for Bayd. Idea's?)
Signature created by Sheta. All credits go to Sheta.
11:17am Jul 3 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 3,950
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
9:19pm Jul 4 2011
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Posts: 9,641
Ooc; Agh, shameon me, I know, but I'm going to close this down. :x I won't delete it, but I don't think I can keep up with this rp. ^^; Sorry.