Live Life to its Fullest [Shape-shifter Romance Role-play] and Fight to the Death

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10:52pm Oct 13 2010

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Posts: 6,948
((They all went into cl*censored* and Aki answered a question and Wynter is talking to twins.))

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7:29am Oct 14 2010

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[Sure. Shadwolf has two as well. ^o^]

[EDIT: Period 7 shall be science, FYI]

Blushing deeply, staining her cheeks a dark pink, Wynter shook her head. 'Wish I could help you guys, but I'm as lost as you are.' Turning her head ever so slightly the white-haired girl caught sight of a white map tacked to the wall, framed in dark wood.

'Ah,' she said in a slightly embara.ssed tone, straightening her blue-green t-shirt. ‘Over there’s a map. Hopefully they added Mr. Vaughan’s cla.ssroom.’

Grinning at the two she lifted her hand to point at the sign, just visible over the tide of students moving about in the lobby.



8:16am Oct 14 2010

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Posts: 6,948
((Det, did you read my post. I thought cl*censored* had already started.))

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8:21am Oct 14 2010

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[They're lost. xD]


8:28am Oct 14 2010

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((Ah, okay.))

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8:50am Oct 14 2010

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"You have got to be kidding me!" Akohnu picked up his pace, making his black hair flap over his face in a wild manner. His bag was clutched tightly in his arms, pressing against his cold body, warming it up. He longed to be free, to run like this in a different form, but with all the lost students, for he wasn't the only one, he couldn't shift. The dog inside of him made his tongue hang out of his mouth it whapped against the side of his face everytime his feet touched the ground, finally he got control over it.

"Aki was late, but I am going to be later." Akoh said to himself. Akohnu, or Akoh, as he was called, kept running and finally, he made it, but he was at the wrong room. He stared at his schedule and then his map and groaned, pressing his pale palm to his hard forehead. He smoothed back his tangled black hair and turned the other way, for the room that was correct, was all the way across campus.

With a sigh, he picked up his pace, but this time, did not run straight, but wove through the students, trying to figure out if maybe his sister was just as late as he was. To no avail. Aki was nowhere to be found and he geussed that, for english was her favorite subject, she was already in cl*censored*, answering dumb questions about the wonders of english. He, on the other hand, thought that the best subject was math.

Numbers swirled around in his head and gave him the speed to keep going. He was solving problems as he ran. I mean, when you take math, you have to practice. It is like riding a bike, you always know the skill, but you have to practice to maintain them. Much like the martial arts that the twins took. While Aki was a black belt, 2nd degree, Akoh was a purple belt and had three belts to go before he caught up, but Aki wasn't perfect.

After all, they were twins, but twins are different. One twin was stuck on the ground, earthbound, never to fly free, bound by the roots of trees and held with thorns and prickles. While the other flew free, high above the tormenting land, higher than even the planes that flew overhead. His sister was free to do whatever she felt. Though, wild dogs blended in better. When he shifted, he was normal, he looked like a dog and even had a color his sister would put on him. It was fake, of course, but if someone bothered him, he always had the advnatage of teeth and claws.

Finally, he made it to cl*censored* and this time, he had approached the right room. He opened the door--it was heavier than he had expected, but he managed--and walked into the room, taking a seat next to his sister. Althoug, the teacher didn't question him, Akoh questioned Aki. "You could have waited." He hissed, but either his sister hadn't heard him, or she was ignoring him. Ah well, he would talk to her later...


((Another fail. -whacks self-))

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9:02am Oct 14 2010

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9:16am Oct 14 2010

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5:52pm Oct 14 2010

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6:17pm Oct 14 2010

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Posts: 2,842

Temperance walked into the cl*censored*.sroom, she was uncharacteristicly late. This was not something that would happen to her regularely, actually, this was the first time eve. She blushed deeply an ran to her seat before pulling out her binder.


OoC; Sorry for the fail post. But I'm super tired, and frankly in a bad mood, but did that go well with whats happened so far?


6:48pm Oct 14 2010

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Posts: 9,641
[Yeah. Man, Wynter, Maksis and Taylor are going to miss this at the rate they're moving. xD]


6:51pm Oct 14 2010

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Posts: 3,002
Taylor and Maksis walked over to the map, attempting to keep pace with Wynter. Taylor ran her hand along the map and found Mr. Vaughan's cla.ssroom marked clearly on the map. She glanced around the room and found where they were on the map. "I think it's this way." Taylor said, but Maksis grabbed her shoulder and spun her around. "Nope sis, it's this way." She said and Taylor glanced back at the map. Sure enough, her brother was right. "This way, then." She said, her cheeks just a slight pink.

Current Goal: Hatch a Black and Albino Shaefu. Get all Dye Kit Color Shaefu. 2 Dyes so far and 4 Shaefu Hatched. Thread up in Ads if you want to see what I'm selling.

7:01pm Oct 14 2010

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Giving the girl, Taylor, an empathetic look, Wynter followed the two at a quick pace. We're late, she thought with a sigh of resignation, shoulders slumping slightly. Breathing deeply to gather her emotions again the white-haired girl walked as swiftly as possible without walking into the two siblings.

"Should we hurry?" she asked the boy aloud, though averting her gaze to look out one of the large windows that dominated the hall they were in.


7:06pm Oct 14 2010

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Posts: 3,002

Maksis nudged her sister and she picked up her pace. "There we go." Maksis said with a slight grin. Taylor rounded a couple corners and soon enough, they were found standing outside the door of Mr. Vaughan's English cla$s. She stepped into the clas$room and Maksis was about to follow suit, when he remembered his manners. "After you." He said, holding his arm out to let Wynter go through first.


Current Goal: Hatch a Black and Albino Shaefu. Get all Dye Kit Color Shaefu. 2 Dyes so far and 4 Shaefu Hatched. Thread up in Ads if you want to see what I'm selling.

7:15pm Oct 14 2010

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Posts: 9,641

Frowning slightly at this show of politeness, and slightly unsure of herself, Wynter hesitated a moment before stepping into the clas$room, stepping forwards quickly to look for a seat in which she could situate herself.

Scanning the clas$room with her green gaze, the girl stood hopelessly as she found herself looking at a sea of students, and not a single visible desk.

Giving a long sigh, as if he expected this, Mr. Vaughan stood and cleared his throat loudly. "You can sit to the back girl. There's a few free seats there." He pointed to the shadows where the light streaming in from the window missed.

Squinting as she slowly made her way over there, Wynter could barely discern a few tables and chairs standing in a line. "Oh," she murmured in a small voice, slipping into a vacant seat with a blush staining her cheeks.


8:03pm Oct 14 2010

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Posts: 2,842
Temperance saw the people walk in and nodded at them, "Hey" she mumbled softly, not so embar*censored*ed when she realized she wasn't the only one late. Her eyes flashed nervousness as she realized it wasn't just Wynter walking into the clas.s. Her social skills were bad and she had never been one to talk much. She had never fit in anywher before.


8:17pm Oct 14 2010

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Posts: 6,948
((Someone want to talk to Aki?))

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7:40am Oct 15 2010

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Glancing to her left Wynter noticed a slight girl sitting beside her. "Hi," she said in a friendly tone, though she kept her voice cool. Now wasn't the time to make friends. They could turn on you at any moment.

Averting her gaze with a blush Wynter focused on the textbook in front of her rather than meet the eyes of the other girl. She kept her ears open to see if she would reply though, wondering what her name was.



8:40am Oct 15 2010

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Posts: 6,948

Aki turned away from her brother to glance at the girl. I can't make friends. I can only make allies, but what can human do? Aki smiled, revealing none of what she was thinking and held out her hand as the teacher told them that for the next 10 minutes, the could get all the bugs out of their systems. "I'm..." She glanced at her brother and he shgrugged, as if to say Tell he if you want, leave me out of this. Aki sighed again, defeated and then finished her sentence. "I'm Aki."

Aki rubbed the back of her hand and then realized something and yanked her hand back. Turning it over, she saw light blue markings that, to any normal person, would look like she had drawn on her hand. When she discovered this, she put it back out to shake the other girl's hand. "Sorry, I like to draw on my hand, I wanted to make sure it was dry." she was always bad at lying...

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3:50pm Oct 15 2010

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Posts: 434

Adrian seemed to be in no hurry. Although practically half of the was over already, he didn't look at all flustered or panicked. Apparently, in his mind, there was absolutely nothing wrong with arriving horribly late to his first day of cla.sses here. He wandered through the empty hallways, his murky amber eyes leisurely looking over a wrinkled paper he had clutched in his hand. He was almost there.. probably.. He just had to take a left up ahead, and..

He stopped short, finding himself at a dead end. That certainly wasn't what he'd wanted. He sighed, resigned to his fate of possibly missing first period cl*censored*, and stuffed his schedule into the pocket of his loose brown coat. It was a pretty heavy jacket for indoors, but he seemed always to be wearing it, his lean form nearly swallowed up completely. However, in addition to this coat, he wore light tan shorts.. making it look like he'd decided to dress for every possible weather pattern at once that morning.

It took another five minutes to get back on track, but eventually he arrived at the door to the right cla.ssroom. He smoothed out his short blond hair to absolutely no avail- it was still sticking up at odd angles- and pushed open the heavy wooden door with an ear-splitting creek. He offered no apologies to the teacher he'd just interrupted, and simply walked to one of the open desks at the back of the room without so much as a sidewards glance toward anyone. Even though he'd garnered a fair amount of attention by arriving so flagrently late, he seemed to ignore everyone else completely.

He picked the desk in the back corner of the room, finding it a little too dark and cramped for his liking, and sat down. He looked down to the old wooden desk before him, finding all manner of words, phone numbers, and colorful insults scrawled and carved into it. Apparently the students in a fancy boarding school were no different from the ones in public school. It didn't really surprise him in the least- it was ridiculous to think that these students would've been any more disciplined than any others. He paid far more attention to all of the interesting things written on his desk than to anything in his textbook, which actually remained closed and untouched. He was already getting such a great start to the school year.

[No sig right now, move alone.]
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