It is early winter, and flurries of snow dance and twirl in their slow descent to the forest floor, utterly peaceful in the silence. Each towering tree that dots the landscape is covered in a blanket of soft, powdery snow. Suddenly, a lone wolf breaks the silence. He throws his head back and begins an eerie chorus of howling, the strange wolf-song cutting into the very essence of the night like a scythe through water.
Hey everyone! I was just going to start up a lone wolf RP and wanted to know if anyone was interested in joining? :3
Here's the rules:
1. Please no swearing. I don't mind minor stuff, but please don't curse excessively.
2. No super powers/ unnatural colours and markings.
3. Please format your wolf deion like this:
Appearance/ traits:
4. Put "I like pancakes and ducks" at the top of your first post if you actually read the rules, few as they may be.
Alright, here's my charries (you guys can have as many as you want as long as it isn't, you know, ridiculous xD).
Name: Korven
Age: 4
Gender: Male
Appearance/ traits: A large, powerful black wolf, Korven is incredibly strong. His eyes shine a bright gold, and he has a scar over his left eye from a battle with another wolf. Korven lacks intelligence and speed, but many would say his incredible power makes up for it. Having said that, Korven has lost many fights due to not having an effective strategy. He relies on his strength to survive.
Personality: Korven is very simple. He is quick to anger and often starts fights. Despite this, he is very trustworthy. He is an extremely proud wolf and he loves to show off.
Other: Meh.
Name: Aerya
Age: 3
Gender: Female
Appearance/ traits: Aerya is small and fox-like. She has russet fur and black-tipped ears with white 'socks' on her front paws. She is quick and agile, as well as highly intelligent. She is peace loving and weak in combat due to her inability to harm others. She may seem defenceless, but she can hold her own if she needs to. Her green eyes are bright and intelligent.
Personality: Kind and gentle, Aerya will go to great lengths to help others. Aerya is a sweet wolf and a valuable companion.