4:22pm Jun 28 2011
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As soon as Zack and Renn had left, Aerya ran to Korven, who was stalking home. She stood in front of him, preventing his escape. "What were you thinking, you suicidal fool! Idiot! Why would you ever go after a bull elk alone? Do you want to die? You stupid-" she ranted, and was cut off by Korven. "Listen, Aerya. I just want to forget about it okay? I made a mistake. That's it. Okay?" Korven was totally exasperated, yet his tone was not unkind. "Alright, Korven. I'll drop it. Just... Next time let me come too, alright?" Aerya said. "Deal." Korven replied. The pair headed back to the den to eat their meal.
4:35pm Jun 28 2011
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Zack and Renn settled down in the next clearing over. They were too hungrey at the moment to go any further. Renn droped her end of the elk and just glared at Zack. Zack stared back as he ttok a bit of the elk and chewed. "...What?" He asked swallowing. "What were you thinking! For all we knew that one wolf could have tried to kill us but no you being you had to be all nice and, and....ugh." she layed down and took a bit of the elk. "You don't seem to happy so after thim i'm going to look for some honey." He said with a smile. He wasn't getting it at all.
4:53pm Jun 28 2011
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Aerya, gnawing on some elk, said "Korven? Aren't you going to eat?" "Nah. I'm not that hungry. I'm going to the river to wash up." he replied. "Oh," Aerya said. Korven left without another word and walked over to the river. The truth was, his head was pounding and he needed to get away. He lay down by the river bank and lapped up some cool, pure water. He was aware of the buzzing of bees nearby, as well as rustling leaves, but he didn't think much of it. Instead, he rolled over and fell asleep in a sunny patch alongside the river.
5:11pm Jun 28 2011
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Zack got up after he finished eating, "I'll be right back." He said before he walked back into the forest. He sniffed the air and followed the smell of honey. He hummed as he followed the scent of the sweet sticky stuff as he pranced around. He finallly had to jump over a bush to get to the correct side of the tree. He ended up next to a river where he saw Korven again. He was fast asleep so he tried to be quiet. He turned back to hive. It was on one of the lower branches of the tree so it would be easy to get. He put his front paws up on the trunk as far as he could. He began to blow on the hive to calm down the bee's. After they calmed down he batted the hive off the tree branch and onto the ground. He went over to hive and chewed off and brought it over to Korven. He figured it would be good sence he didn't seem to happy about nearly getting trampled by a bull elk. He picked up the rest of the hive and sauntered off back to Renn.
6:41pm Jun 28 2011
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Korven awoke to the smell of honey. Confused, he stood up and looked around. There, in front of him, was a large piece of honeycomb. He picked it up and carried it back to Aerya. "Um... did you bring this?" he asked her. "No. Why would I bring you honey? I thought you were just washing up at the river." "Oh," Korven replied. "Well, anyway. I was resting my eyes and when I opened them a few seconds later, this was i front of me!" he explained. "Resting your eyes, huh?" Aerya said. "Well, I may have also taken a short nap somewhere in there... But that's beside the point. I've never even heard of a wolf eating honey. Why would someone give this to me?" Korven replied. Just then, he remembered the talkative wolf and his friend. "Hey, you don't suppose it was those wolves, do you?" he asked Aerya. "Who, you mean Zack and Renna? It could have been. We won't know until we ask. Let's go." with that, she trotted out of the cave.
6:51pm Jun 28 2011
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Zack got back to Renn and set down the hive, "What happened to it did a bear attack it or something?" She asked wondering why a part of it was missing. "Oh that. No I saw Korven and you know he kind of got hit pretty hard so I figured he might like some honey." He licked some of the honey out of the honey comb before nudging it towards Renn. "You do realize that your the only worlf in these woods that actually eats honey right." She said. She herself didn't like it te way it was sticky and got stuck in your fur and it was way to sweet for her likeing.She nudged the homey back to Zack before laying back down in the soft snow. "But it's the thoiught that counts." He smiled and licked up the rest of the honey. He layed down the honey comb placed between his paws as he tryed to get all the honey he could out of it. His myzzle and paws were full of honey making them sticky. He got up and nudged Renn. "Ha! Now your sticky too." He laughed as Renn chased after him. Renn chased Zack all around the clearing. He was laughing and having a good time but Renn...she was actually having some fun too.
7:39pm Jun 28 2011
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Posts: 783
Aerya and Korven approached the clearing where Renn and Zack played. As they got closer, they began to smell honey wafting from Zack. "Hi," Aerya said. "I guess it's safe to assume you are the ones who gave honey to my friend? He just came to thank you," she said, stepping on Korven's paw. "Yeah right," he mumbled. "That stuff's terrible, who even eats honey? It's gross." then, when Aerya stepped harder, "Ow! Okay. Thanks. Happy?" Aerya shot an apologetic glance at Renn and Zack.
7:54pm Jun 28 2011
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Renn stopped chasing Zack when Aerya and Korven walked into the clearing, "It's fine he's a bit....ya know." Renn said. Zack hadn't realized that Renn wasn't chasing him anymore and ramed into her knocking them both down. "Zack." Renn's voice was muffled by Zacks tail. "What?" He asked then he realized he was on top of Renn, "OH," He got up, "Sorry." Renn stood up and shook some snow out of her fur, "Yeah...My point exactly."
11:35am Jun 29 2011
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Posts: 1,148
{{{okay. So I am back. And I missed a lot. Anyone want to update me?}}}
12:36pm Jun 29 2011
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((My charras met up with Qeen's charras and yeah their just storta talking in a clearing. You can have your charras just kind of find all of them in the clearing.))
12:38pm Jun 29 2011
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Posts: 783
((Lol nothing has happened really. Dart's character Zack has been eating honey and my character Korven has been an idiot. Usual.))
4:12pm Jul 7 2011
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1:35pm Jul 8 2011
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((Aww I think it died))
11:10pm Jul 8 2011
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Posts: 783
((My fault, sorry. xD I keep coming back to this and wanting to post but I just don't know what to write. I feel like we need some sort of exciting plot twist or something. Any ideas?))
11:18pm Jul 8 2011
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Posts: 5,578
((Hmm...maybe something like a bear attack since zack is covered in honey or something like that. Killer bee's? I don't know. I'll keep thinking.))
1:09pm Jul 9 2011
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Posts: 783
((I like the bear attack idea a lot- it could definitely work. Shall we try it?))
2:08pm Jul 9 2011
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Posts: 5,578
((Yeah. It seems possible considering the situation their in at the moment so sure.))
5:40pm Jul 10 2011
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1:18pm Jul 12 2011
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Posts: 783
((Gah sorry I keep letting this die. *revives once more* I guess I'll start the bear attack then?)) Korven had had enough. These two grown wolves were acting like pups, and Aerya didn't even see bothered by it. In fact, she seemed to like these wolves! Annoyed, he stalked off towards his den, leaving Aerya with her friends. "I'm going," he said as he left. About halfway there, he heard a rustle in the bushes, but he opted to ignore it. That is, until he heard the heavy footsteps accompanied by soft, barely audible growling. At first he thought it was another wolf, until he saw an enormous shape appear from within the bushes- and it was headed directly for the clearing he had left Aerya and the others in. ~~ Back at the clearing, Aerya was completely oblivious to what was happening. She continued happily talking to Zack and Renn and laughing at the absurdity of the two covered in honey.
1:33pm Jul 12 2011
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"Bye Bye!" Zack yelled after Korven with a smile as he left before he procceded to prance around the two wolves still in the clearing. He was humming to himself as he did so his eyes closed as he followed the path he was creating by denting the snow. He imagined he was a in a lush field with Renn and they were having fun. She had flowers woven into her tail and around her paws and one bright red one behind her ear. They were chasing one anouther around stirring up butterflys and laughing the whole time. "Zacks odd to say the least." Renn said. Her ears swivled around a bit as she heard growling and thumps of heavy paws hitting the ground from far away. She muttered a few choice words under her breath as she looked at herself and Zack both covered in honey. This had happened once before but it was a long time ago back when they could fit into a stong tree hallow together but they had grown signifigantly since those times and that wasn't a full grown bear either. She could tell byt the deep gorlws and thunderous thuds that this was a heavy and determind bear.