10:14pm Jul 14 2011
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((It's fine)) The snaped as Renn had been nawing on it awhile. She spit out the pieces of bone in her mouth and left the two big piece to just lay there as she got up and crawled back into the den. Zack had gone back to sleep and the meat she had left with him was gone. Renn got close to Zack and stuck her muzzle in his ear and gave a loud bark. Zack jolted awak his eyes wide. He looked much the same way he had when the bear was running towards him, his legs wide apart, tail tucked in between his legs and eyes wide with shock. Renn chuckled to herself as she licked his cheek and crawled back out the den. She shook her body making her fur a bit puffy. Zack came out after Renn the look of shock gone. He squinted up at the bright sun above them, "You let me sleep in pretty late." He stated. Renn was a bit taken aback by how...unlike himself he was acting. What was wrong with him. She circled him looking him up and down. He looked like Zack but he didn't seem like Zack by the way he was talking. "What are you going." Zack asked follow Renn with his eyes. "The question is who are you." She said standing in front of him once more. "Uh...Zack." He said looking at Renn as if she were a loonatic, "You know maybe you should rest awhile." He said wanting to make sure she wasn't sick or anything.
2:00pm Jul 15 2011
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"Aerya," Korven began, looking directly at her. "Um, yeah?" she said. "You know, I was just thinking. About Renn." Korven continued seriously. "Mm?" she said, wondering where he was going with this. "She saved my life. I really appreciate that." he ended, somewhat awkwardly. Aerya took a moment to look at Korven before cautiously speaking. "You're being... modest. What's wrong? You're not normally like this." she laughed drily. "You're never like this, actually." Aerya was a little concerned that he was acting like this. What was wrong with him? Or had the bear attack changed him somehow? With a bit of a shock, Aerya realized that she would miss the old Korven. ((Short post. Sorry- I'm a little braindead.))
5:41pm Jul 15 2011
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((Eh it's ok)) Renn thought a moment before she flicked snow in Zacks direction with her tail. It his him square in the nose, "Hey! What was that for?" Zack asked shaking the snow from his muzzle. "No you doing it wrong your suposed to flick snow back at me and then we run around laughing having fun." She said. She flicked snow at his again but had the same dissapointing result, "Your no fun anymore." she said sitting down in the snow. "But whats fun about flicking snow at each other. We both end up with snow in our noses and hats fun about that?" Zack pawed at his muzzle finally getting the last of the snow off his muzzle. He tilted his head at her wonder what the point of the game was. "Well I don't know you made it up." Renn said. She didn't know what was fun about the game it just sort of was. She liked the old Zack better. He was care free and tryed to make her happy even when he wasn't in all that great of shape. He may have been a lot to handle but it beats having a buzz kill brother.
9:02pm Jul 17 2011
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Hoping to draw the old Korven out, Aerya decided to bring him hunting. "Korven," she said brightly. "I was thinking maybe we should go hunt some elk?" Korven looked at her blankly before responding, "Sure, I guess." What was wrong with him? Normally he would have jumped at the chance to be able to kill such a such a strong animal in front of another wolf. Showing off was his thing, why was he so different? As they tracked the elk herd, Aerya said "Is anything... wrong? I'm worried about you Korven." "No," Korven replied, not saying anything else. That's one thing that hasn't changed, he never admits when something is wrong, Aerya thought. As they neared the elk, Aerya said "Let's go after the bull!" "Why?" Korven asked, slightly confused. "It would be much easier to go after a cow. Look, the one over there even has a limp." Aerya reluctantly nodded her approval, but Korven still waited. "Are you coming? I can't take an elk down alone." he said. This caught Aerya completely off guard. Korven never asked for help. "...Okay," she said, and tagged along behind him.
5:30pm Jul 18 2011
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7:04pm Jul 23 2011
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((Sorry I was at camp....)) "I don't remember doing that." Zack said tilting her head at Renn. He was confused about what she was talking about. Why would he come up with a gome with no meaning? Why would it even be fun? "You made it up when we were pups remeber? It was some time in the summer." Renn didn't know what was wrong with him but she wanted to fix him and quick. "You've changed." she finally blurted out. "What do you mean I've changed?" He asked. The conversation just kept getting more and more confusing, "You seem to be the one who's changed." He said, "You seem to be more like a pup now. Wanting to play meaningless games." He looked at her blankly waiting to see what she would do. He wasn't getting it. She wasn't doing this to have fun. She was doing this to get her brother back. She finally gave up and growled at him in frustration as she stormed off. She didn't want to be near him anymore. He wasn't the same fun-loving, rondom Zack he used to be. "And impulsive. Don't forget impulsive." He yelled after her. He shook his head in dissmay as he headed back into den. "She wont make it a day with out me by her side." He said to himself.
7:49pm Jul 26 2011
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(('Tis fine)) Korven was very cautious as he hunted the elk, attacking only with tentative nips and growling. Normally, he would have run at it head on without thinking, but he had changed a lot. Finally, Aerya could take it no more. "Korven!" she shouted, causing him to stop nipping at the elk and pad over to her. "Y-yes?" he said, shocked that she had screamed at him like that. "What is wrong with you? You're modest and considerate, and very cautious," she began. "I... don't understand," Korven admitted. "You just listed off three good qualities, what's wrong with that?" "Nothing," Aerya said. "Everything." Korven listened quietly, sitting back on his haunches and swivelling his ears forward to listen to his friend. "Korven, you've changed. It's like I don't even know who you are anymore," Aerya said, then paused. "Changed? I don't see how," Korven said. "Aerya, it's me. I'm Korven. You're Aerya. We're both the same as we've always been. Nothing has changed. If anything, you have, being all reckless and wanting to go after bull elk." Korven said matter of factly. "No, it's not true. You were never like this before Korven. The Korven I know is reckless and downright stupid at times, but he is also my closest friend, and you are not him," Aerya said, tears welling up in her eyes. She ran back to the den before Korven could stop her.
8:02pm Jul 26 2011
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After a while Renn's tail was slightly draging in the snow making a line in between her paw prints. She had forgoten why she had stormed off but then once she thought about it she snarled to herself and her tail picked along with her pace. Renn heard yelling not to far away and she remembered the voices. She smiled and ran towards the clearing that Korven and Aerya were at just to see the tip of Aerya's tailslip into the tree's She could faintly hear her crying as she left. She was quite confused. She padded up to Korven, "Whats wrong with Aerya?" she asked sitting down and looking into the trees where she had left. She turned back to Korven for the answer. After Renn had left Zack had dicided to take a nap. He didn't care that he had just woken up. He had been having a good dream anyway. He couldn't quite remember what it was about though except that he had liked it. He layed down at the mouth of the make shift den and placed his head neatly on his paws. He closed his amber eyes and let his ears droop down as he fell asleep. A small smile tugged at the corner of his lips as his dream came back to him. He was growling at a bear. It was a big full growl grizzly too. He was also standing in front of someone. Another wolf. It was Aerya. She was curled up into a little ball and whimpering as she watched Zack scare the bear back into the woods. Zack turned around to face Aerya and she attcked him with a big hug, " You saved me Zack! You saved me!" she shouted. ((Lol I didn't know what else toy post XD))
8:12pm Jul 26 2011
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((Ahaha it's fine xD Mine's worse)) "I don't know," Korven said to Renn. "I think it's my fault though. I feel terrible, upsetting her like this. I wish I knew what I did wrong so I could go apologize to her," he said, looking at Renn. "She's been strange lately, wanting to go after bull elk when there was an injured female right in the herd. Yet, she keeps telling me I'm the one who's changed. Ridiculous, right?" he said, laughing in a there's-no-way-he's-sane sort of way. ~~~ Aerya lay in a sobbing heap on the den floor. She hated what was happening to Korven, and hated herself even more because she actually sort of liked the new him. She just wanted to go back to before the bear attack, before this all started.
8:27pm Jul 26 2011
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Renn just looked at Korven with a blank exprestion untill she said, "Who are you and what have you done with the real Korven." she stood up taking a step away from him. She narrowed her eyes at him and got ready to attack if she needed to. She started snarling, "Who are you!" she comanded. This couldn't be the real Korven. This one was too...too...what was the word? Polished. He thought before he acted and talked more than the real Korven would. This couldn't be him. Zack's dream pretty much whent on like that for a while. Untill in his dream he felt the ground vibrate a bit with the pounding of multiple heavy paw steps. A giant grizzle crashed through the trees followed by other bears. The roared as they charged at Zack and Aerya. Aerya yelped and ran off into the trees and Zack got up. He looked at the bears his eyes full of horror as he realized he was about to die.
10:22am Jul 27 2011
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Korven dipped his head and crouched submissively when Renn began snarling. His hackles raised, but that was from fear, not anger. "Not you too," he whispered to himself. "I assure you, Renn, I am Korven! Please believe me," He pleaded, ears layed flat against his skull. He began to back away from her, tail down and crouching as low as he could. "Please," he said. "Ask me something only I would know, I can prove myself to you I know it," he was so scared he was almost crying. Was Renn going to kill him? Attack him? He couldn't believe this was happening.
3:36pm Jul 27 2011
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Renn had to think about what she would ask but she stayed in the same position her top lip curled up into a snarl. "What were you doing when Zack and I first saw you?" She asked. That was the best she could come up with. She stoped snarling as she waited for 'Korven's answer. If this did turn out to be the real him then maybe the same that happened to Zack happened to him. They were both completly oposite of what they truly are and it freaked Renn out. She wasn't oposed to change but she liked it to be gradual not from proud to humble in a second.
3:49pm Jul 27 2011
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"Uh," he said. "We were in the clearing, I think. Hunting, maybe? Yeah, we were hunting, and we all took down a cow elk together. Good times," he ended half heartedly. That was the first time he could remember seeing them. Please let that have been the answer she wanted, he thought. ~~~ Back at the den, Aerya was thinking. Had the same sort of thing happened to Zack as well? Or was it just Korven? She decided to go search for Zack and find out. Aerya stood up and trotted towards the clearing, hiding in the shadows to see if Korven was still there. He was, and Renn was there too. But no Zack. He must be over here, she thought, going around the clearing to where she had seen Renn and Zack go together sometimes.
4:27pm Jul 27 2011 (last edited on 4:33pm Jul 28 2011)
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"No." Renn answered back her voice carrying a bit of dissapointment. She wanted it to be Korven so that there was at least one other person she knew that hadn't gone off the deep end. She dicided to tell him the answer she was looking fo though, "No, we were all hunting at the time but didn't know that the other was there. Zack and I, Mostly I though, took down the cow but you, you dicided to take on the bull elk. You got kicked in the head before it raced off and Zack whent over to see if you were OK. The Aerya came out and was worried about you and I, I just stood there watching you from back at the cow Zack and I had killed. I don't know why I just stood there but I did. I guess I was scared that you might be dead I didn't want to even get to know your name if you were." She stoped talking once she noticed that most of what she said didn't matter and that it wasn't part of the real answer. She turned away from Korven and walked away. She wasn't sure where she was going to go now but she left anyway. Zack's dream ended right when the first bears paw colided with his body. He woke up with a start breathing heavily and slightly sweaty. He got up and crawled out of the den shaking his fur to see Aerya at the mouth of the den. He let a small smile on his muzzle, "Hey." he said shaking his fur again.
4:34pm Jul 28 2011
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5:25pm Jul 28 2011
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"Um. That's not how it happened at all, I never got kicked," Korven said, watching as she walked away. Realizing he was still crouched down, he stood up to his full height and shook his fur. "Why is everyone acting so strange lately?" he muttered to himself. ~~~ "Hey," Aerya said to Zack. "Uh, are you okay? You look a little shaken up." She looked at him worriedly, was something wrong? He looked pretty scared. Maybe something was happening to him too. Only one way to find out. "Mind if I come in for a bit? I wanted to talk to you," she said, as politely as she could.
5:33pm Jul 28 2011
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"No I'm fine just a bad dream." Zack said. "Sure come in." He said leading her into the den. He sat down a cross from Aerya and waited for her to talk. He wondered what she wanted to talk about. Renn heard what Korven said last and shook her head but didn't turn around. It was no use. If she couldn't get through to Zack she couldn't get through to Korven. As she walked she was silent. The only sounds she made were her paws steping on the crunchy snow and her tail draging on the ground. She looked forward never looking back. She thought about what she going to do now. She didn't have anyone to talk to , no one to fool around with, no Zack.
10:39pm Aug 1 2011
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