7:09pm Jun 24 2011 (last edited on 8:10pm Jun 24 2011)
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Major HP fan here. I'm looking for a Harry Potter roleplay. I don't mind doing either OC or canon. If we do OC, I have an OC witch lined up, and if we do canon, I think I can RP anyone, although I'd much prefer Hermione Granger or Draco Malfoy. I don't mind doing more than one character. Romance is love, but we don't have to do that. I'm up for all types of romance (boyxboy, girlxgirl, teacherxstudent, etc) but they must all be human (-coughcough-Dobbyxbook is not on -coughcough-). And nothing too disgusting like HagridxFilch. /cringe Dramione is wonderful. o3o I am a learning RPer, so if I do something wrong, please don't shout at me. I'm looking for at least semi-literate RPer(s). I'm not sure if I can do long, extensive posts yet, but I can try. I ask that you return the courtesy by being as literate as possible at all times. Oh, and I don't mind 1x1, but a group roleplay would be great. More open to ideas and all. EDIT: I'm also interested in doing a Hunger Games one!
7:59pm Jun 24 2011
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8:26pm Jun 24 2011
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have a HP Rp up, if you like. I know it may be intimidating, considering how long we've been doing it, but we're always up for new people.
8:28pm Jun 24 2011
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I'll do a Hunger Games. I'm waiting for Lake to come back before I post on the Hp one, just so you know I didn't forget about it. <3
9:35pm Jun 24 2011
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Posts: 1,338
Ohh, Harry Potter. :3 One of my most favorite things to Rp! :D And, possibly, we could combine the two types? Say, I wanted to Rp Hermione and you wanted to Rp your own character, they could both join? :3
9:45pm Jun 24 2011
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chance, the Snape one? xD I still haven't read through it all, but if (when) I do, I'll see if I can fit in a charrie somewhere. em, okie. <3 Would you just want to do a Hunger Games one with the same type of plot as the books? Or like, a new world one? And OC or canon charries? Shaste, yay! That would be nice. Would you want to do a romance, or a different genre? Oh, and to everyone...if I can keep up with it, am I allowed to be in more than one RP at a time? xD
9:45pm Jun 24 2011
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Lol, you can just read the last, oh, ten pages and join xD.
9:52pm Jun 24 2011
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Ofcourse Pere. One skill to a good roleplayer is the ability to handle more than one roleplay at a time. I do like the idea of following a similar plot, with OC though... I made a group roleplay before but it never got started... Would you like me to get the plot from there to show you an idea of mine?
9:53pm Jun 24 2011
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Oh, romance is everything to me. xD And violence... But that's besides the point. Heh. It's really up to you, as I'll pretty much do anything with Harry Potter. :3
10:03pm Jun 24 2011
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I'll see if I can handle it, chance. xD I'll get onto reading now. <3 em, ooh, that would be nice. ^^ I'll probably like anything you come up with. Shaste, an RPer after my own heart. <3 I'll think up a plot, unless you want to do that. Will you be Hermione, another canon charrie or an OC? And slightly off topic.... xD Do you have a nickname? And another RP question...can you just have one OC and adapt it for different plots from different books? Say, if I had my HP OC witch, and then I wanted to do a Hunger Games RP...would I be able to just strip her wand and magical power and stuff, change her history a little and use her for that HG RP?
10:05pm Jun 24 2011 (last edited on 10:07pm Jun 24 2011)
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Blood. The last thing you will ever see in the horrible nightmare you find yourself in. You hope it is a dream, and you may be right, if only you could wake up again. A trap designed to pull you in but never release it's clasp, with hunters waiting for your downfall before they move in for the kill. You stand alone, not even your friends willing to help you now. It is every man for themselves in a fight to the death were only one can stand victorious. For generations this evil game has continued, old habits finding their way to return to society. The stadium rebuilt and the districts divided once more, Panem stands in a position like it once did. The world as if the resistance had never existed in the first place. But what would be interesting about the old ways when things can be made ten times more interesting. That's right, the Capitol wants to make the games more exciting. Each player is injected with powers that will aid them in the games. Unstable and completely without guide, the new games are filled with more danger than ever. The stakes are higher and the chances of sucess are slim when you could be the one to end your own life. Welcome to the Hunger Games and may the odds be ever in your favor. This is the new Hunger Games. The rules are similar to the book, just make the contestants have powers and everything is all set. 12 Districts with 2 players from each one. The age is the same, 12-18 to be entered. This Game will be different though. They finaly realize the power they posses and learn to escape.... Should be fun, right? Please keep in mind, this is The Hunger Games and characters will die. Just a little FYI for you. Please read the rules for further instructions
10:08pm Jun 24 2011
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-Points to signature- People call me Shay. How about you? ^-^ And your entiltled to make the plot, as I fail at that. xD And I believe it will depend. Are all the Canon characters in their 1st year, or what? That affects my decision I guess. :3
10:08pm Jun 24 2011
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Posts: 15,067
No problem.
10:18pm Jun 24 2011
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Posts: 2,184
Em, sounds really good. :o I don't mind death, as horrible as that sounds. Will we make a new board or just use the one you mentioned earlier? Shay <3 I'm just Pere. xD Or Nelle, or Mae. Whatever you like. I think we could make it first year. Would you want things to be like in the books, with Harry/Ron/Hermione V Draco/Crabbe/Goyle, or mix it up a little with their friendships? Also... -pokes RP question in above post- xD ...I'm asking so many questions.
10:29pm Jun 24 2011
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I, personally, don't think that Voldemort should have ever turned evil, so Harry wouldn't have the scar, etc. What do you think of that? And I would like to play an OC and either Hermione or Draco, as you like them as well. xD What characters would you like to play? :3
10:40pm Jun 24 2011
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That's good. :D I'll think up a plot pertaining to that. Also, can I be Draco? xD Since my OC is a Slytherin girl, it'd be easier for me to be two Slytherins. And what pairing would you like? ^^
10:48pm Jun 24 2011
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Sweet! :D And yes, of course. :3 I was thinking of making Hermione a Ravenclaw, because my OC is also that. x3 Would you be fine with that? :)
10:56pm Jun 24 2011
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Sure. <3 So a romance pairing?
11:00pm Jun 24 2011
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Yes. <3
11:05pm Jun 24 2011
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Who would you like the pairing to be? o3o