Looking for Pokemon and Trainers please. c:

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3:56pm Jul 10 2010

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Would the trainers have the mirages or the actual legendaries?

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3:58pm Jul 10 2010

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((Never seen the Mirage Pokemon movie? D: -gasp-))


3:58pm Jul 10 2010

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Posts: 11,785
How about a mix of the two?

Mirage Dialga and Mirage Palkia are evil, while the real Dialga and Palkia are blamed for it and are banished to their dimensions while the mirage Pokemon wreak havoc. The Trainers need to work together with Legends like Giratina (Who I claim with Darkrai) and such to free the real ones and put the mirage Pokemon to rest? C:


3:58pm Jul 10 2010

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Posts: 1,713
((oh now i know what you mean! yep I have!))

3:59pm Jul 10 2010

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4:00pm Jul 10 2010

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Posts: 6,948
((Ok, I claim Mew and Celebi!!))

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4:01pm Jul 10 2010

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Posts: 3,141
Wow, that's good, Rika! So would each of us get a legendary Pokemon? If so I claim Lugia :D

Selling Cyid Egg! Please Click ONLINE for now. May not have internet for a while.

4:01pm Jul 10 2010 (last edited on 4:01pm Jul 10 2010)

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((okay i claim sky shaymin and  a female shaymin liike I said!))

4:01pm Jul 10 2010

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((Hokai. If I get either Uxie or Mewtwo. <3))


4:06pm Jul 10 2010

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Posts: 11,785
And the Mirage Pokemon movie. That's the new one, right? If not, name the main Pokemon so I will know which one. XD



4:07pm Jul 10 2010

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Posts: 1,713
((i'm confused! we are asigned pokemon? if so make sure i'm with a sky shaymin!))

4:09pm Jul 10 2010

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Posts: 3,137
((Holraight. XD And the main ones are Mirage Mewtwo and Mirage Mew... Hurr.))


4:09pm Jul 10 2010

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Posts: 6,948

ooc: Ok, here is my Profile.



GENDER: Female

APPEARANCE: She is around 5*4", short for her age and 95 lbs, very skinny, even underweight. She has no parents or siblings that she knows of. Her only sibling ran away and she never really knew her.  She short, cropped black hair that hangs down on her shoulders. Her dark purple eyes are unseeing for she is blind. She has a long blue marking that stretches from her forarm, twists around her arm and trails up to her forehead, marking it with a little wave pattern.

PERSONALITY:She is mysterious and Dark. She keeps her emotions locked inside her as if they were a disease. If you really get to know her though, she is a kind person who will do anything to protect those she loves. She is very hard-headed.


Shiny Umbreon (Feyth): Her main fighter, she stands a little shorter then her raikou and is very strong, in times of danger, Dusk is able to ride on her if something is wrong with Rel. Her eyes match Dusk*s color and on her forhead, instead of there being a blue ring, there is a blue star. Her moves are Shadow Ball, Dark Pulse, Hypnosis, and Dream Eater.

Feraligatr (Valley): He was Dusk*s very first pokemon, her starter to be exact. He once lost control and attacked Dusk, giving her a long scar on her shoulder, down to her markings. She has been afraid to use him ever since then, althogh, she has when she needs to. His moves are Hydro Pump, Hydro Cannon, Aqua Tail, and Super Power.

Cyndaquil (Cynder): Dusk recently got this youngling and has been raising it. She gave it an ever stone and although it is very strong, and helped her win the league championship, she has not evolved. Dusk fashioned a string for Cynder that holds the everstone against her body. Dusk tried to take it off once, but Cynder stopped her. Her moves are Eruption, Lava Plume, Flamethrower, and Double Edge.

Lanturn (Life): Dusk caught her in the seas near CianWood city. She was talking about Life with the chinchou out and then it wouldn*t answer to anything but Life, so the name stuck. She quickly evolved into a Lanturn and is used mainly in battles against fire types, water types, and ground types. She uses her to get around in the water, although Dusk herself is a fantastic swimmer. Her moves are Hydro Pump, Aqua Ring, Discharge, and Bubble Beam.

((Soon to have a Mew and a Celebi))



She became the pokemon Champion and she has one ribbon that her Umbreon one for her in a contest that you could use only one pokemonthe whole time.



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4:10pm Jul 10 2010

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Posts: 1,713
((feyth don't we only have legendary?))

4:11pm Jul 10 2010

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Posts: 6,948
((Rainbow, that would be weird, I am *censored*umin ghtey are already trainers with actual pokemon ))

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4:12pm Jul 10 2010

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okay then i'll post Lynn

4:13pm Jul 10 2010

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Posts: 1,713

bio- (does not have 2 be a elite 4 character)

Name of trainer-     Lynn

pokemon's nickname(s)- Rose, Theo, Tia, Dungeon, Elegant 

pokemon species (in order of names)- leafeon, flareon, glaceon, umbreon, espeon

pokemon levels- lv. 62 lv. 62 lv. 62 lv. 62

trainer image- 

personality- caring, feirce, lives  for her pokemon, loves her pokemon, loves nature

gender- female


(she will soon own Pimp the sky shaymin RIGHT?) 


4:22pm Jul 10 2010

Normal User

Posts: 11,785
(You know, shaymin aren't always in Sky Forme.

AND YOU CAN CONTROL HOW YOU GET YOUR OWN LEGENDS. I am only one person on a cell phone after all. ;;

And yeah, they are already trainers.

My trainer has a Lucario, Flareon, Shiny Charizard, and an Infernape.

Will get Giratina and Darkrai.

I will not have a bio since it'll take too long.)


4:30pm Jul 10 2010 (last edited on 4:36pm Jul 10 2010)

Content Manager

Posts: 3,137

Name: Seattle Fallows

Gender: Female

Age: 15

Looks: Seattle is almost 5'6 and has pale skin with a very light tan. Her shoulder length brown hair has lime green tips with a dark green about halfway up the lighter. Her eyes are murky blue with small flecks of red in them. She's usually seen in a black zip-hoodie, black GIR shirt, light blue denim jeans, and silver Nikes.

Personality: Friendly - Crazy - Dorky

Mightyena - Female - Martin - The black mane is silver-white and her eyes are blue instead of red.

Crunch - Thunder Fang - Protect - Scary Face

Absol - Male - Set - The gem in his head is prismatic, changing like a kalaidescope.

Protect - Night Slash - Perish Song - Zen Headbutt

Houndour - Female - Crossfire - The tip of her tail is a light gray

Ember - Roar - Leer - Smog

Charmeleon - Female - Kounetsu - She's normal.

Fire Spin - Dragon Rush - Dragon Dance - Heat Wave

Other: None


4:32pm Jul 10 2010

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Posts: 6,948
((I have to go, I*ll be back at 7:00. Please don't go ahead without me!))

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