4:34pm Jul 10 2010
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(Oh. I want romance of some sort at some point in time.
My trainer's a guy, btw.)
4:51pm Jul 10 2010
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((yah i know! i want a shaymin! and what kibnd of flowers turn shaymin into sky shaymin?))
4:55pm Jul 10 2010
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[[Lol, Rika. And it's called a Gracidea, Rainbow]] Name: Samuel (Sam) Ash Gender: Male Age: 17 Appearance: Sam is a bit short for his age and skinny. He doesn't have much muscle but his body is still well-defined. His hair is black and messy, often falling into his eyes, and he has light blue eyes. He's pale and wears glas-ses so he can see far away. He has a soft, innocent look to his face, if not a bit nerdy. His clothing usually consists of a baggy long-sleeved white shirt with a red music note on the back and red sleeves below the elbows, red-plaid pants, and white shoes. Personality: Sam is shy and calm. He's an intellectual and likes to think things through before acting. Although a bit of a coward, he loves adventure and and loves to try new things. He has a good sense of humor and is very kind. However, he is a bit paranoid when it comes to working with others and can sometimes seem a little cold towards strangers. Pokemon: Mijumaru, Luxray (Solid Black), Typhlosion, Nidoking, Flygon (Shiny), (Soon to have Lugia) Other: A former member of Team Rocket as well as the Johto Champion. He used to have a Raichu and Froslas, but he left them with two kids from his hometown.
4:56pm Jul 10 2010
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Posts: 1,713
((thanks, shall we start now))
6:08pm Jul 10 2010
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(-looking for a name lol-)
6:10pm Jul 10 2010
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we start?))
7:09pm Jul 10 2010
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Almon sighed, running a hand through his pitch black hair, silver eyes closed as his Charizard flew. He wrapped his arm around the dragon's neck as they flew, the black Charizard suddenly stopping. The trainer on his back tilted his head, staring at his Pokemon as a rift opened in the sky.
A Giratina flew out with a loud cry, tailed by a Darkrai. The Darkrai flew up to Almon, its blue eye troubled as it began to speak. "Trainer, we are in need of your as-sistance. Dialga and Palkia have been locked away for wrongdoings they did not commit, and we alone cannot help. We have deemed you worthy to command us and lead us to rescue the balance-keepers. Please accept our plea," he said.
Almon blinked, then smirked slightly, the closest he ever really got to a smile. "I accept."
The Darkrai nodded, then took two Pokeballs and placed them into Almon's hands. When they expanded, Darkrai touched one and was sucked in. Giratina followed soon after, both balls beeping after a couple shakes.
Almon blinked at the balls, then chuckled. "Ankoku and Mello, Darkrai and Giratina. Wonder why I was chosen...?"
(Almon is a Hebrew name meaning Forsaken.
He is a goth kid and wears all black and loves bondage pants. And wears a flowy black trenchcoat thing with black nail polish, and also has pale skin.
And his Pokemon minus his Infernape are black. Ouo)

7:25pm Jul 10 2010
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(( >> << HAI. ))
8:35pm Jul 10 2010
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Dusk glanced up at the sky through sightless purple pupils. "How I ever won with 4 pokemon is a mystery to me." She sighed, leaning back on her hands. She felt the wind blow past her and felt the prescence of two figures. "Hello?" She said. We are in need of your help. A small voice said, balancing on Dusk's chest. Dusk blinked. Oh, your blind. I*m Mew and this is Celebi, well actually. I am Neko and she is Sennyo. Sennyo smiled and leaned against Dusk's shoulder. Dialga and Palkia are in trouble fore something they didn't do and along with a some other trainers, we need your help to prove their innocence. Will you help us? The celebi asked. Dusk nodded in awe of the two legendaries...
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8:55pm Jul 10 2010 (last edited on 8:57pm Jul 10 2010)
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Seattle smiled sadly as she watched her Houndour stalk butterflies. It's a good thing she was young; this way she didn't have to remember the tragedy that befell the Houndoom and Ampharos that were her parents. Suddenly, Crossfire sat up, sniffing the air. She whined and jumped up on Seattle's lap. "Sorry, I didn't mean to scare her." An Uxie floated out from behind some trees, a Mewtwo following it. "We're in need of your as'sitance," the Mewtwo said. "The beings of Time and Space are in trouble. We, along with several others, have decided to pair up with a select few humans. As it turns out, both Uxie and I were chosen to go with you. As it seems humans are fond of naming your Pokemon, would you like to nickname us as well?" Seattle bit her lip, unsure of what to make of two Legendary Pokemon suddenly asking for her help. "Uh, sure. Apophis and Seshat?" As she spoke the name she looked at the Pokemon. Apophis nodded, obviously pleased with his new name. The Uxie, Seshat, grumbled a little, until Seattle hastily explained that Seshat was the Egyptian goddess of wisdom and knowledge. Afterwards, they both agreed to travel inside PokeBalls, and Seattle looked at Crossfire. "I do believe we are in some kind of huge mess now."
9:48pm Jul 10 2010
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(So...How should they all meet up?)
10:25pm Jul 10 2010
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((I do not know.))
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5:50am Jul 11 2010
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((They can meet up at the pokemon center)) Lynn trudged through sticks and leaves with her hiking boots on. He long blue hair swirled around her. Hey look Gracidea flowers Rose said to her. ((Rose is her leafeon)) "Your right! Sky shaymin must go here often when she is in town!" Lynn pointed out. Suddenly, what looked like a big bee swooped to a stop right in front of Lynn. Lynn gasped. "Hi"said the sky shaymin. "I am in need of your help, Dialga and Palkia have been captured for crimes they did not commit. We must come together and help them, that will mean defeating the mirage Dialga and Palkia." "So you want ME?" Lynn had to stop to take a breath. "As a trainer?" "Yes now if you don't mind give a nickname and put me in this ball," Sky shaymin said. "And do not be alerted when you take me out and I am not what I was When you put me in." "Uh okay," Lynn answered "How about Grace?" "I like Grace now put me in this pokeball" Grace ordered. She placed a pokeball into Lynn's hands and Lynn zapped her inside.
6:02am Jul 11 2010
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(I named my Shaymin Grace, too! :D
And we have to wait on Loki~)
6:50am Jul 11 2010
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[[Grr. I never find any time to sleep with you guys T_T]] Sam stared out at the sea from his spot on a rocky outcrop, his knees hugged tightly to his chest as he leaned against Gauche, his black Luxray. He usually hung out here, staring at the sea for many hours until the sun set. It was a wonder that he stayed as pale as he was. Suddenly Gauche jumped up, knocking Sam to the side, and growling at the sea. Sam stood up as well and watched as the water began churning oddly a little ways from where they were. After a few more moments, something burst from the water, showering both Sam and Gauche with water, although not enough to make them uncomfortable. Something landed behind them with a thud strong enough to bounce them, and Sam jumped up, turning around to face what had appeared. He was shocked to see it was a Lugia. "Trainer, the Legendaries are in need of your as.sistance." Lugia said, obviously straining to act formal. It was not his strong suit to even be talking. "The beings of Time and Space are in trouble and a group of Legendaries have decided to team up with a select few humans who have earned our trust." This caused Sam to raise an eyebrow but Lugia prevented him from saying anything. "Although you have an... erm... past. I have decided to trust you." He bowed slightly to Sam and Gauche bowed back from behind Sam. "Get out a Pokeball and I will allow you to catch me, even give me a nickname. But I'd like you to think on that second part. I don't just want the first thing out of your mind." Sam nodded, pulling out his Cherish Ball. It was something from his "past" that he'd held onto for a special occasion. It didn't get much more special then a Legendary showing up and being willing to be caught. He tossed the ball at Lugia, hitting him square on the head before he disappeared in a flash of red light. Sam walked over and picked the ball up, staring at it for a moment before looking up at Gauche. "Wait, did he say others?"
7:37am Jul 11 2010
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(Ignore what I said on the lost homes thing. >>)
Almon soon landed, climbing off of his black Charizard in front of a Pokemon Center, tossing up the Pokeball that contained Ankoku the Darkrai. "Alright. What is it you need us to do exactly?" he asked, crossing his arms as he tilted his head.
Ankoku shook his head. "I am not the one to asm. Giratina, the appointed leader of the freedom movement, will tell you when you have all gathered." He crossed his arms, watching his new trainer curiously.
"Alright," Almon muttered, settling himself down on the ground. He then released Reno, his black Lucario. The Pokemon sat beside him, red eyes focused onto trainer to whom he was eternally loyal. "Reno, we have a mission. I need your help, and the help of Flashfire, Blaze, and you, too, Flameblast," he said, looking at his Shiny Charizard, who nodded.
Ankoku sat on Almon's other side while Flameblast kept watch, blue eyes narrowing.
10:07am Jul 11 2010
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((The way I named Grace was the Gracidea flower is what evolves shyamin so Grace is similar to Gracidea and can sky shyamins make other pokemon and people fly just like Celebi?)) "Lets go to the pokemon center!" Lynn cheerfully said to Elegant, Tia, Theo, Rose and Dungeon." Then she let Grace out. "We are going to the pokemon center you guys!" "Let me see?" Grace said. "I'll make us all fly!" She used lift to lift all the other pokemon into the air and they all soared to the pokemon center. "Grace! your amazing!" Lynn said. "You elegant like Elegant!" Elegant struted over and rubbed up against Grace. "You'll make a divine friend!" Elegant said. "Now guys! I'm putting all of you into your pokeballs so no-one gets lost!" Lynn said. She zapped everyone except Grace who convinced her she was small and could not get lost.
11:23am Jul 11 2010
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Should Reno the black Lucario sense their presence and head over? Ouo
And I'm not sure... I'd have to watch the movie again.)
12:43pm Jul 11 2010
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Seattle sighed and called Crossfire back to her ball. She then released Kounetsu, her Charmeleon. "Crossfire's back in if you want to come out," she said as Kounetsu growled at the scent of the Houndour. "Come on, ding dong, let's get to the Pokemon Center. That last battle sure did wonders for Martin's legs," she added, sarcasm dripping from her toungue. With that, Seattle picked up her bags and headded off towards the nearest center. ((The way Lucario are anyway, I should think so.))
3:32pm Jul 11 2010
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((Or Dusk could.)) Neko balanced precariously on Dusk's shoulder as Dusk returned Sennyo to her pokeball. She sighed and started to walk and then felt vibrations in teh earth of a lucario, it felt like. She turned the way of the vibrations and walked straight into a fluff monster. She bit back a scream and scooted backwards, holding her chest in mock laughter. "Hello." she said to the lucario...
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