Looking for small-group Pokemon RP

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1:18pm Apr 27 2012

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Blade already leapt to attention but did not attack the Umbreon. Blade was only becoming more alert so as to act straight away if necessary. Jasmine smiled slightly.

"An Umbreon! How cute!" she commented, then laughed. WHAT had she just said? Was that a compliment?

Tswake walked up to Umbreon and waved her tail about, before sitting down with her tail curled around her feet. Sparks jumped from her claws and she purred.

"Luuuuuxxxio!" Luxio hummed in greeting.

"But where on earth did this Umbreon come from?" Jasmine wonderd, confused. "Umbreon don't live around here, I'm sure of it." Tsawke decided that the Umbreon was a friend and tried to invite them to play a game of tag.

Adopt one today!

1:21pm Apr 27 2012

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Posts: 736
"Who's a cutie?" Asked Ian in a belittling voice to a togetic on the floor. He tweeted back to the short trainer in appriciation. "Yes. you are." Contined the young man, petting the flying type before returning it to it's pokeball. 
Sighing, with a pleasant smile on his face, The young man strolled down the pathway until he say what he had been looking for over a ridge. Three large pokemon sat around a campfire roasting oran berries on twigs. Ian jogged closer and panted, catching his breath. "Way to start a fire you three." He muttered amongst his breathing, licking his lips to moisten them after excessive breathing. "So, what is for food?" He asked, looking at the oran berries. Not his idea of a delightful snack. 

An hour or two passed, and the three large pokemon had been returned to their balls after thanking them for whatever it is they did, as he wasn't quite sure why they had left in such a hurry that morning anyway. 

Knightly Lord of Paor.
33 unique bois

1:23pm Apr 27 2012 (last edited on 1:31pm Apr 27 2012)

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Posts: 4,355
Name: May Shade.

Gender: Female.

Age: Eighteen.


Personality: Is an RP it out okay?

Crush: Chance, if that's okay. :3

History: Nothing important.

Pokemon: Zoroark, (Male, called Zayne) 
Lugia, (I know Legendary's are genderless, but...female, called Silver)
Umbreon. (Shiny female, called Shade)

Other: Nope.


1:25pm Apr 27 2012

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Posts: 417

* Umbreon was surprised by the Invitation to a game of tag, But he didn't say no. He playfully chased Tsawke around *

* Chance sighed and stepped out of the Shadows " There you are Umbreon! I've been looking all over for you! " He said, pretending like he hadn't been spying on them *

* Umbreon stopped chasing Tsawke and looked at Chance, Umbreon tipped his head to one side before chasing after Tsawke again *

" Sorry if my Umbreon was disturbing you guys " Chance said rubbing the back of his head *


1:29pm Apr 27 2012

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Posts: 4,355
((Hey Reaper, can my Umbreon crush on yours?))


1:37pm Apr 27 2012

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Posts: 417

( Sure :3 )


1:42pm Apr 27 2012

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Posts: 4,355

May cautiously stalked through the forest, careful not to break a twig and get herself noticed. Shade, a tiny Umbreon May carried in her arms, lifted her muzzle into the air and sniffed deeply. May frowned, and set her now squirming Pokemon down. "What is it, girl?" Shade didn't wait, and dove into the underbrush. "Hey!" May yelped, and scrambled desperately after the disobedient shiny. Shade skidded straight into another Umbreon, which looked to be a male. May stifled a giggle, and picked up Shade. She look at Chance for a moment, and blushed lightly. "I'm sorry, I-I...Shade is very...uh...I'm sorry."


1:46pm Apr 27 2012

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Posts: 417
( I think I'm gonna have to give my Umbreon a name XP I guess I'll call him Detrix )
" It's Fine " Chance laughed " My Umbreon is the same way " He said patting his Umbreon on the head *

* Detrix looked at Shade with his head cocked to one side *

" I'm Chance " Chance said nodding to May *


1:56pm Apr 27 2012

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Posts: 4,355
May desperately tried to pull herself together. "Uh, I'm May." May said hurriedly, returning the nod Chance had given her. "Are you a trainer too? I mean do you have other Pokemon?" May cradled Shade gently, thinking of Zayne, her Zoroark that hated May with a burning passion. She began to daydream about Lugia, the Legendary Pokemon May had dreamed to one day befriend. 


2:02pm Apr 27 2012

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Posts: 417

" Ya, I have a Few... You wanna see them? " Chance asked *


2:08pm Apr 27 2012

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Posts: 4,355
May nodded. "Sure! Err..." She contemplated showing Chance her Zoroark. Zayne made a quest of trying to embarrass May at all times, whatever the cost. Zayne on the other hand was a very strong battler, and quite a handsome Pokemon as well. Finally, May sighed and said, "do you want to see my Zoroark?"


2:17pm Apr 27 2012

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Posts: 417

" Sure! " Chance said with a nod *

* Growing Bored, Detrix chased his tail *


2:48pm Apr 27 2012

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Posts: 4,355
Reluctantly, May pulled her knapsack off her back and opened it, removing a small red-and white ball. She pushed the button on the the center, and the ball expanded to about the size of a small biscuit. May threw the ball, and as it hit the ground a red beam flashed and in it's place was a fox-like creature that stood on two legs. Just as it was released, the creature grabbed May by the leg and lifted the squirming trainer about a foot above the ground. May sighed, "meet Zayne."


2:59pm Apr 27 2012

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Posts: 417

* Chance looked at the Pokemon with a raised eyebrow " He seems... To really like you " Chance said with a laugh *

* Chance pulled out 5 pokeballs from his pocket " Come on out Everyone " Chance said releasing all 5 Pokemon *

* Detrix Leaped out of the way as a Female Delacatty appeared in front of him " Del " She purred *

* Chance looked at May " These are my pokemon, Empoleon, Delacatty, Lucario, Jolteon, Darkria, and You've already met Detrix " Chance said *


3:04pm Apr 27 2012

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Posts: 4,355
May grunted, "yup. He loves me just about as much as I wish he'd drop me." With a snicker, Zayne released May and she fell flat on her face. Grumbling, she scrambled to her feet and brushed the dirt off. She turned to look at Chance's Pokemon, and was amazing. "Wow." Was all May could say. She had her eye fixated mainly on the Darkrai. "Is that..." she looked closer, "real?"


3:09pm Apr 27 2012

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Posts: 417

" Ya, He's real " Chance said patting his Darkria, His Darkria quickly vanished *

* Chance rubbed the back of his head " Darkria... Is a little shy around new people " Chance said rubbing the back of his head *

* Detrix shook his head and sighed as if to say Or maybe Darkria just doesn't like you


3:19pm Apr 27 2012

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Posts: 4,355
Shade couldn't take it any more, and clawed her way out of May's arms. May giggled as Shade pounced on Detrix and pinned him, as if to say, lets play!

May shrugged, "I suppose he would be. Maybe he think I'd hurt him? I don't know. Anyway," May turned around, looking for Zayne. "Zayne...where are-" All May heard was a crashing noise before a heavy weight crushed her, and knocked the wind out of her. Zayne had leaped from a branch in a high tree, and landed right on top of May. "Real funny." May muttered.


3:29pm Apr 27 2012

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Posts: 417

* Chance giggled then offered to help May up " Need a hand? " he asked *

* Detrix struggled away from Shade and bounded away, hiding behind a tree as if to say Can't catch me!


3:40pm Apr 27 2012

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Posts: 4,355
May nodded, and fumbled around in her sack for Zayne's Pokeball. Of course, Zayne was way ahead of her and had his Pokeball in his claws. As May struggled to get up, Zayne got off but bounded away. May rolled her eyes and groaned. "He'll be back."

Shade smiled and bounced over to Detrix, and caught his tail in her teeth. Got your tail! She seemed to squeal playfully.


3:44pm Apr 27 2012

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Posts: 733

Erin brushed some of her silvery hair behind her shoulder, tucking it gently behind one ear. Something soft brushed lightly against her dark grey-blue jeans. She absently reached down and scratched Aura's silver fur, so very like her own hair, except for the extra sheen that usually defined a shiny pokemon.

Erin gave two short chirping whistles, and with a soft fluttering of wings, her rufflet, Valor, made his way down to perch on Aura's shoulder from the treetop canopy, his large talons resting in the thick ruff of fur around her neck. She looked at him curiously. He seemed a little larger, a little faster. She knew he had to be close to his evolutionary level, but she wasn't sure when he would actually evolve.

"Hey Valor, would you come here for a sec?" Erin murmured quietly to him. He looked up at her with large eyes, the white feathers around his face stirring in the breeze. He obeyed silently, coming to sit on the shoulder of her black jacket. Erin carefully checked him over, but besides his increased speed and size, she saw no indication that he was going to evolve anytime soon. She sighed, wondering if she might find another trainer for him to battle, to boot him even just a little closer to the right stage.

She glanced at Aura. The shiny ninetails had been with her since before she started her pokemon journey, Erin having befriended her as a young vulpix. In the past few years, she had been able to read Aura's usually serene expressions and delicate actions, now having come to realize that the pokemon possessed a naughty nature. One minute she would be completely ignoring you, silver head turned to look at something else, then she would be running away with your sneaker in her mouth. It was a shame she wouldn't go into her pokeball.

Erin glanced around, peering through the woods. Perhaps there was another trainer about that would be willing to participate in a battle. She smirked. Valor had lost plenty of battles, but recently he seemed to be living up to his name. She would gladly have him battle one of her other pokemon, but she also thought it best that he get to socialize a little.

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