8:14pm Jul 21 2010
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((oh okay... can i be the alpha female??))
8:16pm Jul 21 2010
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"okay" Khaz nodded and sat down waiting for the alpha male and alpha female of their small pack.
8:21pm Jul 21 2010
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Posts: 175
((Sure ^^ I'll be the alpha male then. I'll do the bio in one sec)) River sat beside him, drool filling up her mouth. She quickly swallowed it back down, but it was very hard to not dig in to the succulent, still warm meat..
I love this organic spaceship called Earth
8:25pm Jul 21 2010
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*name- Kipcha *age- years old *gender-female *looks- *crush- the alpha male is her mate *pups(if any)- none yet *others- she is the alpha female
8:25pm Jul 21 2010 (last edited on 8:27pm Jul 21 2010)
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Posts: 175
*name- Hawk *age- 5 years *gender- male *looks- *crush- has a mate, Kipcha *pups(if any) none *others- alpha male
I love this organic spaceship called Earth
8:29pm Jul 21 2010
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Posts: 2,338
((can she be having pups??))
8:30pm Jul 21 2010
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Posts: 175
((sure c: you mean expecting, or actually giving birth...?))
I love this organic spaceship called Earth
8:35pm Jul 21 2010
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8:36pm Jul 21 2010
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Posts: 175
I love this organic spaceship called Earth
8:39pm Jul 21 2010
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KIpcha followed the scent of Khaz, a member of her pack. She had been resting for she was expecting pups. She was hungry and needed some food. That was why River and Khaz went out hunting. Her mate padded along side her his fur brushing hers. She smiled at him and continued to follow the scent.
8:45pm Jul 21 2010 (last edited on 8:50pm Jul 21 2010)
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Posts: 175
Hawk smiled at his mate and stayed close to her until they reached the two other pack members. River dipped her head to the alphas. "Good day Hawk, Kipcha." Hawk nodded to the she wolf and sat beside the carca-sse.
I love this organic spaceship called Earth
8:52pm Jul 21 2010
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Kipcha Sat down next to her mate and dipped her head to her brother and river. Khaz nodded to his sister and her mate. He was proud of his sister. he didn't know why he just was. for becoming the alpha female of this small clan. And he couldn't wait to have kin. He smiled to himself. ((im braindead i just wrote a bunch of random stuff))
8:58pm Jul 21 2010
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Posts: 175
((I am braindead too x_x we need a good plot...)) Hawk looked at his half sister, River. Their fathers had been different, but their mother was the same she wolf. He was worried about his little sibling's frequent mood swings, and her tendency to forget common sense. He didnt want her to die... He nudged his mate and flicked his tail to the food. "Everyone, why are we just sitting around? Let's eat!" River grinned and began devouring a portion of the caribou.
I love this organic spaceship called Earth
9:04pm Jul 21 2010
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Kipcha chuckled a litle and began to eat the caribou. Khaz began eating the Caribou he had caught. He hoped that when Kipcha found out that he had caught it she would be proud of him. He was hungry and his pride in himself was filling him up. he was glad that River and he had found the heard of Caribou.
9:14pm Jul 21 2010 (last edited on 9:14pm Jul 21 2010)
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Posts: 175
River ate and ate and ate until her belly was so full that she wondered if she could even stand. Groggily, she sat up and licked the blood from her lips. "Thanks a bunch, Khaz!" she said happily. She licked his ear and bounded away. Though she did not like Khaz in that way ((yet..? :b)), she admired him and thought he was very brave, and a good hunter too. Hawk watched his half sister bound away and turned his attention back to his mate. He wanted to make sure she was getting as much food as possible, so the pups would develop healthy and strong, and so she would not strike ill. If something happened to her...he shook his head, as if that would make the troubling thoughts go away. They had more food than usual this cold winter, and it was almost over anyway. He nibbled at the caribou, but didnt eat too much. He refused to do so until his mate had her fill.
I love this organic spaceship called Earth
9:21pm Jul 21 2010
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((okay.. yeah he likes her..)) Khaz dipped his head swiping his tounge around his gray muzzle. Kipcha looked up. "you caught this?" She asked her brother. he nodded. "good job." she yipped leaning over to him and licking him over the ears in greatfulness. her stomache was full. she turned to her mate. "I'm done." she smiled. Khaze smiled to his sister and dipped his head to her mate then turned and ran away too.
9:29pm Jul 21 2010 (last edited on 9:34pm Jul 21 2010)
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Posts: 175
((he does? okay ^^)) Hawk smiled at his mate and took one last big bite of the caribou. He gulped it down and smiled at Kipcha. "Your brother is an excellent hunter," he praised. He stood up and stretched. "Should we go back to the den...?" River ran until she reached a small partially frozen-over pond. She tentatively place a paw on the ice, hoping that it hadnt melted very much. She pressed down, and when it held steady, she began walking out towards the middle, where there was a small hole filled with freezing, crystaline water.
I love this organic spaceship called Earth
9:34pm Jul 21 2010
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Kipcha shrugged "If thats what you want." he told him smiling. Khaz didn't follow river but went in a different way. he didn't know where to go. he liked to explore the packs territory. he knew that he was safe and if he wasn't he knew how to fight so he was okay.
9:45pm Jul 21 2010
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Posts: 175
Hawk smiled back and her and yawned. "I suppose I do. I'm a bit tired, but if you want we could go for a walk..?" he suggested happily. The closer the gray wolf got to the middle, the thinner the ice became. She had to walk slower and slower, careuflly listening for any cracking noises. The last thing she wanted was to fall, because the ice was razor sharp and she would have no way to climb back up. Eventually, she made it to the middle, careful not to shift any of her weight. She slowly leaned down and lapped up the water.
I love this organic spaceship called Earth
9:47pm Jul 21 2010
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Posts: 2,338
((IM TOTALLY SCARED OF YOUR SIGGY,, although its pretty funny to see jim carey in a lady gaga wig...)) Kipcha nodded "Yes, lets do that." she smiled