5:23pm Sep 20 2010
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Posts: 6,296
((How about Wolf doesn't know that? XD oh and, sorry.))
5:30pm Sep 20 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 399
((It's spring, she's about to drop. :P Wolves have their pups in the spring.))
5:41pm Sep 20 2010
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Posts: 6,296
((Oh, okay.)
7:07pm Sep 20 2010
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Posts: 399
Name of Wolf: Koran Age: Young Gender: Male Rank: Warrior Deion:  Personality: He is very kind and caring, but answers to knowone. He only comes when called by the alpha, and often misses things when he is off in his own little world.
Other: He is much faster than the average wolf? A silver and white wolf let out a howl as he heard the beta's cry for help. He wasn't one to respond to orders, but even he wasn't heartless, not to a wolf in anguish. He raced towards the sound and was at the she-wolf's side in a matter of seconds, due to his lithe body and ability to run very fast. "Everything's going to be alright, a healer will be here eventually." He cooed, trying to get her into a shadier place near a tree. He grunted under the beta's weight, hoping that someone would come and help him. He heard a howl ring about and he knew someone was coming. "Over here!" He called, starting to get worried...
7:07pm Sep 20 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 399
Name of Wolf: Feyth Age: Young Adult Gender: Female Rank: Beta Deion: She is a mysterious wolf with cold blue eyes and silver-blue fur. She killed her own mate when he betrayed her and to this day, she regrets it because it means she is going to have to care for pups on her own. She has a bit of a cold personality, not liking to talk to anybody. She doesn't ever grow close to anybody, its as if she's forgotten how to love, or maybe she's afraid you will betray her. The elk didn't suspect a thing. It was just eating gr*censored* quietly when suddenly claws dug intp its back. With a loud noise, it fell to the ground. A cold feeling was in its stomach and it was spreading throughout its entire body. This was its last thought as the prey died. the wolf, balancing on top of the large elk, bit down on its ice-cold neck. Cold blood rushed into her mouth and the wolf sighed happily. Feyth's stomach lurched and she found herself lying on the ground, panting. No, they couldn't come now, it was too soon. With a glance at the elk, she started to drag it back, her body racked with pain. She needed to take it back, otherwise some other predator would take it. The silver and blue wolf shuddered, but came into camp and collapsed. The beta lay on the ground, strangely still. Her body kept twitching around and if somebody didn't help soon, her pups would come right then and there. She ground and let out a whimper of pain. "Help me." she said in a quiet voice before she blacked out...
7:08pm Sep 20 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 399
((These are for Feyth))
7:23pm Sep 20 2010
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Posts: 6,296
7:55pm Sep 20 2010
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Posts: 650
((...O_O...I was gone that long!))
8:38pm Sep 20 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 6,948
Name of Wolf: Koran Age: Young Gender: Male Rank: Warrior Deion:  Personality: He is very kind and caring, but answers to knowone. He only comes when called by the alpha, and often misses things when he is off in his own little world.
Other: He is much faster than the average wolf? A silver and white wolf let out a howl as he heard the beta's cry for help. He wasn't one to respond to orders, but even he wasn't heartless, not to a wolf in anguish. He raced towards the sound and was at the she-wolf's side in a matter of seconds, due to his lithe body and ability to run very fast. "Everything's going to be alright, a healer will be here eventually." He cooed, trying to get her into a shadier place near a tree. He grunted under the beta's weight, hoping that someone would come and help him. He heard a howl ring about and he knew someone was coming. "Over here!" He called, starting to get worried... Name of Wolf: Feyth Age: Young Adult Gender: Female Rank: Beta Deion: She is a mysterious wolf with cold blue eyes and silver-blue fur. She killed her own mate when he betrayed her and to this day, she regrets it because it means she is going to have to care for pups on her own. She has a bit of a cold personality, not liking to talk to anybody. She doesn't ever grow close to anybody, its as if she's forgotten how to love, or maybe she's afraid you will betray her. The elk didn't suspect a thing. It was just eating gr*censored* quietly when suddenly claws dug intp its back. With a loud noise, it fell to the ground. A cold feeling was in its stomach and it was spreading throughout its entire body. This was its last thought as the prey died. the wolf, balancing on top of the large elk, bit down on its ice-cold neck. Cold blood rushed into her mouth and the wolf sighed happily. Feyth's stomach lurched and she found herself lying on the ground, panting. No, they couldn't come now, it was too soon. With a glance at the elk, she started to drag it back, her body racked with pain. She needed to take it back, otherwise some other predator would take it. The silver and blue wolf shuddered, but came into camp and collapsed. The beta lay on the ground, strangely still. Her body kept twitching around and if somebody didn't help soon, her pups would come right then and there. She ground and let out a whimper of pain. "Help me." she said in a quiet voice before she blacked out...
 <-- Click me
11:17pm Sep 20 2010
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Posts: 3,662
Name: Nitrum L'kay Age: Young Adult Gender: Male Rank: Scout(?) Deion: Nitrum sprinted over the fields, audreys pinned against his apex. His optics where not rested on a particular thing, more or less bouncing from place to place in every stride. The jolt of his peds hitting the ground made his palette go upward for a nano second, yet his visage was held up with a intrigued pant.
(( Sorry the intro is short, I've got writers block. DX ))
4:57pm Sep 21 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 650
((...O.O...Ok, I confused now))
5:14pm Sep 22 2010
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Posts: 650