3:44pm Aug 11 2010 (last edited on 3:56pm Aug 11 2010)
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Ok. So. I'm a bit annoyed with all the romance, even though I'm in some of them. XD This is: The Last Callenge. Stupid name, yeah, but it's the name of a video game I just made up. You all have discovered it, and started to play, only to find yourself sucked into the game. Now it's a fight to the death. You'll face difficult puzzles, and epic battles. It'll be like a real video game, with power-ups, special weapons, ect. RULES: 1. Be literate. 2. No romance. At all. The most is "My boyfriend/girlfriend died in this game." That's it. No falling for some other character. D: 3. Be nice. You are not invincible in this, you will be hurt, broken, bloody, ect. 4. Lots of violence, battles, blood, ect. But, keep it to where nobody gets amazingly disturbed from it, ok? c: More might be coming. I dunno yet. Just post your character. BIO: Name- Gender - Mutations? ( One only, that you get in the game from something.)- Looks - Other? - Oh yeah, and you all start out on level one. I have know clue how many level there are. You'll only progress to the next one by conquering the challenge, which I'll set for you. If you have any questions, just ask. x3 (P.S.: You are a human in this, unless you ask me to be something else)
 Made by Ian (Renaissance)
3:50pm Aug 11 2010
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Posts: 88
Name- Neso-Wolfeh
Gender -Female Mutations?-Sprout second pair of wings when i eat a Wingad. A wingad is kinda like a dragonfly. They taste liek chicken. :3
Looks -Gray with gray wings, white chest and chin, and dark paws.
Other? -I has wings :3
3:55pm Aug 11 2010 (last edited on 3:59pm Aug 11 2010)
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Posts: 354
BIO: Name- Lucien -19
Gender - Male
Mutations? ( One only, that you get in the game from something.)- Shadow skipping
Looks - Lucien is a tall male about 5'8. Lean but not to lanky. Lucien's additude is nonchalant kind of like Shikamaru. Lucien favorite colour is Blue. He has one Blue Eye and one Hazel or one chocolate brown eye. He wears a blue and black hoodie that's kind of baggy on the arms. The hood on the hoodie is half on his head and he has ear buds in his ears. He has long hair similar to Itachi and Sasuke. Hes wearing black pants and blue convos. Lucien is about 18-19 in age. Other? - Nonchalant doesn't really care he's in the game cause he thinks he's the best. *Lucien has a wolf form but I'm tired of Rp with wolves so I left it out*
4:02pm Aug 11 2010 (last edited on 12:58pm Aug 12 2010)
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Name- Halien~ 17 Gender - Male Mutations? ( One only, that you get in the game from something.)- Halien can mimic any sort of voice, and throw it. But that's not all, (since some people can do that in RL) he can do it with UNFAILING accuracy. Asides from human voices and emotions, he can mimic animals too. Should be useful when coupled with his urge to steal. Looks - He's tall, like 5'10", with jet black hair that falls to his collar bone. He has side bangs, which sorta covers the entire right side of his face. Slightly pale, he is not vampire pale nor albino, so he's perfectly NORMAL o3o. He likes to wear black, and loose clothing. He has one silver stud in his ear, and his eyes are persian cat blue. He's muscular, but not buff, he's more of a lean type of guy. Other? - He is a loner. And cold. and sarcastic. And amazingly mean. And cold. And acts tough, but really isn't. He's not a teddy bear though. He acts like he's gonna murder the world with his cynicism.

4:12pm Aug 11 2010
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Posts: 1,682
Name- Dea. Gender - Female. Mutations? ( One only, that you get in the game from something.)- She has gills, meaning she can breathe underwater, from where she fell into something toxic when she entered the game. Looks - Fire red hair. Ice blue eyes. Muscular. Pale. 5'4" Other? - She does gymnatics, which may help her later.
 Made by Ian (Renaissance)
4:28pm Aug 11 2010
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Posts: 1,682
((Bump. D: I need more people!))
 Made by Ian (Renaissance)
4:34pm Aug 11 2010 (last edited on 7:28pm Aug 11 2010)
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Posts: 815
Name- Melody (But she likes to refer to herself as Ku-chan) - 10
Gender - Female
Mutations? ( One only, that you get in the game from something.) - Kitten ears and a tail which react to her emotion, just like a real cat's.
Looks - She's a tiny girl with slightly tanned skin and bright cerulean irises. Short brown hair falls to her shoulders in tiny rivulets, with her bangs being held up by a small hairclip made of two stars. She wears a sleeveless orange hoodie and denim shorts. Here's a picture: Here Other? - She's one very, VERY hyper kid. She loves adventure, though, and believes that she isn't scared of anything. I'm pretty sure that she'll discover otherwise, though... >D
4:49pm Aug 11 2010
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Posts: 1,682
Feni streteched my thread. D:
 Made by Ian (Renaissance)
4:51pm Aug 11 2010
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Posts: 815
Lol, it's not stretched on my computer. Firefox is luffly.
4:53pm Aug 11 2010
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Posts: 1,682
I can't do Firefox. Mom says no. ;c Is there anyway you can change it? DD:
 Made by Ian (Renaissance)
5:03pm Aug 11 2010
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Posts: 815
If you tell me what's stretching it?
6:20pm Aug 11 2010
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Posts: 1,682
I'm pretty sure it's the link in looks, but I can't be too sure. :c
 Made by Ian (Renaissance)
12:07pm Aug 12 2010 (last edited on 12:16pm Aug 12 2010)
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Posts: 1,682
Level One Challenge: Get past the bears. These are bears the size of houses. These bears were mutated to withstand an incredible amount of force, and can recover twice as fast as you can. They are black, with red eyes, making them hard to distinguish from the darkness. Spikes shoot from their paws, making this a far more difficult challenge. Find a way to kill them, or get past them. There are only three ways. Good luck. ((Hint: Find the gun, unlock the power of it. P.S.: This is only part of one way.))
 Made by Ian (Renaissance)
12:09pm Aug 12 2010
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Posts: 1,446
(( To not kill easily? Shouldn't it be to not be killed easily Froggums? o3o *confuzzled*))

12:12pm Aug 12 2010 (last edited on 12:13pm Aug 12 2010)
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Posts: 1,682
((Shut up. xD I'm trying to find the words that I was going to put there, but I lost them. So just go with it until I find my words. *flails*))
 Made by Ian (Renaissance)
12:13pm Aug 12 2010
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Posts: 354
((Are we allowed to cuss?))
12:14pm Aug 12 2010
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Posts: 1,682
(( Yeah, you can cuss, just don't go complete sailor mouth on me. D:))
 Made by Ian (Renaissance)
12:20pm Aug 12 2010
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Posts: 10,925
Name- Hollyn -Eighteen Gender - Female Mutations? ( One only, that you get in the game from something.)- She can turn almost entirely invisible, and if she's touching something, she can turn that invisible too. Looks - 
Other? - Hollyn is very small for Eighteen (5'3) and can easily fit into cramped spots.
We fell through the ice when we tried not to slip.

12:23pm Aug 12 2010 (last edited on 12:26pm Aug 12 2010)
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Posts: 354
((Ok)) "Can we hurry the hell up and get this over with? What are we sitting around for?" We where way past the point of shock of being in this game. It was damn near time to get moving. The more we sat around the more time we where in here. I grumbled. Locked in a video game, a hellish video game at that. I had no idea how I got sucked in here with these guys but I was going to find a way out. I searched my memory of how to play the game having beaten in once before. You could say I mastered it. I looked at the group. 'First thing we have to do to get past the first level is kill off bears. No not cuddly cute either. Monstrous ones. If you can't handle it you may as well say behind."
12:28pm Aug 12 2010
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Posts: 1,446
(( awww. I wanted to act all sailor mouthy XD Lolz, just kidding Ohwait. I just realized Halien's power is completely stupid. Can I change it? Not into something random, but it's sorta related to his power, but it's so much better.)) Halien stood apart from the group, looking at Lucien. " And how do you suggest we do that?" He asked cooly, staring at his combat boots. "And who the hell trapped us in here? Because I can't remember how the hell I got here in this hellish video game."
