8:10am Jun 7 2010 (last edited on 12:12pm Jun 7 2010)
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Ace,teh current leader of Icepack has been trying to pull her pack abck together after a devistating blow from Deathpack.They fight began on the day their leader was rejected as he sujusted joining ranks and combining the packs.Ace not likeing the idea heard him out alright but she made sure he knew that she did not and woudl not approve of his idea.From then on she has come upon mating season again and has decided after being mateless her whole life she has come to conclusion that she shall pick one...Will Bloodpacks devoted leader stan in teh way?Will Icepack fall?Or will they become successfull over all and rebuild the pack successfully? Well my fellow Rpers tahts for you to decide... No killing without permission. No one liners post at least 2 liner post for the least. Romance is encouraged and welcome. No more characters than you can handle okay? all other rescreatu rules still apply keep that in mind. Post 'Prevail' to join Icepack. Post 'Conquer' to join Deathpack. Packs- DEATH PACK alpha- Alpha-ess- Beta- Betaess- Warriors- Vorlos(Tld) Healer(s)((2 healer is teh limit per pack)): Viveral(Stray) Pups- Elders- loners- ~~~~~~ ICE PACK Alpha-ess-Ace(me) Alpha-choosing Beta Beta-ess- Healers-2 only- Fyre(Bloodrose) Warriors- Kyrette(Tld) Lune(Bloodrose) Pups- Elders- Loners-Alcarie ~~~~~~ BIO Name- Age- Gender- Looks- Persona- History- Rank- Other-
8:11am Jun 7 2010 (last edited on 8:52am Jun 7 2010)
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Name-Ace Age-adult Pack-Ice Pack Looks- Gender-Female Mate?-open Pups?-Wants Rank-Alphaess Crush-open Persona-Ace is one wolf ,if you know her well enough,you can count on.She'll lay her own life down for anyone in her pack even if she has quarells with you.She allways trys to seem strong and as deadly as possible,but its just an act really,if you hit the right string you can make her a vunrible as a pup...although very few have ever managed this. History-She was adopted into the clan as pup.Truthfully though she was born from another pack that had seemed to have dissapeared.Ace has allways been scarred by her past of watching her brother and entire pack fall before her own eyes.She was the only survivor and teh previous past is not even remembered although ask her about it she can be snappy. Other-nope
8:28am Jun 7 2010 (last edited on 12:44pm Jun 7 2010)
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{{Prevail}} Name-Lune Age-Four years Gender-Male Pack-Ice Mate-Open, unless he can be alpha. Crush-Ace? Looks- Lune
Persona-Lune is very reliable. He will always have your back whenever you need him to. He will keep all of your secrets, help you when your down, and love you with all of his heart. He does have a bit of a sarcastic side. History-Due to capture by humans a few months ago, he can't rember his past other than his father had killed his mother then tried to kill him. Rank-Alpha of Ice? Other-None Name-Fyre Age-Three years Gender-Female Looks- Fyre Persona-Fyre is very sweet and shy. She can be brave if needed. She loves her brother with all her heart and has never gotten mad at him. History-She was born as the second pup of two. Soon after he birth, her father killed her mother infront of her eyes then treid to kill her brother, Lune. Fyre succeded in dragging Lune to the back of their birth den and hiding him and herself in the smallest corner possible. After finding their way back to Icepack, Lune was captured by humans and starved and beaten until he lost his memory. For the past months, Fyre has been restoring it by telling him stories of their past. Rank-Healer Other-Lune is her brother.
"An Insane is a small creature that zips from person to person at hyper speed, stealing wallets and hearts in equal measure..." -Dmann
8:37am Jun 7 2010 (last edited on 9:25am Jun 7 2010)
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'Prevail' Name- Alcarie Age- Adult Gender- Male Looks- He is a somewhat large wolf, yet due to his unusual skinniness he looks smaller then what he really it. His fur is dark grey, almost black with a thin tail instead of the usual plumes supported by most wolves. His eyes are a odd yellow with green flecks towards his iris's and a red rim around the outside of his eyes, as if he has not slept in a while. The most noticeable feature on him are the scars around his face and shoulders. All of them are a deep red, though not puffy, making them look as new as the day they were formed. Two run from the bottom of his right eye down a few inches, and another creates a 'X' pattern on his cheek. Other smaller ones decorate his muzzle and both ears are ripped in many places. Persona- Alcarie is a very odd wolf, going from perfectly calm and sane one moment to lost and crazed the next. He tends to have more sane days anymore where he enjoys to hunt and is fairly good at it, and wants nothing more then to re-join his pack. During these days he can be a bit snappish if annoyed or asked about his scars. But on occasion, when he is stressed or there is a lot of blood the insane side of him tends to show. When like this he hardly recognizes his alpha or friends, seeing them as enemies of his past. He also sees things that are not really there, talking to someone or something as if it was his oldest friend yet nothing is really there. When likes this and he knows something is wrong he tends to run, to get away from everything and everyone. History- Not much is truly known about what happened to make Alcarie the way he is now. Perhaps he was caught by rouge wolves and shredded? Perhaps something no wolf knows about, making him lose his mind? Only he knows and he's not about to tell any wolf. The only thing known is that he disappeared from Icepack as a pup and reappeared in the territory as a teenager, shredded and insane almost all the time, talking to the air almost constantly saying things along the lines of not to follow, and not to hurt him. Something also created a fear for him in pups, and refuses to go near them even now. He tends to hang around the Icepack territory, helping when he can but refusing to join saying that he will hurt someone, almost as if he has in the past. Rank- Loner Other- Nope ~ Name- Viveral Age- Adult Gender- Female Looks-  (not my picture. It's one I found on deviantART) Persona- Viveral is a very shy wolf, preferring to be alone or with a group of close friends then in crowds or where others can see her. But she is very loyal to her pack, and not so much her heart. She will lay down her life a thousand times over to protect her pack and not think twice. But she refuses to fight in battle, so she is very contradicting in mind. History- Nothing really of importance, she was born in Deathpack and will probably die in Deathpack. She lost her sister, Ratha, to sickness when they were young that almost killed her as well. From then on she knew she wanted to be a healer. Rank- Healer of Deathpack Other- Nope

8:50am Jun 7 2010
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Posts: 4,310
((Maybe Alcarie could be Ace's lost brother although she ahs no idea of it? Bloodrose-you can be co-owner if you like Anyone can start but i call not it.))
8:52am Jun 7 2010 (last edited on 8:53am Jun 7 2010)
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{{I would love to be co-owner. Not it.}}
"An Insane is a small creature that zips from person to person at hyper speed, stealing wallets and hearts in equal measure..." -Dmann
9:01am Jun 7 2010
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Posts: 4,310
((Nevermind i'll just start)) Ace padded from her lonely den she shared with no one.It was mating season again and she had insistently decided it was time to pick a mate.She sighed,with the scar that ran down her side she doubted anything that she coudl put doubt to.Ace still needed time to repair the pack.She looked to thesky it was still dark but it was morning.
9:03am Jun 7 2010 (last edited on 10:38am Jun 10 2010)
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{{Prevail and conquer. I have a question. Is this like warriors, but wolf-like? Because if so, the healers aren't allowed crushes/mates, right? I'm not too sure.}} Name: Kreyette Age: Adult Gender: Female Personality: Kreyette is a rather dreamy and lazy wolf, who prefers sleeping under the sun. She is often seen basking like a lion on rocks, and looking up at the clouds. Of course, such a wolf would be useless. To make up for her laziness, Kreyette is extremely stealthy, able to sneak past the most alert guards and Alphas. Kreyette is also a quick-thinker, and can devise any battle tactic or plan. Looks: Image NOT mine. Found on DevianArt, belongs to the person's name underneath the wolf. and I must say, PRETTY 83 Crush/Mate: Open/Offers Rank: Warrior in Ice Pack Other: No... --- Name: Vorlos Age: Adult Gender: Male Personality: Vorlos, in short, is rather mad. He is a stubborn, headstrong, short-tempered and cranky young wolf, even though he has no reason to be. He will stick to his decision, and no wolf can change it. He is also ambitious, and wants to be the Alpha. Though he is young, Vorlos is extremely strong, and can take down a seasoned wolf. Deion: Not mine. :d I'm a horrible artist. Crush/Mate: Open Rank: Warrior of Death Pack Other: No

9:11am Jun 7 2010 (last edited on 9:21am Jun 7 2010)
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Lune sat beside the clump of soft gra.ss he used as a bed whenever he wanted to sleep under the stars. He gazed at the moon and sighed. Stirring from his thoughtless thoughts, he watched Ace leave her den. Sighing, he lowered his muzzle and lay down, resting his chin against his paws. He decided to follow her once she was out of sight. Just in case she got into trouble.
"An Insane is a small creature that zips from person to person at hyper speed, stealing wallets and hearts in equal measure..." -Dmann
9:12am Jun 7 2010 (last edited on 9:26am Jun 7 2010)
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Posts: 4,310
((Depends on if everyone want healers to be alloud mates or not.))
9:27am Jun 7 2010
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Ace slinked out of the camp,though she'd been told several times not to do that without someone alerted,she walked to a steady pace.Ace didn't realy know how or what the nightmares of her past were seeming to tell her...Was Death Pack plotting against her?They had increasingly followed her and haunted ehr dreams lately.She'dh beg her ancestors for them to go away but she knew they wouldn't.Everyone belived ehr a blood member of Ice Pack.As a young pup her true pack was slaughtered in a river of blood before her eyes.Ace wondered why she'd survived and had to watch her mother,father and brotehr die before her own eyes.She only escaped with a scar that was visible even through the fluffy fur that covered it.She kept trailing down the path aimlessly hoping no one saw her leave.
9:36am Jun 7 2010
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Posts: 2,092
((Sure he can be Ace's brother. I also have no problem healers having mates since my new character is a healer herself.)) Alcarie huffed in annoyance as a biting fly nipped at his already shredded ear jerking his head up to try and snap the pest in half. Of course it did not work, nothing for him ever worked. Getting to his paws, the loner padded from a makeshift den in a clump of brambles and padded over to a small stream near the center of Icepack territory. Looking at his reflection, he curled his lips back in annoyance at the tattered form. He pricked his ears in surprise as the sound of another wolf flowed through the territory, and muttered under his breath. He bolted towards the DeathPack border.
9:46am Jun 7 2010
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Ace sniffed the air something about the smell reminded her of the past...maybe it was nothing so...wait a minute.She bolted being as well fit as she was she'd managed to catch up to Alcarie."Wait!"She said insistently hoping he wouldn't take off on her.
9:51am Jun 7 2010
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Padding silently, Lune followed Ace through Icepack territory. He stopped when she stopped, always staying down wind of her. He was surprised when she called out to a loner but stayed put. He pricked his ears to catch their words.
"An Insane is a small creature that zips from person to person at hyper speed, stealing wallets and hearts in equal measure..." -Dmann
10:07am Jun 7 2010
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Ace wiated for a responce from Alcarie.She was completely unaware of Lune following closely behind her.All ace wanted to know was what the heck was going on because she'd one time in her life...maybe a long time ago but....she remembered smelling teh same scent.
10:29am Jun 7 2010
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Alcarie jumped with a yelp of surprise and fear, whirling around to face Ace with bristling fur. He took a step back and dipped his head in respect, recognizing her as the alpha from the few times he'd spied longingly on Icepack. "Err, yes?" He asked, letting his fur lie flat. Sitting down, he curling his thin tail over his forepaws to hide his nervousness. "I'v done nothing to harm any of your pack or have I taken much prey." He promised quickly, unsure what she wanted with him. What had he done wrong now? He sniffed the air, and a slightly familiar scent reached his nose. What was it?
10:31am Jun 7 2010
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"no its not that you're welcome in my territory...you just seem very...familiar from somewhere." Ace said still trying to crash the wall that had a tight block in why his scent was such a trigger because of something.
10:35am Jun 7 2010
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Alcarie sighed in relief and let his muscles loosen. He tipped his head to the side and sniffed the air a bit harder, fogged mind shying from the memories of the past. Something was familiar about her scent, something from the past. But memories of blood, pain, and hatred were to strong and he blocked the past. "Yes, something is familiar about you as well, but my memories and mind is not the way it used to be." He mused, getting to his paws.
10:41am Jun 7 2010
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"Yes my memories are a bit hazy as well....maybe its just that i've scented you in the forest before." Ace said although she knew very well taht was not it.
10:43am Jun 7 2010
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Alcarie curled his lips up in a vicious like smile and paced back and forth along the Deathpack border, swinging his head towards Ace and away, muttering something about how he knew her from somewhere, sometime long ago. "Where were you born? If I may so bold to ask." He mused, then flinched back as if she was going to strike him. Then again she might just, considering most wolves he'd met hated to be asked anything about their history.