12:22pm May 14 2011 (last edited on 12:27pm May 14 2011)
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(('It sparks more romance, violence, and drama.' That's actually not exactly true. 030 ))
Name:Fennick Blue. Age: Twenty. Gender: Female. Species: Human. Personality: Flirty, bubbly. She's friends with Lucifer, but she would never dream of dating him. It would ruin their friendship. Fennick(called Wizard Fen by Lucifer) loves to draw and run, and has even more powerful legs than most males. She's sort of a tomboy, but not. looks: Fennick has grey eyes and brown pixie-cut hair with blue streaks in it. She wears casual clothes, unlike Lucifer and his love for tuxedos. Crush: N/A. Other: N/A.
12:26pm May 14 2011
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Lacey stands at 5'7" with long, straight black hair that trails down to her mid-back and striking blue-green eyes. She has an athletic figure, due to her job as a female boxer. Her skin is very tan, and she has a few freckles across her cheeks. Name: Lacey Blorethe Age: 19 Gender: Female Species: Human Personality: Lacey is a tough girl. She won't let you see her cry, and she defends herself, along with others. She has an extreme pa.ssion for animals, and has a few pets of her own. Crush: She will crush on Shawn later... Other: Urm. No.
Love is all we need~
12:27pm May 14 2011
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Posts: 6,409
((Well, do you not want me to make another female character? If so, I'm fine with that. I just thought that it would help in evening out the gender ratio.))
Love is all we need~
12:28pm May 14 2011 (last edited on 12:29pm May 14 2011)
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Posts: 6,296
((I made a female character as Lucifer's friend. You can make the feamle, don't care, really.)) EDIT; Don't you think yo0u should ask Shaste for the Shawn-crush?
12:31pm May 14 2011
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((I r-mailed her about it. c:))
Love is all we need~
12:34pm May 14 2011
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((Oh, okay. :) ))
12:36pm May 14 2011
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Posts: 11,785
((Aww. xD; Nobody for Apollo or Nicolas? Well, then again, Nicolas probably seems too wimpy. ;c And Apollo's a slight sadist. And Elise is a major sadist. xD;))
12:37pm May 14 2011
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((Xabrianna will develop a crush later, Rika. No need to fret. She may develop a crush on Apollo, after she gets through beating him up. Bree doesn't like people that mess with others just for fun...))
Love is all we need~
12:38pm May 14 2011 (last edited on 12:39pm May 14 2011)
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Posts: 6,296
((Lucifer can crush on Elise. XD but he'd fail. Like, miserably. He's too shy to crush on people(and too wimpy, but don't tell him I said that)~ ))
1:34pm May 14 2011
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Posts: 6,409
((Everyone ready to start? If so, I'm not starting. Someone else will.))
Love is all we need~
1:36pm May 14 2011
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Posts: 6,296
((I'm not starting either..))
1:42pm May 14 2011
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Posts: 3,950
(Hm... I'm going to drop out. Seems you all are ready yourselves. ^^'' It's ok, I'm ok, no need to fret. c: )
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
1:50pm May 14 2011
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((No, don't leave Ice. D:< I will FORCE you. ))
1:52pm May 14 2011
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Love is all we need~
6:20pm May 14 2011
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Posts: 1,338
((Rika, I can almost see Angela liking Nicolas. But we shall see. >3))
6:34pm May 14 2011
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((Fine -.- Wolfie will start.)) Xabrianna was silently sitting on a branch of a large live oak tree. She was trying to figure out to harness her werewolf problems. If they were all locked up on the full moons, they couldn't hurt anyone... She put a hand to her head, finding herself having a terrible headache. She searched through her messenger bag for her headache medicine, and gulped down two of the pills without water. She got down from her perch in the tree, and began to look around for someone to talk to. ~~~~ Lacey furiously punched the punching bag before her. She was stressed out, and this got some of her stress out. She stepped away from the punching bag, and pulled her gloves off. She wiped some sweat away from her head, and tossed her gloves to the floor. She sat down on a bench, and dumped a bottle of water on herself. She was hot, and the air conditioner wasn't working well enough for her tastes. She was in her own training studio in downtown New York City. However, she lived outside of the city limits. ~~~~ Rain was messing with his car. It was not working. It was pulled over on the side of one of the slightly busy streets of the city. He pushed two of the wires together, and his car started. "Yes!" Rain said, pumping his fist into the air. He got into his car, and began to drive aimlessly.
Love is all we need~
6:48pm May 14 2011
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Fennick walked silently across the street, kicking garbage that rolled in her path from the breeze. She should have brought her jacket. She laughed in her head. But which one, Fennick? I swear to god you have at least fifty. A car was driving along the road, and Fennick froze, halfway across the street. The car didn't seem to notice her, or didn't care. Fenncik jumped out of the way, and landed painfully on her elbow, smacking the concrete. "watch where you're going, you *censored*hole!" She roared, her blood boiling as she stood up and rubbed her elbow. The driver probably didn't notice her, and Fennick knew that, but she needed something to yell at, with everything that had been going on in her life.
7:08pm May 14 2011
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Rain got out of his car and said, "Oh my god, I'm so sorry!" He looked at the girl, Fennick. She seemed pretty angry. He walked over to her, but kept a safe distance. ~~~ Lacey walked out of her training studio, only to find a girl yelling at a boy who had just gotten out of his car. She snickered, and watched the scene take place. ~~~ Xabrianna was walking downtown, trying to find Rain, one of her best friends. She finally found him, but a girl was yelling at him. "Hey, chick," she said to the girl, her blonde hair waving in the wind, "cool down a bit. He didn't mean to hit you."
Love is all we need~
7:23pm May 14 2011
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Posts: 6,296
Fenncik sighed, and seemed to calm down to a simmer. "I'm sorry." She sighed again, absent-mindedly running her fingers in her hair. "It's just, all that's been going on, and I haven't had time to cool down yet...." She saw two more people, two girls, running towards her and the boy who had almost hit her. "Fennick," she said, rubbing her elbow and wincing. "And don't you dare laugh a that name, or I will end you." She glared at them, as if to challenge each one. "One sec," she said, and after rummaging through a brown purse she had, she finally found the item she wanted. A phone. She started texting quickly. Lucy, it said. come here. I'm on Whistlepoint Road. Like, RIGHT NOW.
Lucifer stared at the flashing text. What's wrong? He replied. Oh my god is something wrong??!!! No, you worrywart! I just met some people and I want you to be here. Sheesh, don't do that to me. You scared the heck out of me, and I don't have much heck left in me. COME. NOW!! Fine. He sped off in his blue Dodge Dakota truck to the location Fennick said she was, Whistlepoint Road. "There you are, seriously, Fen, I thought you'd been attacked by a werewolf. I-" he froze, halfway out the door. To many people. A red light was flashing in his head, and he sheepishly tried to close the door to the truck. "Lucy, stop it, they're cool. You need to learn some people skills! And if you're shy, you don't meet people and if you don't meet people you'll have horrible people skills," Fennick said, exasperated. "mhnnmhm..." Lucifer said, and he slowly got out of his truck. "This is Lucifer." Fennick explained. "he's my guy-pal. If you say he's my boyfriend, we will both end you." "hmmhnnhmm, hi...." Lucifer managed to squeak.
7:32pm May 14 2011
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Xabrianna smiled at Lucifer, ignoring Fennick for the moment. "Hi. My name's Bree." She wouldn't dare tell them she was a werewolf. She knew that they would most likely reject her for it. She sighed and said, "This is Rain, my best friend." Rain smiled. He wasn't shy, he just preffered to be left alone. He looked at the girl who was behind him, Lacey. "And this is..." He gestured to her. "Lacey. Lacey Blorethe." Lacey was still dripping wet from her incident with the water bottle. Bree looked Lacey in surprise. "Oh my god. You're that famous boxer lady, aren't you." Lacey nodded and said, "Yep. That's me." Bree kept her excitement under control. Rain looked at the three newcomers and said, "I'm seriously sorry that you guys had to witness my terrible driving."
Love is all we need~