4:06pm May 16 2011
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"E-Elise! You don't have to be so mean! A-and you d-don't have to l-laugh, A-A-Apollo!" cried a sweet-looking brunette boy as he stated at the ruined remains of one of his precious pairs of headphones while he clutched his favorite pair to his chest, pretty blue eyes wide and filled with tears. He then turned to retreat into the nearby restaurant place, leaving behind two dark-haired individuals who were laughing.
"Your step-brother is such a crybaby, Elise!" laughed the male, who had eyes that were as dark as his hair and piercings in his bottom lip.
"Tell me about it, Apollo!" laughed the girl, her red eyes closed as her long, dark hair fell over her face when she doubled over. "They're just a pair of stupid headphones!"
5:55pm May 16 2011
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Posts: 314
Shyloh nodded. "Shyloh," she told the others. She tossed her head, flicking hair out of her eyes. ~ Shade smirked at Fennick. "No worries about that. I like different." He looked around. "Anyone else got a name they care to mention?" he asked.
I'M BACK!!! ...sorta. And now I'm in love with Jesse McCartney! He's hot.
6:49pm May 16 2011
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Posts: 6,409
Bree stepped up. She wasn't liking this Shade figure. He was too flirty for her tastes. "I'm Bree," Xabrianna said, getting off of the hood of Rain's car. ~~~ Rain sighed and said, "I'm Rain." He flicked some of his pale blonde hair out of his eyes. ~~~ Lacey yawned and said, "So, Fennick, I'll help you with the costs of dinner. After all, I have no shortage of money," she said, gesturing to the boxing studio behind her that had posters with her face on them plastered all over the windows.
Love is all we need~
6:54pm May 16 2011
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Posts: 11,785
((-waits for people to arrive at the restaurant thingy and talk to Nicolas, Elise, or Apollo-))
6:55pm May 16 2011
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"Fine." Fennick wanted to argue, but she'd argued and yelled to much today, and she didn't want to lose her new 'friends'. "So, where a we going? I don't care," Fennick repeated her earlier question.
9:56pm May 16 2011
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Posts: 1,338
Shawn, though usually never staying silent, didn't say anything. He figured if people wanted to talk to him, they would. Let the people come, he though with a small smirk. It reminded him of a movie... Not that he could remember the ti tle of course.
Shawn waited for the group, noticing each person and remembering their names: The girl named Bree was short, tan, blonde who's hair nearly reached her butt. Rain was tall and pale, wearing dark clothing. Fennick was the girl with the pixie-blue dyed hair cut. Shade was his 'competition' it seemed, though the thought made Shawn laugh. Lacey was the tan, athletic girl with long, brown hair. And Shyloh was the girl with the long, straight across bangs and dark hair. He kept in mind to remember all of these names. ((Second paragraph is a fail. xD Mostly for my use, not the character's. |D))
10:07pm May 16 2011
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Posts: 6,296
"Suggest something or we're going to search for food in a dumster," Fennick warned the group, tapping her foot. She was joking, but she sounded very literal. "Lacey," she shot out a random person's name. "where should we eat?"
10:10pm May 16 2011
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Posts: 6,409
"Urm..." Lacey looked around at the others, trying to think of what they would like. "That italian resteraunt over there looks good," she said, pointing to a resteraunt that had two young people in front of it, looking like they were about to die of laughter. Just looking at them made Lacey want to laugh, but she bit the urge back.
Love is all we need~
10:16pm May 16 2011
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Posts: 6,296
"Okay, then. C'mon." Fennick walked over there, being quick but slow enough for everyone to catch up. When she was close, she realized the two laughing people were teasing a boy who was close to tears. "Hey, what the hell are you doing?" Fennick yelled, standing in front of the boy. Retards. The boy probably hadn't even done anything.
10:19pm May 16 2011
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Posts: 1,338
"Oi, Fennick," Shawn said, almost angrily as he followed her. "You just slapped the sh.it out of your friend back there and then you yell at these people? What the hell is your problem?" Shawn's voice was angry and shaking, probably because he was so angry. What was her problem? Seriously?? ((Hehe Shawn doesn't like Fennick. xD))
10:23pm May 16 2011
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Posts: 6,409
((Omg. I think I'm in love with Shawn.)) What Shawn said made Lacey burst out in a fit of laughter. She put her hand over her mouth in an attempt to muffle the loud noise, but it was futile. Lacey's laugh was just too loud. She finally calmed down and said, "I'm sorry, I just think you're funny," Lacey said to Shawn, still snickering.
Love is all we need~
10:34pm May 16 2011
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Posts: 6,296
"They're picking on him, Shawn," Fennick said, glaring at him. "I thought you, of all people, would be able to tell." she turned to the boy. "Are you fine?" She asked.
((Fail post. ;_; -sniffles-))
10:35pm May 16 2011
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Posts: 314
Shyloh followed silently, standing back while Fennick yelled at the trio outside the restraunt. She silently agreed with Shawn, but the rest of the group talked more than enough. And she didn't want to inflate his ego any more than it already seemed to be. ~ Shade smirked, watching Fennick. He liked how confrontational she was, how she spoke her mind. "What's your problem?" he countered, glaring at Shawn. "The guy's practically in tears, I think she has a right to defend him."
I'M BACK!!! ...sorta. And now I'm in love with Jesse McCartney! He's hot.
10:39pm May 16 2011 (last edited on 10:40pm May 16 2011)
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Posts: 1,338
"What's my problem?" Shawn said, slightly suprised that Shade said that. "Why in the hell would you ask that? I didn't say anything wrong, I was pointing out the fact that she just slapped the crap out of someone, then yelled at other people for picking on a person? Seems a bit hyprocritical. Shade." Shawn said shade's name with disgust. He most certainly didn't like this person. "And sorry for insulting your 'girlfriend'." He was again, talking to Shade, rolling his eyes. ((Shawn = Equivalent of me. xD))
10:49pm May 16 2011
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Posts: 6,296
"Uhm, Shade was the one I slapped, and he seems to be on my side, Shawn. " Fennick retorted. "And let's actually hear what these guys have to say, before having a crap fit at me." Fennick was liking Shade more.
((-Magically teleports Lucifer over to the resteraunt, still knocked out.))
10:50pm May 16 2011
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Posts: 1,338
((I like how people know Shawn's name and he hasn't even told anyone yet. xDD))
10:52pm May 16 2011
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Posts: 6,296
((Let's just magically pretend everyone introducted themselves. XD))
11:12pm May 16 2011
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Posts: 1,338
((Alright Full. xD)) Shawn, not wanting to cause anymore of a fight than he already had, just stopped talking. He shrugged his shoulders and gave a small 'Hmph'. Shawn walked over to the door, opening it for everyone to pass, Angela on his heels. He could tell that Ange wasn't comfortable with a group this big. ((Fail post... D|))
12:12pm May 17 2011
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Posts: 11,785
(Nicolas is inside the restaurant, Apollo and Elise are outside. XD;)
Nicolas jumped when he was spoken to, blue eyes lifting to focus on all the people there. The brunette hugged his headphones closer to his chest, glancing at the shattered remains of what used to be his other pair. "I-I-I'm f-fine... I-it's a st-stupid r-reason to b-b-be u-upset," he responded, looking almost humiliated by the amount of stuttering he was doing. But...he just couldn't help it! He stuttered when he got really worked up, and right now he was really worked up.
Elise stopped laughing when she was spoken to, her strange red eyes lifting to focus onto the group. She growled softlt, eyes narrowing. "It's none of your business what my friend and I do to my brother. That wimp needs to toughen up and fight back for once in his pathetic life."
Apollo straightened up as well, crossing his arms. "He's too old to be such a crybaby. He's older than us, but he doesn't even stick up for himself. He needs to grow a pair," he sneered.

7:01pm May 17 2011
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Posts: 1,338
Angela's eyes widened as Nicolas spoke. She was going to say something, but it came out slurry and mumbled. "S'no reason to b'set..." Her voice was soft, quiet. She wasn't even sure if anyone heard her, not that that really bothered her. She pursed her lips and took another step towards Shawn, practically hiding behind him. Shawn looked up at Nicolas, shock in his eyes. God, doesn't this kid have a horrible stutter! He thought to himself, not bothering to say it out loud. The kid seemed upset enough as it was. Instead, Shawn nodded at the other two.
"How old are you two?" Shawn asked the group, turning to wink at Elise. Of course, his flirting side was once again coming out. Oh how glorious it was to be him, or so he thought. ((Fail. D|))