7:08pm May 17 2011
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"F you, Shawn." Fennick said. "and f you guys, too," she added to Elise and Apollo. "I'm getting food for myself, because it seems none of you want to eat food, you just want to sit around arguing about if bullying is horrible or not." She went up to the counter and smiled. "Large burger, please(I know it's Italian, don't judge me. XD)."
7:09pm May 17 2011
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Bree, having had enough of the two people's meanness, walked to stand in front of Apollo. "Who the hell do you think you are, picking on that boy?" She punched Apollo in the cheek. "What are you thinking?" Her voice was a bit growlish now, a feature that only werewolves had. Rain walked up behind Bree, and put a hand on her shoulder. "They're not worth it, Bree." Xabrianna shook him off. "Don't touch me," she said, her voice literally tapering off into a growl. "Oh sh!t," Rain said, shaking his head. Lacey walked up to Shawn and said, "Stop flirting with the bad guys, dumbass. They obviously upset that other boy. They just want attention. We should ignore them." Lacey was trying to be reasonable. Usually, that's what bullies wanted: attention.
Love is all we need~
7:15pm May 17 2011
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"The bad guys?" Shawn asked Lacey, suprised at her tone. "I thought I was the bad guy," He said, this time winking at her. He grinned widely and gave a quick laugh. Shawn looked up slightly, wondering what Lacey's definition of 'bad' was. Most definantly not the same as his.
Suddenly, an arm tighened on Shawn's arm; it was Angela. "Shawn," She murmered quickly. "She's one.... Bree is one of you."
Shawn, suprised once again, looked over at Bree. He could hear a growl in her voice. That was most certainly not human. "Bree..." Shawn said slowly, taking a step towards her. To possibly comfort her, Shawn made his own little 'growl' like noise, though much softer than toned down than hers. "Please, we're in public... It'll cause a lot more drama than needed here..." Shawn reached his arm out and placed it on Bree's shoulder. If she snapped it, it was his own damn fault.
7:23pm May 17 2011
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Fennick came back with her burger, and heard Rain and Bree talking, and had to shove a big ton of buger into her mouth so she wouldn't say anything. But that didn't work, because she made a rude hand gesture at Shawn. Stupid flirter. Lucifer woke up, blinked, pushed up his glasses, and then noticed there was even more people than earlier. Letter out a small, high pitched whimper, he fainted again.
7:28pm May 17 2011 (last edited on 7:33pm May 17 2011)
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"I'm sixteen, and Apollo's seventeen," Elise stated, moving her long, dark hair away from her face and behind her shoulder. "Nicolas is too...Well, I swear that kid doesn't have a mean-spirited bone in his body! He's never retaliated, even though I've been doing this since I was five!" She shook her head, shooting a glare towards Nicolas, who squeaked and moved back. Then Elise started laughing again. "God, Nicolas! Grow a pair and stick up for yourself, and for God's sake, get rid of that stutter!" Apollo chuckled, grinning as Elise started to immediately return to torturing her older 'brother', who shook his head. "I-I-I c-can't help i-it!" Nicolas cried, blue eyes wide. "Y-y-you've t-tortured m-me since I-I was ei-eight! J-j-just because I-I-I h-have a-a-a k-kind heart a-a-and a ha-hatred of vi-violence!" he closed his eyes, whimpering softly. "I-i-it's all-all your fa-fault I-I-I'm s-such a-a n-nervous wreck!" he yelled, clutching his headphones tightly. "I-I-I c-can't have an-anything wi-without y-y-you b-breaking i-it!" he shook his head again, then simply turned and darted off, thoroughly humiliated. Soon, he had climbed up a tree and was sitting on a middle branch, his headphones over his ears with his face buried between his knees, music playing through his remaining pair of headphones as he attempted to calm himself down. At this point, Apollo was doubled over laughing, dark eyes squeezed shut. "God, Nicolas is such a wimp!" he howled through his laughs, shaking his head. "He acts like a little girl!" But the instant he was punched, Apollo straightened up and let out a low growl, eyes narrowing. "Don't touch me," he said, voice deathly calm as that signature growl began to ripple through his words. "It's none of your business what I do!" he snarled, cocking his head slightly as Elise giggled, grinning. When Apollo got mad, thigns got exciting~!

7:30pm May 17 2011
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Posts: 11,785
((By the way, Apollo's a werewolf, too. xD; Elise and Nicolas are humans. :K))
7:31pm May 17 2011
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Posts: 1,338
((Rika, I love how evil your characters seem!! xDD Like, I could imagine Shawn like, hooking up with your group of sadistics and going on a killing rampage. |D))
7:33pm May 17 2011 (last edited on 7:34pm May 17 2011)
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"F*CK YOU GUYS!" Fennick screamed. "HE'S NOT THE WIMP, YOU TWO RETARDS ARE! WHY DON'T YOU PICK ON PEOPLE YOUR OWN SIZE, OR AT LEAST SOMEONE WHO STANDS UP FOR THEMSELVES? I SWEAR, TAKE ME ON." Her eyes were blazing. She could take on both of them at the same tame, no problem.Lacey might be a boxer, but Fennick knew how to fight with no ruless, and win, hands down. She glanced for a fraction of a second out the window. The kid was up a tree, listening to music. Good, that might just calm him down. Her eyes went back onto the other two, her eyes focused, locked.
((I like roleplaying a spazzy character with anger management. XD))
7:38pm May 17 2011
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Apollo laughed, a cruel, empty sound as he stepped up closer, a grin spreading across his features. "Are you sure about that, girlie?" he asked, his voice still that rough, low growl, dark eyes flared up like black flames. "I don't think you can," he purred, his attitude switching again as he cocked his head, Elise letting out another giggle as she took a step back, arms crossed. Apollo might not look like much, but boy could he whip some ass. That girl was just asking for some trouble!
7:44pm May 17 2011
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"Girlie!" Fennick let out a snarl, souding not unlike a werewolf's growl. She was going to pounce, but at that moment, a person rushed from behind the counter, wielding a metal broom, a rather dangerous looking metal broom. "Out!" She screeched, lifting her brooms. "There'll be no fighting in my restaurant!" and she threw them all out the door. When outside, Fennick hissed at Apollo, a threatening, cat-like hiss. "Take me."
7:46pm May 17 2011
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Posts: 11,785
((Do these werewolves have inhanced strength at all times? ouo;))
7:51pm May 17 2011
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Posts: 6,296
((NO. DX That would be totally unfair, because then Apollo would win. (but if Fennick was a werewolf, trust me, she would win. c:) ))
8:03pm May 17 2011
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Angela was again, frightened by the violence. She was about to tear up herself as Nicolas ran off. The poor guy, she thought. He truely didn't deserve that... Unnoticed, Angie slipped away, to the tree where Nicolas had climbed. She cleared her throat and looked up at him. "H-hello?" She called up the tree, hoping that the boy could hear her, even though his headphones were on.
Angela looked down at her feet, digging the tip of her shoe into the soil. Her white dress flowed in the light breeze, the ends were brown from all the dirt it had collected recently. She made a mental note not to by a long, white dress again. Too much of a mess. Then, Ange looked up again, hoping the boy would have either heard or seen her by then.
8:10pm May 17 2011
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Bree growled at Shawn and said, "Don't touch me." She didn't mean for it to sound mean, but it came out that way. She didn't want to hurt someone who seemed somewhat innocent. Instead, she jumped on Apollo from behind. She wrapped her legs around him, and began punching him in the back. "Bree, no!" Rain yelled, getting scared for Bree's sake. Bree was tough and all, even for her size, a mere 5'3". Lacey shook her head. She walked away, going to the edge of the building to watch the scene take place instead of wasting her breath trying to stop them.
Love is all we need~
8:16pm May 17 2011
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Posts: 6,296
Fennick gave Apollo a powerful double-foot kick to the nose, hoping it would break. She wanted to leave a mark. A boot-print on Apollo's face wouldn't be enough to please her. She smiled lightly as Bree jumped on Apollo from behind. Double-team. People were walking away, but Fennick didn't care if everyone else didn't care. She just wanted to kick Apollo's ass, not make a show for everyone else.
8:22pm May 17 2011
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Posts: 314
Shade watched the group break out into fight with a smirk, not saying a word. He wasn't one to take things like this so seriously, like they seemed to be. But it would be no use trying to stop them. ~ Shyloh stood back, away from the yelling and fighting. She wasn't particularly surprised that a few others of the group were werewolves; it wasn't too uncommon these days. But she didn't feel like announcing to the universe that she was one of them. Shaking her head, she retreated to the corner, where Lacey was. Getting in the middle of that was suicide, even if she was a fairly good fighter. Not like any of them knew it though; they all were too busy bickering to even notice she was there.
I'M BACK!!! ...sorta. And now I'm in love with Jesse McCartney! He's hot.
8:27pm May 17 2011
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Posts: 1,338
((I feel there is some major powerplaying going on here... o3o But that's just my thought... :c))
8:30pm May 17 2011
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Posts: 6,296
((I don't see any powerplaying... major powerplaying to me is 'Johnny grabbed Timmy and threw him against a tree, and he got knocked out, with blood on his head.' ))
8:32pm May 17 2011
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Posts: 1,338
((How is that different from "Fennick kicked Apollo in the face and left a boot mark"? I don't know, not my roleplay, not my place to say. Anywho, Ignore me.))
8:34pm May 17 2011
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Posts: 6,296
((I didn't say that she left a boot mark. :| I said 'she hoped that it broke his nose. A boot print wouldn't be good enough for her'.))