8:43pm May 17 2011
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Posts: 6,409
((Shaste. Powerplaying is making your character seem unbelievably strong, agile, or defensive. Full and I aren't powerplaying. Powerplaying would be like this: Roleplayer 1: Rachel punched Jacob in the nose. Roleplayer 2: Jacob dodged, it, and knocked Rachel out with a roundhouse kick to the chest. See?))
Love is all we need~
8:51pm May 17 2011
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Posts: 1,338
((I guess I'm wrong then... -Was taught differently- Anywho, like I said before, Ignore me. xD))
9:28pm May 17 2011
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Posts: 11,785
Nicolas jumped when he heard another voice, blue eyes widening again until he looked down and saw it was that shy girl he had noticed earlier. He relaxed, pulling his headphones down with a sad little smile. "Hello... I guess I looked like a bit of a...well...a wimp back there... But they know I'm already a nervous person, and they like making it worse..." He jumped again when he heard a yell from apollo, followed by an angry screech by Elise. The brunette's eyes got wide as he jumped from the tree, nearly toppling over when he went to run off. "Oh, now I've gone and started a fight!" he cried. "I'll be back in a sec! I have to break it up!" he called over his shoulder to Angie.
Soon he was watching Apollo getting double-teamed and Elise moving to tackle one of the girls. "STOP!" he yelled as loud as he could, running forward to go break up the fight. "Stop it, stop fighting! Viilence won't solve anything! It just makes things worse!" he cried. "Don't fight!"
10:04pm May 17 2011
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Posts: 6,296
Fennick stopped instantly, just about to punch Apollo in the gut. She let the first down, hanging by her side. "Wow," Fennick smiled. "you certainely have some voice when you really want to say something." She pushed past Apollo and walked over to Nicolas. "Hey, I'm Fennick. And you are..?" Gosh, he was cute. Not in a I-want-to-date-him kind of way, but -don't-you-dare-touch-him-or-I'll-kill-you kind of way.
Lucifer blinked, and lifted his head. He swore to himself that this time, when he looked, he wouldn't faint, no matter how many people there were. "Ouch..." Lucifer rubbed the back of his head and stood up, his other hand pushing his glasses up his nose. Oh no. There had been a fight. As quietly as he could, he walked over to Fennick, who was taking to a gentle, friendly-looking boy.
"Oh, Lucy!" Fennick hugged him, and he blushed. "You're awake!"
10:41pm May 17 2011
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Posts: 11,785
Nicolas sighed, relaxing when one of the girls stopped fighting. When that same girl talked to him, he blushed slightly, unused to all this positive attention that he was receiving. "I'm Nicolas...it's nice to meet you, Fennick," he replied, giving the girl a slight smile. "And...um...excuse the stuttering earlier...it only happens when I get really worked up," he said softly, glancing down in a sheepish manner. "The reason why I got so upset over a pair of broken headphones is because music is ny only escape...it's the only thing that seems to calm me down..." he explained, twiddling his thumbs.
When the other male stepped up, he took a small step back, sonething automatic thanks to Apollo. He kept his gaze on the ground, looking pretty shy and submissive.
9:26pm May 18 2011
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9:28pm May 18 2011
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Posts: 1,338
((-Doesn't know what to post- -Waits for Wolfie-))
7:46pm May 19 2011
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((Bump~ :3))
9:39pm May 20 2011
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Bree stopped mid-punch. She let her fist down when Nicolas spoke up, and unhooked her legs from around Apollo's torso. She fell to the ground, landing on her feet. She was short compared to all of the others, looking more like a thirteen year old than a sixteen year old. Rain walked up to Bree and put his hand on her shoulder. "Bree, you need anger management classes..." "I know," Bree said, looking down. Lacey finally moved forward to Shawn. "Lots of the people are werewolves, huh? She was still human, but if things kept going like they were, everyone was going to be a werewolf before long, considering that the next full moon was only three days away.
Love is all we need~
10:36pm May 22 2011
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Posts: 1,338
Shawn had a surprised look on his face when Lacey mentioned werewolves. It wasn't all that often someone would mention them straight up. Most people hated the werewolves. He, in return to Lacey's question, said, "Yeah, I guess so..." Shawn rubbed the back of his neck, trying to make up for the awkward silence he had just made.
"Are you normal?" Shawn said the word 'normal' as if it were Something totally alien to be. Well, in their new world, it was. He then flashed a big smile at Lacey, when he wasn't grinning or laughing, Shawn wasn't being himself.
((Sorry if this really sucks! :c I'm on an I-pod touch... ono))
5:35pm May 27 2011
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Posts: 1,338
((...Bump? :c))
6:03pm May 30 2011
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((Bump~ :3))
6:17pm May 30 2011
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"I'm human. Are you? If you aren't, it's okay. My trainer is a werewolf." Lacey smiled back, trying to pretend that she hadn't noticed Shawn's akward silence. Bree yawned, and leaned against a person's car. Rain gave her a look that said, 'Don't do that.' Bree rolled her eyes and got off of the car. Rain had tried to tame Bree a bit. It seemed that the older she got, the wilder she got. Of course, that made sense, given that she had no self control.
Love is all we need~
10:32pm May 31 2011
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Posts: 6,409
Love is all we need~
7:41pm Jun 2 2011
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Posts: 1,338
((I can't believe people dropped this. D;))
"Err..." Shawn said, once again with all the awkwardness. "Hah, well, yeah... I am," He said, with a small laugh. "And who's your trainer?" He asked quickly, taking the subject away from him. He hated the fact that he was a werewolf, but he couldn't change who he was. -Fail-
((Contemplating about dropping Angela, and making a few new characters. -Is not good at playing the shy character- xD))
10:06pm Jun 2 2011
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Posts: 6,409
"My trainer is Beaux Roland. You heard of him? He's the best." Lacey smiled, happy that Shawn was nice enough to answer her question about his species. Although, she couldn't help but think that he lied. She brushed that thought away, and sighed.
Love is all we need~
10:10pm Jun 2 2011
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Posts: 1,338
"Well, to be perfectly honest, I'm not much into watching boxing..." Shawn admitted with a small laugh. "Though, I'd have to say, I think it would be amazing to watch you fight," He added with a small wink. ((Fail, sorry, gotta go. xD Dinner. [:))
12:26am Jun 3 2011
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Posts: 6,409
Lacey blushed and said, "Well, we basically wear a sports bra and booty shorts while we box to avoid heat stroke, and so that our clothes don't get tangled around us and slow us down, so our biggest donors are mostly men." She laughed and smiled. "I haven't been in many fighting matches lately, but there's a big fight coming up next week. It will be broadcasted live nation-wide."
Love is all we need~
12:29am Jun 3 2011
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Posts: 1,338
"I like sport bras and booty shorts," Shawn said with a small laugh. Of course, he was back to his usual self. "Really? Why's that? I mean, the whole not-boxing-in-a-while thing?" Shawn paused and raised his eyebrow. "Really, nation-wide? Hm, I'll have to go watch it." ((Fail. D: Sorry~))
12:33am Jun 3 2011
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Posts: 6,409
"Well, with the population decreases, and the matches having to be planned on non-full-moon nights, it's a bit hectic. Plus, most of the contestants are werewolves now, and when they get over-excited, they shift and... well, it doesn't end well." Lacey brushed some of her black hair out of her face, sighing. She missed boxing. It was a way to let all of her anger out. Before boxing, Lacey would take her anger out on inatimate objects such as cars, walls, and mirrors.
Love is all we need~