1:14pm Mar 17 2010 (last edited on 1:15pm Mar 17 2010)
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Name: Ryac Age: Immortal Origin: His mother was a mighty white wolf, his father was a werewolf. Appearance:
Personality and other details: Ryac is the only white werewolf in existance, and was the only one ever born, he was a mighty werewolf who could control both of his forms, however how much more unhinged he is in his wolf form, he had a personal vendetta against vampires as they are the ones that killed his father and his mother, he was raised from a young child by his father in the ways of the lycan, and by his mother in the skills of hunting, there was only ever one vampire he got along with, and he only saw him once every so often, his name was Dryac, he only got along with this vampire as his father was Dryac's uncle. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Dryac Age: Immortal Origin: Father was an ancient vampire, his mother was a demon. Appearance:
 Personallity and other details: Dryac is a close personal friend and cousin to Ryac, his father was Dryac's father's brother. He is a ruthless vampire by nature and will slay anyone and anything to get his way, his mother was brutally murdered by a horde of plague vampires, and he has roamed the world in search for meaning ever since.
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1:26pm Mar 17 2010
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Name: Kirsty Age: Immortal Origin: her parents where both werewolves Appearance:
Personality and other details: she is still a fairly young werewolf and hasnt gotten full control over her werewolf form
Name: Jessica Age: Immortal Origin: her mother was a albino human and her father avery old vampire Appearance:
 Personality and other details: she is albino like her mother and has her fathers vampire abilities as in streangth speed and a power but her power is to copy and use someone elses power but she cant keep it so if she scans someone else she loses the last one she scanned.
2:13pm Mar 17 2010 (last edited on 11:56am Mar 18 2010)
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Name:Aurora Hawk/ Ash Hawk Age:17/20 Origin:Her mother was human and her father was a vampire./ Same Appearance: 
Aurora's Wolf: Aurora's wolf is a dark purple like her hair. Her fur is sleek and shinny. Her tail is bushy and she looks like a furry human only a like more wolfish. Her paws are white and so are the tip of her ears. 
Ash's wolf:Ash is a blond brown wolf with a fluffy tail and light blue eyes. His hair is long and scruffy and the tip of his tail it white. Personality and other details: Aurora is very calm and almost nothing changes her mood. She is great at healing. Aurora's father had abused them since she was born. Her mother finally ran away but her father became ten times worse. Aurora's tongue was cut out and she has a large scar going of her left eye. She is very caring and will risk her life for anyone she care about. She loves animals but is known to not have much confidence in herself. She can make illusions in other's minds. She mostely does it to talk to others./ Ash was the one who thought of running away. He had a mess of scars on his back and arms and finally decided to run away when his father tried to food poison him. He likes to joke around most of the time and tease other....Mostly girls. He is very protective towards his sister. He knows where anyone he has met or heard of before is. He can sence when they are hurt or in danger.

3:22pm Mar 17 2010
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((Okay, that should be enough for now, I'll get us started, basic rules.)) Ryac was in his wolf form, looking as elegant as he always does, his powerful legs and arm punding the dirt as he bounded through a barren desert rapidly, not sure where he was going, but he suddenly stopped at a scent in the air, he snapped up-right, looking towards were the scent was coming from, that was Dryac. Ryac belted over to Dryac to greet him, "Dryac! Friend! Cousin! How have you been, old and blood drinking as always I expect?" "Ryac! of course, and you? fierce and vampire killing as usual?"
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4:09pm Mar 17 2010 (last edited on 9:29am Mar 21 2010)
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4:36pm Mar 17 2010
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Kirsty was in her wolf form on the barrier of the woods and the desert her father had told her that this heat she would have to think about mating standing on a rock (like in the picture) she let out a mating howl wondering if there where males out there. Jessica was in the woods draining a deer of its blood so she felt abit more full then what she normaly did.
4:56pm Mar 17 2010 (last edited on 5:02pm Mar 17 2010)
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Alana twitched an ear in the direction of that call. Well... she hadn't realized werewolves acted like normal wolves, not in that sense anyway. They were, technically, more dignified. Her face was turned towards the direction she'd heard the noise, both ears pricked forward and focusing on the location that call had originated. Strange. She stood on all fours, having been sat previously and stretched. The silver and dark gray fur running down her back bristling at the motion. She then lifted herself entirely onto her two back legs, looking far more human this way, even as a wolf, before falling back onto all fours and padding off towards the rocks that stood not far in front of her; the place she believed that other female werewolf to be.
10:51pm Mar 17 2010
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Aurora looked down at a white flower. It had red lines running down from the middle almost to the in and yellow stems with pollen. She sniffed it and cut the stem pinching her fingernails around it. She put it in a basket of other plants and flowers and started to walk back,"Hi, Ash." She said her voice cheery. She heard a loud howl echo off the walls of the valley,"That is weird." She said starting to walk towards the sound. Ash looked up from the book her was reading,"Be careful!" He said. I can't believe what some of these books have to say about vampires...I mean sparkling? He rolled his eyes closing the book.
11:19am Mar 18 2010
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Dryac and Ryac both went on all fours, Dryac could only do this due to his Demon Blood, which Ryac could smell permenantly, it was a delecacy to werewolves and vampires alike, that is the main reason Dryac had became so good in combat, he had to learn how to read an enemy before they attacked, "Ready for a run pup?" "I don't know about you but I'm running towards that mating call, that souinded like a strong lycan." "Aye, well i will go with you, I have been observing lycans for a while now, I need to memorize their methods as well, I am nearly perfection in combat." "Yes, well you have always excelled in that kind of expertese, anyway, let's get to it, it has been a while since I had a litter of my own." The cousins then set into a speedy run, the black trench coat Dryac always wore seeming to be one one with his chaos black hair, his powerful arms and feet pounding the ground as he ran, Ryac's white fur rustling and glistening in the morning sun as his powerful legs and arms did the same.
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11:31am Mar 18 2010
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Aurora shifted into a purple wolf. She had died her hair purple not long ago, but she never expected it to also change her wolf hair. She started to prance towards the call until she came apon some more wolves. Two were males and the other one was a female. She slowed down and hid in the shadow. Demon blood. My favorite. She thought sneeking up on Dryac. She shifted back and smiled,"I've heard of you." She said seeing his face. She didn't think about drinking his blood knowing that he would probly kill her. She felt her pointy teeth cut into the inside of her lips and tried not to imagine the sweet blood flowing through his blood vein right below the chin. She hadn't eaten for three days and she felt nearly starved. Ash opened up another book. He liked this one better. He mumbled something to himself starting to worry about Aurora. Where is she? She should be back by now. He thought. He got up and started to walk in her dirrection very slow.
11:35am Mar 18 2010
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Dryac and Ryac slid to a halt in front of this, wait, purple werewolf? that was definately original, "Get in line then, a lot of people have heard of me, I'm the demon seed that alsys anything and everything to get my way, and this is Ryac, the only werewolf I won't kill, he is my friend, cousin, he is like a brother to me, and he ahs the same outlook on others as me, kill anything, get what you want." Ryac bared his teeth in a fierce snarl, it was normal behaviour for the lycans of this land to fight for territory, "Calm down pup." "I could kill him, you know that right?" "I have no doubt, but right now you need to find that mating call, so go, I will talk to my fan here." Ryac then began bounding through the long gr*censored* towards the mating call, just before he reached it however he stood upright and went further into his wolf transformation, making himself look even more impressive.
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11:42am Mar 18 2010
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Aurora laughed,"I heard you were a very good fighter...And killer. But I am not too worried since I am already dead." She was a mix breed like Dryac only instead she was half were-wolf half vampire. She smiled staying calm,"I am sure my brother will be delighted to see you, Dryac." She already knew his name a for good reasons. Her mother had told her many stories about this demon vampire, that is before her mother ran away.
11:45am Mar 18 2010
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Dryac snarled his teeth, slightly through anger, slightly through boredom, "One, who says I want to meet your borther, and tow, how do you know my name, and why do you want to get to know me if you know what Ihave done and what I am capable of doing?"
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11:55am Mar 18 2010
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"First, you wont really have choice since he is probably worrying about me so he will show up any mintute, two, my mom use to tell me about you so I didn't feel liek the only mixed breed. She knew everything about you and when ever I asked her how she knew some of this stuff she wouldn't answer, I do know what you are capable of doing but I am just curious about how you fight or if you are angered easily." Aurora answered only saying the truth. Ash walked up only proving Aurora's point,"Hello, Aurora. Who is this?" Ash asked looking over Dryac carefully. He narrowed his eyes suspicious, but turned his attention back to Aurora,"You must know not to go up to strangers. Didn't mother teach you anything?" He asked,"And how many times must I tell you, no illusions." "Bu-" Aurora stopped, letting theillusion of her voice go. She smiled at Dryac not talking.
12:11pm Mar 18 2010
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Dryac snarled, he was confident that he could put the three werewolves here down and get away in time, but he bwasn't going t start anything... at least not yet, "I am angered easily, but I can keep that in check, just like I am keeping the temptation of your blood in check, therefore you are extremely lucky I can hold myself, What was your mother's name?" Dryac clicked his back, "And as for you, I aint not just some normal stranger, I'm Dryac, no doubt you've heard of me as well."
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12:16pm Mar 18 2010
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"Dryac!" Ash said shocked. A deep growl came from his throat. Aurora set a hand on his shoulder and smiled using her powers again,"Her name was Aloe Hawk. Do you know her or something?" She asked curious. "Aurora, we should leave. You know we aren't allowed to even talk to this guy, remember?", Ash asked. "Yes, I know, I know." Aurora said rolling her eyes. Why doesn't he trust me to take care of myself? Aurora thought.
12:21pm Mar 18 2010
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Dryac licked his fangs, the temptation growing stronger with their insolence, "My father knew her, and plus, Ash, i guess that's your name, you try to run and I'll drain you." Dryac snarled at the werewolf, sick of the insubordination of some wolves, "Now, I need to know what it is you want of me Aurora."
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12:26pm Mar 18 2010
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Aurora smiled,"My mother ran away not long ago. Ash tried to find her, but her power is like...Against all of ours. Do you know where she might have gone?" Aurora asked. This wasn't what she really wanted but what she did want was between her and her father. Ash hissed,"I would like to see you try!" He spat. He smiled showing his long pointy fangs,"It would all matter who got who first I guess." Aurora growled. She stepped on Ash's foot and yanked him down to her height,"This guy might be able to help us find her. Now either you listen and be quiet or I will make you." She hissed spitting the last few words. Inside she didn't mean any of it. She was calm and collected but liked to act. Ash chuckled,"Fine."
12:44pm Mar 18 2010
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Kirsty stopped howling and looked at the male that arrived jumping down from the rock she smiled tilting her head smiling at him "hello" she said to him still in her wolf form. Jessica was walking around soon she came across a female werewolf and a vampire after sniffing she could smell demon blood holding her nose she made a discusted face she hated demon blood.
2:41pm Mar 18 2010 (last edited on 2:42pm Mar 18 2010)
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Alana carried on walking, only coming to a stop when she saw two werewolves and a... vampire?... no... demon. She stood for a moment, her eyes reading the entire situation before her. She wasn't really one for fighting, sure, is her life was in danger... but usually... She sat herself down and carried on watching. She wasn't going to get involved if she could help it. She'd also lost interest in that mating call, forget the wolves who were not as sophisticated as some. She moved her eyes over to the werewolves, then straight at the vampire. What a strange predicament. ~(you've all gone so far without me T~T )~