12:09pm Mar 28 2010
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Hunter laughed,"Powers don't work on me." He said,"I was the very first and that comes with a few good things. That power is like Aurora's, uslees against me." He laughed. He made the illusion that the barrier disappeared which did happen after he whispered a few words that no one could hear. He smiled walking through it and grabbed Jessica by the neck,"Do you really want to fight me?" He asked tightening his grip.
12:12pm Mar 28 2010
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Jessica glared at him before smirking and dissapering another power the baby had appering away from him she glared at him "i dont fight i protect those i love and im sorry to say your not on that list" she said to him glaring.
12:38pm Mar 28 2010
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Hunter laughed,"So? I don't really care." He said. He closed his eyes as the baby appeared in his arms. He smiled brushing his fingers through its hair.
12:42pm Mar 28 2010
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Jessica looked shocked "no give me my baby" she shouted at him. Srack looked up at the man before his eyes started to glow as he teleported Hunter away from him while going back to his mother looking both scared and angry.
12:46pm Mar 28 2010
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Hunter laughed. He closed his eyes again and that baby reappeared in his arms. He couldn't see Jessica and hopefully she couldn't see him. Aurora growled,"That does get annoying...I bet he takes its powers away just like he does to me!"
12:52pm Mar 28 2010
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Jessica started crying wanting to get the baby back. Srack glared up before letting out a cry that would hurt anyones ears that where close.
12:55pm Mar 28 2010
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((I just thought of a cool plot twist.>8D)) Hunter plugged his ears as darkness surrounded them. Everything went black until they reappeared in a dark room.
1:02pm Mar 28 2010
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Dryac cracked his neck and stepped out of the protective barrier, once again transforming to his other self, the power he had felt before returning again, he towered over everything, knowing that the illusions anyone here could muster wouldn't affect him, unless it was mere talking illusions, he then launched at Hunter, tearing at his face, ripping the right side of his face clean off, "You're not getting anywhere near my child you childish old man!"
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1:46am Mar 29 2010
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9:37am Mar 29 2010
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Jessica watched him worried about their baby.
10:10am Mar 29 2010
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Hunter laughed as a army of other Hunters attacked. He disappeared with the child as the other Hunters kept Dryac distracted.
10:33am Mar 29 2010
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Dryac narrowed his eyes and focused, making the illusion fade, and he followed the slight trace that is always left by teleportations, "This'll be fun..." Ryac then leapt through the teleportation window that Dryac had left, he was lucky to catch it however as it is only ever for a few moments, "I'm in this for the long haul."
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10:42am Mar 29 2010
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Hunter laugh closing the teleport. It was his whole plan to lead the two other mixed bloods down to his secret home. He had a special plan for Dryac but wasn't to interested in the werewolf coming after him because he only liked mixed bloods. His goal was to catch Aurora because with her powers trained she would become the ultimate weapon, but Dryac could help him a lot too.
9:36am Mar 30 2010
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Dryac got in close before talking, "I believe you used this line but I think it works here, you want to kill me, sure, take a number and get in line." Dryac then threw a straight right into Hunter's nose, busting a few of the bones in it, he then hurled a heavy left hook into the side of his head, taking him completely off guard, he then finished this round of attack with a swift heel kick to the sternum, knowcking him into the wall, no vampire had ever used straight forward fighting, this is why it took him so off guard.
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10:16am Mar 30 2010
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Hunter's wounds healed right away. He laughed, "I don't want to 'kill' you. I just need your help." He faded into thin air only leaving a black rose in his place. On it was a note that said: Say goodbye to Jessica... And tell Aurora I will be back for her.
11:13am Mar 30 2010
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Dryac teleported immediately to Jessica to make sure she was okay, as he didn't completely understand that note, he would help Hunter, that strong a vamprie would be a valuable ally. he appeared by jessica, releaved to see her and the child were safe, he kissed Jessica p*censored*ionately as if he hadn't seen her in years, and pecked his on on the head, smoothing his hair down, "My family..."
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11:15am Mar 30 2010
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Jessica kissed back before looking at the baby smiling more wondering what had happened.
11:41am Mar 30 2010
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Aurora didn't look any more happy then before. Infact she looked like she was even more upset, "We really should go...He will probably be back." She said, Her throat was fully healed by now, but she was looking weak and thirsty again. That was the problem with being a werewolf vampire mix. You had to eat four times a day or you would die.
1:53am Mar 31 2010
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Dryac snarled at Aurora, "You follow us, endanger me, and my family, have the cheek to attack me in my own land, and then after all is said and done we don't even get so much as an apology, I could have stopped Hunter from healing you and finished you inside of a minute, so you're pretty lucky I was feeling merciful." Dryac hissed, his fangs glistening in the moonlight, he was ready to attack and kill.
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8:25am Mar 31 2010
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Jessica turned Dryacs face to look at her seeing if it would calm him down.