2:47pm Mar 18 2010
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Ash smiled,"Everyone if like...Watching." He hissed in Aurora's ear. He turned over to Alana and waved. "Just ignore them." Aurora snapped. She smiled looking at Alana. "Aurora, please stop with the illusions." Ash said. He walked over towards Alana,"So um...Why are we all here? I mean I was only expecting to see one other wolf besides Aurora and me..." Ash asked. Not that we are real werewolves. Ash added in his mind.
2:52pm Mar 18 2010
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Jessica walked over to the others her fangs out but she wasnt going to attack them but it showed she was a vampire.
3:53pm Mar 18 2010
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Alana narrowed her eyes. Vampires... She nodded slightly at Aurora and watched Ash as he approached. She tilted her head slightly, the silver fur on her head and neck glistening. "I came to investigate a call, actually... I came across you people on my way." She looked over at Dryac. "And that one smells and looks like a killer." yawning she stood on her hind paws, once again looking like the werewolf she was, before transforming into her human self, her long silver hair mimicking that of her wolf fur, a hand on her hip as she looked between the vampires.
2:54am Mar 19 2010
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Posts: 2,378
(Sorry kuro, there aint really anything happened that you could've been involved in anyway.) Dryac snapped, he had the wolf up against the cliff side by his throat, "I take it you aint heard the stories of what I've done to arrogant little pups like you? I can find your mother, I've smelt her scent on the air for some time, it is a fresh scent, she is close, now if you get your dog in line aurora I will get her for you." Ryac walked over to the female, using his right hand to sleek his white hair down, he was always the most impressive werewolf, just the white colourings did that, "Hello, I believe I heared you call?"
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6:58am Mar 19 2010
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~(It's fine Reu xD It's just I work from 2pm to 6pm now so I won't be on til alittle later :3)~
8:20am Mar 19 2010
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Kirsty looked at him and nodded amazed by his colour fur "yes i did"she said wagging her tail abit.
10:59am Mar 19 2010
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Aurora growled,"Ash, get over here." She whispered. She looked up at the demon,"Temper, temper. You really could hurt someoen with it." Ash turned to see Aurora pinned up against a cliff wall. He growled shifting into wolf form and started to trot over to her. He pinned his ears back and let out a low growl as he reached her.
11:12am Mar 19 2010
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(Can't RP Dry yet, so here goes Ryac's post.) Ryac ruffled his fur, anticipating having another litter of pups to raise, "Well I'm here to anser that call." Ryac went on all fours and howled his most impressive howl to the moon.
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11:15am Mar 19 2010
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Aurora rolled her eyes looking at Ryac,"Werewolves." She whispered under her breath. Ash growled,"Remember, you're part werewolf." He hissed. He didn't really like seeing this much...stuff either and never thought that werewolves acted like real wolve most of the time.
11:21am Mar 19 2010
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Dryac dropped the werewolf he had pinned against the wall and turned at the low growling noise coming from behind him, "Time for my dinner already? really?" He then lowered into a crouch and bared his fangs, hissing at the approaching werewolf.
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11:26am Mar 19 2010
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Ash whispered something under his breath his eyes going from Aurora to Dryac. He shifted back so he could talk,"I don't want to fight you...I am just protecting my sister from getting into any...Trouble." He said. Aurora let the illusion go. She looked at Ash and picked up the basket of plants she had dropped. Don't do anything stupid, Ashley. She said through her mind. Ash hissed. Now does that sound like me? He asked having a slight laugh in his mind.
11:32am Mar 19 2010
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Dryac clicked his neck, preparing for any surprise attacks that would come his way, "Now, either I find out what's goingon or I slay everyone here, and then hunt your mother down, I wont slay her but what I am capable of is far worse than death itself, now TELL ME WHAT YOU WANT!"
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11:36am Mar 19 2010
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I want my father to die. Aurora stopped herself from spitting the words out. She held her breath waiting for Ash to say something. "We just want our mother back...She means a lot to us." And she is the only one who can destroy our father. He added in his mind. He looked over at Aurora. Don't you tell him anything. He spat in his mind.
11:39am Mar 19 2010
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Dryac picked messages up in the air, what where they saying? it had beena while since he had had to listen to thoughts "There is a hidden agenda here, I know that, tell me what it is and maybe I can cut out the middle man and deal with it myself, rather than hunting around for your mother."
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11:41am Mar 19 2010
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Aurora blinked,"I don't know what you are talking about." She lied. She was very good at it from doing it so often. Ash started to sweat. He was never good at lying...It gave him the creeps. He felt like screaming out the truth but bit his lip so he didn't.
11:43am Mar 19 2010
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Dryac could smell the fear in the air, he grabbed the two werewolves talking directly talking to him by the throats, "Speak of the truth before I am forced to rip the throats I hold right now away from their beholders." Dryac wasn't even playing now, he was hungry, this was a gourmey feast to him, he would happily chow down on all of them.
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12:30pm Mar 19 2010
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Kirsty wagged her tail more and howled with him her howl light and haunting like the wind but peaceful as well.
12:35pm Mar 19 2010
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Ryac creeped up slowly to the female werewolf, giving her the opportunity to make the first move, flexing his legs as they strolled the rock.
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12:44pm Mar 19 2010
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Kirsty smiled at him and walked closer to him nudging her head inder his chin nuzzleing him.
12:45pm Mar 19 2010
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Posts: 2,378
Ryac nuzzled back, he could see himself staying with this wolf, she seemed his kind of wolf, she got what she wanted and she went for it, he then put his head under her chin, returning the favour.
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