12:59pm Mar 19 2010 (last edited on 1:01pm Mar 19 2010)
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Kirsty wagged her tail as she nipped his neck licking by his ears aswell she hoped he would stay with her and not leave her to raise pups on her own.
1:55pm Mar 19 2010
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Aurora smiled,"Talk the truth...Talk?" She smiled letting the illusion go. A dark scar appeared over her left eyes. Ash looked at her,"Our father...That is who we are after." He whispered.
6:42am Mar 20 2010
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Posts: 2,378
Ryac lay his head on his enw mate's chest, he wanted to stay with her, but that all depended on her, at least that is what he thought, "I want to stay with you... if you shall let me." Ryac then awaited the answer to his question. Dryac smelt the sweet smell of murder in the air and co.cked a grin at the werewolves, "You should o' said, I'll drain the sorry excuse for a... whatever he is." Dryac could taste the sweet taste of blood on his tongue, he was anticipating the sweet, if slightly tangy, taste of blood, the smell of iron filling his nostrils he darted his eyes open, "He's bleeding, can you smell that smell of iron in the air? that's blood."
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7:50am Mar 20 2010
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Posts: 1,789
Alana could do little but watch the two werewolves and the vampire. She could tell by the tension in the air that the wolves here were hiding something, only she did not believe it to be her place to ask. She glanced around the area, at the trees and glades, the mountain in the distance where that female's mating call had resounded. Oh right. That werewolf was still out there. She moved her gray eyes back to the three people in front of her. She'd already dechipered that the girl could do illusions, and good ones by the look of it. The boy was still a mystery somewhat, even though she'd figured both of them weren't entirely wolf. Their scent was mixed, and she couldn't quite place it, but she was sure she recognised it.
11:49am Mar 20 2010
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Ash smiled,"I am glad you will help us." He said. He sniffed the air smelling the blood,"Yes, I do smell blood." He said grinning.
12:04pm Mar 20 2010
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Dryac grinned, his fangs showing, glistening in the bright moonlight, "Keep up if you can," Dryac then moved at an unbelieveable speed through the trees, anticipating the feast that was to come, "You may as well come out and make this thing easier, I'm just gonna get more violent the longer I have to wait."
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12:33pm Mar 20 2010
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Posts: 5,406
Kirsty smiled at him and yipped "i would love you to stay with me" she said to him licking his cheek happily. Jessica watched the male vampire run off and looked down not him or the werewolves noticed her was she invisable but maybe it would be better if the didnt see her she looks weird with her white hair and red eyes.
12:52pm Mar 20 2010
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Posts: 2,378
Ryac stay lay on his new mate's chest, "Yes, but how long would you want me for? I have all eternity." Ryac had had a revelation, he wasnted to settle down once and for all.
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12:58pm Mar 20 2010 (last edited on 12:58pm Mar 20 2010)
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Posts: 1,789
Alana watched Dryac leave, then looked over at the other two. "I pray you don't mind I join you." She bowed slightly, turning back into her silver wolf form, and bounded after Dryac. What an interesting bunch...
1:42pm Mar 20 2010
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Kirsty smiled at him "then stay with me for all eternity" she said smiling at him.
2:18pm Mar 20 2010
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Aurora nodded. He must not know who my father is...We should have told him that he was the very first. Ash nodded agreeing. He started to run after Dryac keeping up. He looked over at Alana and smiled.
2:27pm Mar 20 2010
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Posts: 5,406
((awwwww everyones not seeing Jessica XD))
5:41am Mar 21 2010
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Posts: 2,378
Ryac stay lay with the wolf he had come to stay with, (Odd series of events, lol.) Dryac continued to run when he caught up with the smell of blood, he stopped as it filled his nostrils, empowering him all over again, "Now, tell me what I'm up against here..."
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8:19am Mar 21 2010
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Kirsty yipped before nuzzleing her head into his fur her tail thumping on the ground because she was so happy. Jessica watched Dryac her head tilted she doesnt like causeing trouble shes more the type to observe others then take part.
8:32am Mar 21 2010
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Posts: 2,378
Ryac kissed his new mate, "Then I am yours, you now are with the only white werewolf in exsistence." Ryac licked his mate's face before laying back on her chest, feeling lazy, until his ears picked up the sound of Dryac running, "Stay right here, I will be back, I have a friend in need of my help." Ryac then fell to all fours and bounded to catch up with his vampire cousin, "I guessed you may need me." "so did you find that female?" "Yeah, I got good news, but I talk about it after we're done, who're we slayin?" "Waitin for these guys to tell me, he is around here though, smell that delicious blood?" Ryac sniffed, filling his nostrils with the smell, "We feast today cousin."
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8:37am Mar 21 2010
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Kirsty nodded and curled up waiting for him to come back a happy feeling that she now had a mate. Jessica looked worried hopeing they wernt talking about her stepping back she stood on a twig making it snap.
8:43am Mar 21 2010
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Posts: 2,378
Ryac and Dryac, having the sharpest ears in the group, heard the twig and snapped instantly around, sniffing the air, "Yes, I didn't smell it before but under the blood there is a scent of... fear" "Appetiser?" "Well, we can't see her but..." Dryac closed his eyes and started walking, sniffing the air, following the scent, he then grabbed whoever it was, shaking them to try and make them visible.
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8:45am Mar 21 2010
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Posts: 5,406
Jessica turned visible and looked at him scared her red eyes looking up at him from under her hood that hid her face.
8:47am Mar 21 2010
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Posts: 3,662
(( Join? :D ))
8:51am Mar 21 2010
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Posts: 2,378
((Of course Luaren)) Dryac bared his fangs at the girl, she was beautiful, but he wouldn't let that hamper his mission, or at least he thought that way, "Who are you and what do you think you're doing following me and my cousin?" "Yeah, what he says." Ryac probably could have thought of something better but right now he couldn't be particularly bothered.
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