12:42pm Mar 25 2010
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Posts: 5,835
((This is turning into a 1x1...I think I might have to leave.))
12:44pm Mar 25 2010
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Posts: 2,378
Dryac grinned a toothy grin, this vampire made him feel like a small child once again, he sniffed the air, looking for her scent underneath the smell of hormones, "You know I'm going to find you love." Ryac put his arm around Kirsty, enjoying sitting there with her by the fire.
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12:45pm Mar 25 2010
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Posts: 2,378
((Ssather, you will come abck into it soon, there is a fight that you hear and come to investigate, it will be soon.))
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12:49pm Mar 25 2010
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Posts: 5,835
((Okay, I will wait for the fight then.XD))
12:56pm Mar 25 2010
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Kirsty smiled and licked his neck grinning. Jessica giggled and everytime he came close to her she would teleport somewhere else.
1:04pm Mar 25 2010
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Dryac had an idea, he stood up straight, sniffed the air, zeroed in on her position and used his old hole trick, appearing right behind her, hugging her from behind and lifting her in the air, cuddling her and kissing her neck. Ryac licked Kirsty back, feeling his love growing.
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2:11pm Mar 25 2010
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Jessica laughed before hugging him back putting her head into his neck smiling. Kirsty suddenly turned into her wolf form and cuddled into him whining abit because she cant control her wolf side.
2:46pm Mar 25 2010
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Posts: 2,378
Dryac pushed Jessica to the floor and began kissing her... (Might wanna time skip this) Dryac instantly turnced into his white wolf form, he kissed Kirsty as they fell to the floor... (And this one)
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2:48pm Mar 25 2010
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((lol ok double time skip lol))
2:52am Mar 26 2010
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((Kk, some time later...)) Dryac awoke lay in a hay bundle with Jessica, he looked down at himself and immediately reached for his clothes, which of course were in a bundle on the floor, he slid away from Jessica, trying not to disturb her, pulling his trousers, shirt and long trench coat on he began to walk out of the cabin. Ryac awoke with his chin rested on Kirsty's chest, a smile on his face, he reverted back to his human form and got dressed, attaching his blade to the waist of his trousers, he looked up as Dryac walked out of his cabin and walked towards him, "I take it you had that dream as well?If that means anything, it's that Xora is back, he was a challenge last time but I have improved since then, and you have almost perfected your style of combat..." "Yes, and of course you know the girls are going to want to come with us?" "Yes well by the dream, it looks like that happens somewhere in the middle of winter, it is just reaching the end of autumn now, so we can train them well in that time."
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4:39am Mar 26 2010
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Jessica had woken up but she kept her eyes closed pretending to be asleep when he left the cabin she listened by the door and looked shocked thinking about training she could fight if she wanted to but it was getting the urge to fight. Kirsty opened her eyes streching her limbs and smiled up at her mate and Dryac "hello" he said to Dryac before picking up her clothes and running in a bush to get dressed and walking out in her human for standing next to Ryac.
8:30am Mar 26 2010
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Dryac stretched and cracked his back, "Hmm, I just got a strange feeling..." Drayc sniffed the air and zoned in on Jessica, he concentrated on her face, and moved his glance down slowly until he reached her feet, and then moved it back up, "I have some good news for you, you're pregnant." "Typical, Dryac the single hit master, hehe." "That was extremely lucky, I am amazed it would happen so easily..."
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8:36am Mar 26 2010
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((get on AIM XD)) Jessica tilted her head wow really that fast smiling she walked over to him her hand on her stomach before she frowned what would happen to her training if she was pregnant then she couldnt fight incase it hurt the baby.
8:43am Mar 26 2010
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Posts: 2,378
((LOL)) Dryac smiled to his new found love, "I am happy with this news, but unfortunately we will have to use the old vampire ability to speed up the process, it will not bring any harm to the baby, infact it will make it stronger, also after it is born we could do with allowing Ryac to give it some wereolf gene, his is white, stronger by far, the child will be mroe than capable to take care of itself."
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8:45am Mar 26 2010
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Jessica smiled and nodded happy to know the child would be strong.
10:07am Mar 26 2010
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Aurora yawned. She had been asleep on the tree. She listened to the news Dryac had to bring. I can't let him put werewolf guins in the child. She thought remembering what happened to her. She growled getting up and looked over to see Ash asleep against the tree. He is fast at finding me...I must be at the top of his search list or something. She sniffed the air realizing for the first time how hungry she was,"I am glad they have lots of prey here...But this isn't my tereitory so I should ask before hunting." She whispered talking to herself.
10:19am Mar 26 2010
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Posts: 2,378
Dryac placed his hands on jessic'a stomach, she rapidly grew outwards, and then her waters broke, it was truly an amazing ability for a vampire to have, this was just one of Dryac's abilities, "Now, Ryac, some of your blood..." "Always after blood aint you Dry?" Dryac pricked Ryac's finger and took the blood, put it in his mouth to purify it and put it in a vial, "now, to deal with this birth..."
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10:27am Mar 26 2010
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Aurora hissed knocking on the door,"Sorry to interupt, but you really shouldn't do that." She said her voice sounding very worried. Ash woke up,"What is going on?" He asked looking at Aurora. "They are going to mix the blood." She hissed.
10:40am Mar 26 2010
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Jessica was laying on the floor crying as she started to give birth to the child tears where falling down her face as she gave birth to the child.
10:44am Mar 26 2010
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Ash growled,"It is their child, and i am sure Dryac knows all the harm that can come to it." Aurora rolled her eyes,"Better then us? We are actual victums and I would hate to see someone go through the trouble that we have had." She hissed knocking on the door again. Her knock seemed more rushec and scared.