8:55am Mar 27 2010
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Posts: 2,378
Dryac grunted at Ash, he knew he would put him down if necessary, he turned to Aurora and snarled, his fangs baring and glistening in the moonlight, "You had no right interfering in the upbringing of y son, you have no idea of the capabilities of the demon blood that courses through mine, and now my son's veins, it will protect him from the harm of Ryac's blood, and strengthen even further the advantages."
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9:13am Mar 27 2010
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Posts: 5,406
Jessica looked at the baby in her arms as he lifted his arms up and spraxs flew from them not enough to put anything on fire but to give a little show and it looked like he was enjoying it.
11:31am Mar 27 2010
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"Why don't you just kill me then? I probably won't have a full vampire life seeing that there are ten others wanting me dead." Aurora laughed,"Plus, I haven't had a good, exciting fight in a very long time." Another Aurora appeared behind Dryac and the one in front of him disappeared,"Time to have some fun." She laughed only it sounded like her voice was coming from all sides. Another Aurora appeared next to Ask and whispered something in his ear. Ash nodded frowning.
11:36am Mar 27 2010
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Posts: 2,378
Dryac took off his Trench-coat and shirt, preparing to transoform if necessary, he spoke to his cousin and girlfriend through his mind, Take everything and everyone and get out of here, I'll find you fi I manage to kill this one. Dryac smiled as his claws elongated and his seyes turned from the red globe in the centre of the normal white eye to just two complete orbs of red, his fangs grew and his wings erupted from his back, "Bring it on, bi.tch."
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11:39am Mar 27 2010
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Posts: 5,406
Jessica looked shocked she didnt want to leave him what if something happened and she never see him again dissapering into some smoke like Auroras dad did she kissed Dryac looking at him with pleading eyes.
11:42am Mar 27 2010 (last edited on 11:43am Mar 27 2010)
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"This is going to be fun." All the Aurora laughed at the same time,"I have something to tell you though, so you may want to wait on the killing part." She added. She hopped down from the tree where she had been watching and smiled.
11:46am Mar 27 2010
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Dryac kissed her back and then looked into her eyes, "Go my love, i will survive this even if it means fleeing, I won't get caught short, I shall not leave you." Dryac then clicked his fingers, causing jessica to dissapear from the clearing and re-appear next to Ryac, he had also disabled her teleportation until he could get back. "Come on then you undead mutt, let me end your pitiful reign."
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11:49am Mar 27 2010
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Jessica looked at him tears falling down her face as she looked down at the baby in her arms as he looked at his dad before his eyes started glowing making his dad glow aswell as if giving him protection or strength.
11:51am Mar 27 2010
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Aurora laughed again,"You should be glad I am not my father." She said simply. Darkness appeared around and swallowing her up. She then reappeared behind Dryac,"Because this would be a lot harder." She whispered in his ear. She disappeared again before he could attack.
11:54am Mar 27 2010
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Posts: 2,378
Dryac felt something empower him, he wasn't particularly sure what it was but he was happy whatever it was did it, he flexed his shoulders, clicking his back, anger and power pulsing through his wings, "What a rush!" Dryac's facial ex pression quickly returned to one of anger, he hadn't realised his change in vocal tone, but everyone else had, the new power had changed him for the better.
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12:01pm Mar 27 2010 (last edited on 12:03pm Mar 27 2010)
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Aurora laughed. She smiled looking at Dryac curious,"My father would love you." She said her voice growling dark. She looked over at Jessica and smiled narrowing her eyes curious,"I really have to tell you something though."
12:04pm Mar 27 2010
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Posts: 2,378
Dryac snapped his fingers, he dissapeared and re-appeared behind the Aurora, he wrapped his hand around her throat and tore the entire thing out, leaving her to bleed out slowly, this was child's play for him.
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12:13pm Mar 27 2010
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Aurora gasped as her body turned into a shadow. She phased into a wolf and kicked Dryac off. Her hand flew to her throat as pain rose through it. She let out a scream of pain falling to the ground and all the illusions disappeared leaving a girl that looked like she was no older then ten. Ash wimpered as he watched theblood come from Aurora. He turned around and ran towards the basket of flowers she had picked this morning. He then ran back and nodged her,"Which one?" He asked shifting into a wolf. "None." Aurora said her voice sounding very weak now. She looked up at Dryac and smiled,"You did it. You set me free." She said almost sounding grateful.
12:15pm Mar 27 2010
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Posts: 5,406
Jessica was watching them then gasped as her body turned into smoke it wasnt her teleporting but someone making her suddenly she ended up in a forest far from the others while holding her son in her arms as she looked around feeling scared.
12:19pm Mar 27 2010
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A deep dark laugh echoed through the trees as Hunter watched the fight,"He is very strong...Strong enough to kill her, but I can't let him." He appeared near Dryac grabbing him and disappeared again. He left Dryac in the forest far enough that even if Dryac ran the fastest he could he still wouldn't be able to get to Aurora before Hunter healed her.
8:37am Mar 28 2010
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8:42am Mar 28 2010
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Dryac could smel Jessica, he could also smell the blood of Aurora, he steeled his choice and flitted towards whereever Jessica was, he wasn't sure how far it was but he continued to flit anyway, wanting to catch up and make sure she was okay.
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8:46am Mar 28 2010
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Posts: 5,406
Jessica was standing there looking around what had brought her here she was starting to panic wondering where everyone else was.
8:50am Mar 28 2010
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Posts: 2,378
Dryac broke through the tree line and ground to a halt directly next to Jessica, he crouched low, wrapping his arm around her shoulders and helpng her up, seething that he had not gotten a chance to get his coat and shirt back, "Are you okay Jess?"
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8:59am Mar 28 2010
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Posts: 5,406
Jessica nodded looking up at him glad he had found her but she was scared of the fact she didnt know what had brought her here.