11:33am Apr 17 2010
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Dryac looked at Ryac, he had caught another scent, before addressing that he turned to the pup he was now holding, "I do? what do ya think you smell like to me?" Dryac then shook his head and turned to Ryac, "Sniff the air, is that Cinder?" Ryac sniffed the air and pondered for a few moments, "Yes it is, I think it is anyway." "I thought he was dead, you think he'd lend us a hand in getting to this major lycan?" "Yeah, I think so, bring the pup, and follow close." Dryac held the pup more comforatbly, he then follwed Ryac as he sniffed the air, Ryac had always been better at this tracking lark.
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11:36am Apr 17 2010
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Posts: 17,364
" you know Cinder?" Calyx giggled. Cinder layed down. " to tired to run after them.. they`ll come to me."he said and waited for them to come to him. " he`s very lazy." she giggled.
11:38am Apr 17 2010
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Posts: 2,378
Dryac chuckled slightly at what the pup had said, "Aye, no wonder, I mean I know lycan's aging is greatly slowed, but it isn't halted like it is with us, he must be what... ooh, how old is your Cender now pup?"
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11:41am Apr 17 2010
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Posts: 17,364
" he`s sorta young... he`s not old or anything.. he`s just...lazy."she said. Cinder stood up and sniffed the air. " Calyx.....and....nah...cant...." he said confused.
11:58am Apr 17 2010
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Posts: 17,364
(( bump ))
11:58am Apr 17 2010 (last edited on 12:08pm Apr 17 2010)
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Posts: 5,835
((Can I join?)) Bio skelly: name-Katherine(Kitty) Hawk/ Ash Hawk/ Aurora Hawk/ Hunter Hawk gender-female/ male/ female/ male age-Unknown/ unknown/ unknown/ unknown looks- Kitty: 
Wolf form(Ash:
personality-Kitty seems very shy at first but really has a plan from the first time she sees you. She will gain your trust and then tear you apart with it./ Ash is always joking around. He never takes anything or one seriously./ Aurora can be very, very annoying most of the time. She has a big oppinion and is easily angered./ Hunter is very friendly. It is very hard for him to kill or even hurt someone but if they threaten his family he will rip them to little shreds and eat them. history-She doesn't really like to talk about it...She might tell later./ Erm.../ She didn't tell me./ Bleh. other-She is a vampire/ he is a werewolf/ She is a human/ and he is a vampire
11:59am Apr 17 2010
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Posts: 17,364
(( yupp! approved! :D ))
12:00pm Apr 17 2010
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Posts: 17,364
(( post when ready! xD lolz ))
12:01pm Apr 17 2010
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Posts: 5,835
((Okay thanks. I just need to get my pics up and then I will post.XD))
12:02pm Apr 17 2010
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Posts: 17,364
(( ok :D where ish reu...? ))
12:06pm Apr 17 2010
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Posts: 2,378
Dryac and Ryac both wandered the tree line until they reached the den that Cinder was lay outside of, "Still as lazy as ever i see Cinder? Get up and greet your guests." "Haha, yes, and greetings from me Cinder."
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12:10pm Apr 17 2010 (last edited on 12:13pm Apr 17 2010)
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Posts: 17,364
Cinder stood up. " so it is you two." Cinder smiled. " see what you get me into Calyx?"Cinder laughed." yupp."Giggled Calyx as she ran into the den to wake up starfrost..." noo!"Cinder howled but it was to late....StarFrost flexed her wings out. she cept Calyx behind her and growled.
12:15pm Apr 17 2010
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Posts: 2,378
Dryac and Ryac groaned at the same time, they had annoyed Starfrost in some way they couldn't wuite remember a century and a half ago, and she had held the grudge ever since, "Starfrost, back off and let Calyx out, we really don't want to kill you, I mean, I can't remember you ever doing us wrong." "No, you haven't, but keeping our new friend from seeing us is a wrong, so we'll kill for that, no problem."
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12:17pm Apr 17 2010
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Kitty sat on the ground drawing small circles in the dirt. She held her breath as Aurora walked by. She was so hungry that she didn't know if she could control herself is she smelt a human. Her stomach grumbled again. It felt like there was a huge hole inside her that was slowly sinking in every second she didn't eat. Ash looked over at Kitty. Hold on just a little long. I know we will come upon some food sooner or later. He thought to Kitty. Kitty nodded. She smiled and went back to drawing the small circles in the dirt. Aurora walked around Hunter, Ash, and Kitty. She heard a stomach growl ever so often and now she was so use to the noise and feeling that she didn't know who it had come from, "Where are we? I thought you knew where you were going!" She complained to Hunter. He was the one who had lead them to the middle of nowhere, where they had nothing to eat. This was his fault, and she was going to let him know it. "Aurora, calm yourself. We are all hungry and I am trying my best to get us out of here." Hunter sighed. He sniffed the air and smelt a few vampires and werewolves. We need to get Aurora out of here. He thought the Kitty and Ash.

12:21pm Apr 17 2010
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Posts: 17,364
"smell tat? i smell more wierd things! "Calyx giggled and she ran after them. she sniffed the air, ignoring StarFrosts and Cinders calls. she put her nose to the ground and followed the trail. not noticing where she was going she bumped into Kitty. she wagged her tail and tilted her head.
12:27pm Apr 17 2010
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Posts: 2,378
Ryac patted Dryac on the back and smiled, "Go on, you know what to do." Dryac then returned the smiled and broke into a sprint, he leapt into the air and his huge demonic wings erupted from his back, he soared through the air, catching up to Calyx with ease, he lowered down, flying close to Calyx and going just fast enough to keep up, "You know this really could turn out to be a dangerous hobby to have, chasing every scent you catch.?"
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12:31pm Apr 17 2010
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Posts: 17,364
Calyx jumped. " where did you come from?" Calyx giggled. she turned to Kitty. " hi!! im Calyx!"she barked. " StarFrost hold on there my friends" Cinder said.StarFrost bared her teeth. " i dont care just get them away from my home!" she barked. she howled for Calyx to return home.
12:39pm Apr 17 2010
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Posts: 5,835
Kitty hissed jumped up. She stood in front of Aurora pertectivly. Ash and Hunter joined her making a tight circle around Aurora. "What do you want?" Hunter asked narrowing his eyes. His brown eyes flickered from Dryac and Calyx. Aurora poked her head from behind Ash, "Did that wolf just talk?" She asked. She looked at the wolf full of curiousity and then turned to the weird looking guy with wings sprouting from his back. She gulped looking over at Kitty who was glaring at Dryac. Ash growled keeping a stern eye on Calyx ready to shift if any of them tried to get any closer to his sister.
12:43pm Apr 17 2010 (last edited on 12:44pm Apr 17 2010)
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Posts: 17,364
Calyxs tail slowly stopped wagging.her smile faded. "hi?"she asked and she stepped closer. "there taking to long...wait whats that...werewolf...vampire..." Cinder growled.
12:46pm Apr 17 2010
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((Joinnn? oUo))