8:18pm Apr 17 2010
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Posts: 17,364
Kohaku glanced around. he spotted Shishi and smiled he sunk low on the ground he got close to him..then.. he suddenly jumped on him. " hahahaha i got you! " he giggled getting off him. " wanna play?! " he asked wagging his tail.
8:20pm Apr 17 2010
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((Raithe said "Blood-sucker, do not touch me")) Raithe gave a low snarl as the werewolf leapt on Shishi, feeling strangely protective, "Baka ookami, nani o yatte iru!?" she hissed, trying to pull Kohaku off the vampire. ((Idiotic wolf, what are you doing!?))
8:22pm Apr 17 2010
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Posts: 11,785
Shishi yelped as he fell to the ground, the wolf having come too suddenly for him to do anything about it. He groaned, pale eyes flicking down to the rather playful werewolf. "After I can see straight..." he murmured as he sat up, rubbing his head and brushing off his kimono. ((Lolol. Solomon and Ai have nothing to do. xDD))
8:26pm Apr 17 2010
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Raithe cuffed the wolf around its head, none too lightly, "Sore wa kyūketsuki da~tsu ta, ōkami otoko no teki!" she hissed, her blind eyes glaring at the wolf unkindly. ((That was a vampire, their the enemies of werewolves!"
8:28pm Apr 17 2010 (last edited on 8:33pm Apr 17 2010)
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Kohanu walked out of the brush over to Kohaku. she pushed him to the ground and grabbed his neck. Kohanu tightened her grip. Kohaku squirmed trying to get out of her grasp. she let go of him and pointed the other direction. " GO " was all she said. Kohaku whimpered as his ears went back and his tail between his legs." you should know better!" she barked.
8:34pm Apr 17 2010
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"Oi..." Shishi murmured. "I can understand you, you know..." he muttered as he stood up, brushing the rest of himself off with a small frown. HE hated that he could still be snuck up on. IT irritated him. ((Where should Solomon and Ai come back in at? e.o))
8:37pm Apr 17 2010
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((Beats me, Raithe is my only charrie)) Raithe rolled her sightless eyes, "Well, if you can understand me, I'll speak in wolf," she retorted coldly. She glanced back at the wolf and saw another one there as well. Giving out a series of barks and yips, she asked them their name and who they were.
8:37pm Apr 17 2010
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Posts: 17,364
(( they can help Calyx ^^ Blaze hates his kind so while Calyx was hiding ina tree, he caught the tree on fire and blocked the exit, she got out but is unconsous ))
8:39pm Apr 17 2010
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" Kohanu." she said then she turned to Kohaku. " K-kohaku..." he whimpered. (( Fail xD ))
8:40pm Apr 17 2010
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((Sorry but it was o3o)) Raithe sighed, "Why are you here?" she asked in wolf tongue, crossing her arms ovwer her chest. She watched them carefully, not wanting to be leapt on like Shishi had been by another wolf.
8:42pm Apr 17 2010
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Posts: 17,364
"none of your buisness." Kohanu growled. " our species was destroyed were the only of our kind left we came here to try and revive our kind." Kohaku said. Kohanu growled at Kohaku making him jump back.
8:44pm Apr 17 2010
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Posts: 9,641
Raithe chuckled coldly at this, "Only?" she said in english, her tone aloof, "THen how do you explain what I am?" she shifted then, her large (She's as tall as a man's -Shishi- chest) white form towering over them. "So I'm not a werewolf?" she growled.
8:48pm Apr 17 2010
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Posts: 17,364
" you`ve got it all wrong." Kohaku said. " me and my sister and a different type of breed of werewolf... we were called the 'Gem Wolves' because of well, what we look like."
8:48pm Apr 17 2010
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Shishi snorted before turning around to go disappear back into the mist, hands lifted to slide into the opposite sleeve. He closed his eyes, pausing a moment to listen to the things around him, a soft smile gracing his pale face. Solomon and Ai had been walking in their human forms when they had come upon a young lycanthrope pup. Ai walked over first to gently lift her up, lifting her gaze up to Solomon. "We need a healer..." He nodded, then looked around, blinking his slitted amber eyes.
8:50pm Apr 17 2010
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Raithe sighed softly, closing her eyes to reveal the black crescent moon scars on her eyeslids (they change color depending on her form). "I know what it feels like, but it gives you no reason to attack...or play with a vampire. Most would have killed you," she snarled, not liking the two yougsters but not abandoning them.
8:54pm Apr 17 2010 (last edited on 8:55pm Apr 17 2010)
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Calyxs ear was half burnt off and so was her back paw and her fur was singed. calyx woke up. " where am i.." she said as she whimpered. " i hurt.." she whimpered. " i just wanted to play..." Kohaku said. " oh shut up." Kohanu barked.
8:59pm Apr 17 2010
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Posts: 11,785
Ai knelt down, setting the young pup on her lap, getly petting her fur, must like a mother would to help console her young. But she wasn't this pup's mother... Actually, where /was/ this pup's mom? "We're going to help you, little one," she told her softly. At that point, Solomon decided to just go look for help after shifting into his werewolf form, lifting his head head to howl.
9:03pm Apr 17 2010
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Posts: 17,364
(( Calyxs parents were killed by a rogue werewolf but StarFrost tells her that they got lost and they will come back for her....D: )) Calyx told Ai what StarFrost told her and whimpered. she said again," i hurt..."
9:06pm Apr 17 2010
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Posts: 9,641
Raithe heard the whimpering of a pup and the soothing tones of a human. She loped through the forest, following the clear sounds. She burst through the undergrowth and saw a burnt tree, still smoking gently, and two people and a pup. "What happened?" she asked. THough she disliked peopler her age, she couldn;t help but feel sorry for this burnt pup.
9:13pm Apr 17 2010 (last edited on 9:18pm Apr 17 2010)
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Posts: 17,364
" i dont...K-....kno- " Calyx closed her eyes, her heart beating faintly. Kohanu looked at the burnt pup. Kohaku almost cried. " i wish i was a healer.." he said." well you dont need to be a healer to know that pups not gonna survive the night." Kohanu said coldly.