11:14pm Jul 30 2011
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Posts: 1,248
((Would it be alright if I joined aswell? I've been looking for a vampire rp for a while. This one sounds really fun.))
11:16pm Jul 30 2011
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Posts: 6,409
((Sure, Tiger.))
Love is all we need~
11:20pm Jul 30 2011 (last edited on 2:27am Jul 31 2011)
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((Thanks!)) Name: Forra Colleen Age: 17 Gender: Female Appearance/Deion:  Personality: Forra is a little stubborn but once you get to know her and the more she opens up to you the nicer she is. But she does get ticked off really easy and she can be a bit destructive when she is. She isn't afraid of many things. History: She and her brother were raised by their parents. They knew they were different but wasn't sure what it was until the letter came and their parents explained what they are. Both of them were always treated different back at the school they used to attend. Forra hopes that at this school she and her brother might be treated as normal. Power[s]: She can shapeshift into a white raven and a white fox. She can control darkness(shadows, make all the light around her dim or vanish). Pets/Familiars: Forra has a female raven with a white beak named Anaria. Other?: Her and her brother Triston are not twins even though they look quite a like. If you can't tell her eyes are amber. She does not wear the outfit in the pic. She wears a black T-shirt with a Yoko chibi skull desighn. Black jeans, black tennis shoes with a Yoko chibi skull on the sides. The Yoko chibi skull looks like this> . She also weras a black New Era Fedora hat. Her favorite color is black. ------------- Name: Triston Colleen Age: 18 Gender: Male Appearance/Deion:  Personality: Triston is like the polar oposite of his younger sister. He's a lot more calm and rational. He's a loner type. He can get mad sometimes but no where near as much or as easy as Forra. But even Forra is afraid of him when he's mad. History: He and his sister were raised by their parents. They knew they were different but wasn't sure what it was until the letter came and their parents explained what they are. Both of them were always treated different back at the school they used to attend. Both wanted to be normal. Triston gave up on the possability of being normal once he found out about what he is. Power[s]: Triston can shapeshift into a white raven and a white wolf. He can control water(water, ice, mist things like that). Pets/Familiars: Triston has a male raven with white talons named Anek. Other?: Triston and Forra are not twins even though they look quite a like. Oh and if you can't tell his eyes are amber.

3:04am Jul 31 2011 (last edited on 5:23pm Aug 2 2011)
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((Just wondering but are all of our charries like meeting up at the school or a bus?)) Forra banged on Tristons' door yelling, "Wake up! Triston you better wake up or I'm goingto bust this door down!" She was mad. A loud caw came from inside the room then an "Ow!" from her brother. It seems his raven Anek had decided to peck him. "See! Even your bird is agreeing! Now get up and open this do-" Triston opened the door as Forra was yelling. He looked mad and he had his upset raven sitting on his head. Aneks' white tallons were tangled in Tristons' also white hair. Forra and Triston looked a lot a like and many people misstook them as twins. But they're not, they're actually the complete opposite of each other. Except the fact they can be a bit scary when mad. Triston more so cause of how rare it is and how much anger he could release. He can be really unpredictable some times. "Move it." Triston said. Forra moved aside quickly as Triston came walking out with his bags. "Finally..." Forra whispered as she went and grabbed her things. Anaria, her raven with a white beak, jumped on top of her hat and sat down. She fit perfectly there and loved that spot. Forra followed her grumpy brother outside and to the bus stop. The two siblings ignored each other and waited there in silence. With the small exception of bird chatter on top of their heads.

4:13am Jul 31 2011
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Posts: 1,117
6:31pm Jul 31 2011 (last edited on 1:57pm Aug 4 2011)
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(IT EATED MY BIOS GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRATHAETEARJW HOGERUIAGHERIOPGAHWERIONABGR IH GAIOdrfghvt3 5s gi Now I must redo them. 3<<< AND AFTER I HAD THEM ALL PERFECT ;A; I mean.. they were done up all specialll..! ;A; ) Name: Shay Peyel Age: Recently 15 Gender: Female Appearance/Deion: Shay has long, straight, dark brown hair that goes to a little above the tippety-top of her stomach area. Her hair is usually put into a ponytail on some occassions. She is only 95 pounds, often being referred to as "skinny as a stick" by her friends at school as a joke or tease, but she doesn't mind. Her eyes are a darkdarkdark green with brown flecks near the pupil. She is not pale nor tan; a nice medium, if you will, though she a small notch on the pale side. Shay stands at 5'5", and with that she is taller than her mother. Personality: Shay's big flaws are that she is too sensitive. If anybody even says that she is stupid in a mean tone, tears will come to her eyes. She has recently treid to control her crying, but does not succeed in holding back her tears. Whenever she is in front of somebody, she often leaves quickly so she can go cry somewhere in peace without people laughing or pointing. The second flaw is that she "likes to argue". Truth is, Shay hates it, but can be quick to say a comeback. That is due to the fact that she doesn't think much before she says something once the other person started to say something bad about her. It's more like.. an engine that starts on voice command, to put it simply. Shay also likes to have fun and be happy. Making people laugh or smile makes her smile. She likes to make jokes. She is also very intelligent. Another thing about Shay is that she cares a lot about what other people think of her.. a lot. She is also sort of stubborn at times. Say she is at a water park with Bob and Bob won't go on the slide but Shay wants to go, and she wants him to go with her. Even if Bob says "No", Shay will keep at it until he says yes or yells something like I'M NOT FRIGGIN' GOING OK. History: I don't want to type her boring history ok Power[s]: She can control and create water, though Shay cannot do anything with her power without practice. Whenever a water source is nearby, a lot less energy is consumed from her body, and she has an easier time doing attacks that deal more damage and require more energy. Aaand NO, the water does not just make you wet, ok? It actually hurts people. Just puttin' it out there. Her second power is that she can shapeshift into a white wolf with black-tipped ears and tail and a single black-tipped paw, which is her front left. Pets/Familiars: A German Shepherd named Johnny, in honor of another former German Shepherd in the family. Johhny has black going all across his back, the top of his tail, and the top of his head. Most of his muzzle and most of his ears are also black. Receding from the black comes a tan color with goes into a lighter tan as it descends into the chest, belly, and undertail. Legs are just tan. He has eyes that are dark brown, almost like dark chocolate, but not quite there yet. Her other pet is a completely black cat apart from the dark brown legs, chest, belly, and ears. Her name is Willow, but she goes by various nicknames from various people. Willow has medium-green eyes. This cat's nature is that she goes off... well, somewhere for most of the time. But whenever you need her, she just appears there. It's sort of a mystery how the cat always knows when to come. Other?: Nopesh. --- Name: Ryku Silus Age: 17 Gender: Male Appearance/Deion: Ryku is 5'9", nearing the 5'10" mark, and has light brown eyes. His weight is just where it should be for the average male seventeen-year-old, so he is quite fit. Ryku is a bit on the pale side, but not a ton. He has short black hair with bangs that go just above the eye-blockage area. Personality: Ryku is very solitary and is a tough nut to crack in most cases. When in some situation where he has to listen, he will just sit there doing whatever, but he really is listening. He also doesn't follow directions much in things other than school, and he likes to be alone[apart from his pet being with him]. Ryku does not like a lot of attention and he is skilled in fighting. He doesn't talk much, either, unless he really wants to speak out/feels he needs to. The only person he talks to pretty openly is his pet. Ryku doesn't really give a crap to what people are feeling, so if he hurts your feelings or something, he doesn't feel much on that. And if, say, a small girl fell down on the sidewalk next to him and started crying, and her mother wasn't qutie visible, Ryku would just walk by without any second thoughts apart from noticing. This boy isn't very nice to many either, and only his parents have ever seen him cry. Ryku does not really seem to care what others say about him, but every once in a while he thinks about it. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention this: Ryku thinks a lot. It sort of replaces his talking, in a way. History: muh Power[s]: Ryku can become invisible. He can also teleport. Also, he claims to be able to control/create fire, but nobody has seen him do it so nobody believes him. Pets/Familiars: A large black hawk with white flecks on the tips of its wings. Ryku was able to befriend it long ago, and ever since the female hawk he has named Shadoe was his companion. Shadoe is also called some other nicknames such as Shad and the like, but her "special" nicknames, you could say, are Dip, Dot, and sometimes DipDot or DotDip. Most often Shadoe is called Deet. Almost nobody knows why Ryku calls her those names. Other?: Ryku is perfect as a vampire lolololol -coughOtherwiseIwouldhaveusedColecough- (So yes. I have refined bios with more detail. >D ..and now they have less details because I think I realized I may have typed like a ton before. So now they are even more refined. >DD )
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
6:39pm Jul 31 2011
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Posts: 3,828
Ooc; Wolfie, I may quit if this group gets too big. D8 I've always hated that because I tend to get left behind or go ahead of others.
hello my name is elder price
7:16pm Jul 31 2011
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Posts: 3,950
(Noooo Shad! You must stay. I've always wanted to roleplay with you but the only other time, you dropped out and soon afterwards the RP died ;-; )
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
7:19pm Jul 31 2011
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Posts: 3,828
Ooc; I'll gladly do a 1x1 or Small group rp with you if you'd like, Ice. <3 I'm actually extremely bored and roleplay-less. xD; Send me an Rmail? :3
hello my name is elder price
3:53am Aug 1 2011
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Posts: 1,248
5:17am Aug 1 2011
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Posts: 3,809
[[Is it too late to join? If not, I have two charries here.]] Name: Allysonyanka Age: Just turned 14 Gender: Female Appearance/Deion: Long, snow white hair down to her knees, usually worn plaited to keep it out of the way. Sea-green eyes. usually wears black jeans and black shirts. Pretty pale skin. I mean, she is a vampire. Personality: Calm, shy, and pretty serious. It takes a lot to make her laugh, but if you do, you an almost guarantee you've won her friendship. Or she's laughing at you. History: Born a fully-fledged vampire, both parents killed by another vampirre, left alone in a house to die and ending up in foster care. Oh what fun. Power[s]: 1. Talks to animals. Like, understands them and talks back. 2. Can control animals (note-this takes a lot out of her) Pets/Familiars: Small, snow whitebaby bearded dragon (I've gone nuts over these lately since I got one) that often hides in her hair. Other?: Pretty strong wimmer. Like, really strong. Name: Mantalk Age: 18 Gender:Male Appearance/Deion: Black hair cropped short, red eyes, denim jeans and usually wears a leather jacket. Personality: Really outgoing, sarcastic, has a way of making everyone around him laugh. Is quite optimistic about everything, no matter how bad things seem. Power[s]: Green thumbs. Like, he can make things grew. His eyes usually glow whilst doing this. Pets/Familiars: Emerald tree snake. (if you don't know what it is, its a kind of snake that lives in trees.) Other?:N/A
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
4:20pm Aug 1 2011
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Posts: 3,950
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
10:42am Aug 2 2011
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Posts: 3,950
( bumpeez )
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
8:32pm Aug 2 2011
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Posts: 1,248
12:51am Aug 3 2011
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((Plz someone post... I'm bored...))
12:32pm Aug 4 2011
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Posts: 3,950
( bump )
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
1:41pm Aug 4 2011
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Posts: 6,409
((Everyone is accepted. You may post your intros now.))
Love is all we need~
1:42pm Aug 4 2011
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Posts: 3,809
[[Sweet thanks! I'm not starting, by the way.]]
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
1:44pm Aug 4 2011 (last edited on 1:45pm Aug 4 2011)
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Posts: 6,409
((The roleplay has already started. o.o EDIT: All of the students will meet up on the bus.))
Love is all we need~
1:48pm Aug 4 2011
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Posts: 3,809
[[*headdesk* Ignore me. I'll post my intro next post.]]
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥